Chapter 21

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Sansa's POV:

"Now Arya, this is the first time you will be seeing Winterfell since you left. I hope you like it." I say as we approach the gates. Arya remains quiet and looks around as we go into the main courtyard. "Sansa," she said to me with her jaw dropped. "It's so different," she says getting out of the carriage. I follow behind her leaving Ramsay with Henry.

"Do you like it?" I say waiting for her approval. "It's so different," She said walking around. "But, do you like it?" I say back to her. "I mean it is like you made it fancier, it was never fancy." She said with a blank stare. "I know it is different, but I wanted it to look better, before it was always so run down and sad looking, we wanted to make it look more presentable.

"It's beautiful, but nothing like I remember," Arya said looking around. "Well, your chambers are set up where you had them years ago. If you need anything there are maids circling around." I say a little upset that Arya didn't like Winterfell like I thought she would. "Thanks," she said disappearing. 

"You know that you two are very different from each other, so this all might not be her cup of tea." Ramsay said in my ear. He said as he handed me Henry. "I have to go talk with the general, Henry is starting to fuss my love." He said and walked away from me. "Everyone is just disappearing on me," I say to Henry as I head inside to feed him. 

"Arya is gone, your father is gone.... you aren't going to leave me are you?" I say looking down at him sucking on my breast. He is starring up at me wide eyed. His hand is opening and closing like he is waving to me. "Are you saying hello to mummy" I say smiling at him. He continues to wave and I stare at him.

He is so big now that he is almost heavy to carry for a long time. I finish up with Henry and call for Glenda. Henry needs a nap and I am sure that I have work to do. 

Glenda comes quickly to take Henry and I head over to the courtyard to talk with the commander in charge of all of the men and boys working at Winterfell. "My lady," he says and bows at my arrival. "Commander, so good to see you. I was wondering how everything was going with the renovations." "Everything is going according to schedule. The designs that you gave me are turning out lovely and the men have just started to work now after their afternoon break."

"Sounds perfect I am glad to hear that everything is on schedule," he bows one more time and I walk away. It seems that everything is slowing down and there is less to do because we are waiting till we can finally split from the crown. I walk towards the training yard and I am surprised to see Arya there with Brienne. They are sparing against each other and Arya is surprisingly amazing and fighting. She is even getting the better of Brienne.

They see me coming and they both stop fighting. "My lady," Brienne says kneeling at me. "Brienne," I say nodding to her as she rises. "Arya, I didn't know you were such a skilled fighter," I say smiling at her. "How did you think that I survived this long," she said back to me. "Well I didn't survive by fighting." I say joking with her. 

"That's because you didn't have to fight," Arya said putting her sword away. "Oh, I fought alright, just not in the same way as you did." I said to her fixing the hair that went in my face. "Don't you have things to attend to?" Arya said questioning me. "Ramsay is taking care of it today, I didn't want to take Henry with me." I say to her. "What do you mean?" Arya said confused. "Ramsay went to go see the general at our training camp a few miles away." I say to her wondering why she was asking. 

Sansa and Ramsay: A Happy Ending That They Never GotWhere stories live. Discover now