Chapter 45

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Sansa's POV:

"Darling you have to get up, the twins are crying and need to be fed." Ramsay said holding Catelyn in his arms. "I'm up," I say and Ramsay gives me one of the girls while he grabs the other. This past week has been very hectic. I am finally healed from the birth of the twins and have been devoting all my time with the Wolves as well as caring for all of my children.

"Is it early morning yet?" I say and Ramsay nods. "The sun is rising, the day is going to start" Ramsay said sitting down rocking one of the girls. He leans over and kisses me. "I love you," I say and get up to start the day. I have Catelyn in my arms and I walk over to Henry's room. He is in his bed still sleeping. I turn back around and leave him be so he can sleep some more. 

I nurse Catelyn and Ramsay has Alessandra all dressed ready for the day. "Is today the day that you are going to show the children the dogs?" Ramsay asks me as I hand him Catelyn and I take Alessandra to feed. "Yes later today after they get fed I will bring the children. I have assigned each couple of dogs the task of watching and protecting the children." I say very proud of myself. 

"What about yourself?" Ramsay asks me and I shake my head. "They are to protect the family, I can protect myself." I say and Ramsay stops and looks at me. "Protect yourself with what? The Bow and Arrow training that I gave you less than five times. You said these dogs were going to protect the family. You are a part of our family." Ramsay says starting to get angry. "Ramsay I will be fine, It is our new born children and young son I am concerned with." I say and Ramsay shakes his head as he walks towards me.

"Sansa, I want you to train those dogs to protect you. I need you protected." Ramsay says and I get frightened by his tone. "Ramsay-" "No buts, I won't allow it. Either you train those dogs to protect yourself or I will have them all killed." Ramsay said walking out the door with Catelyn in his arms. 

Shocked by what he said I contemplate what I am going to do.

There is nothing you can do. You need to train the dogs for yourself.

I get Alessandra ready and bring her to the nursery. Glenda is already in there with Catelyn. "Ramsay seems upset did something happen?" Glenda questions and I shook my head. "Ramsay is upset that I didn't train the dogs to protect me, I have been training them to only protect the kids."

Glenda set down Catelyn and comes up to me. "You are what holds Ramsay to this earth. Without you he would still be the murderous man that we knew before you. I can see where he is coming from" I sigh and look over at her. "I know, I just want to make sure that the kids are safe, they are my priority" I say and Glenda shakes her head. "I understand, but Sansa dear, you have to think of your family as a whole and Ramsay is included, not just the kids." I nod and set Alessandra down in her crib. "I am going to grab Henry and come back down." I say and leave the room.

I walk up to Henry's room and he is awake in his bed. "Mummy" he says and gives me a hug. I pick him up and change him quickly, "Where is Papa?" Henry questions. "He is downstairs, do you want to see him?" I say and Henry nods. "Okay, let's get you coat and then we can go and find him." I say and Henry claps his hands together.

Henry and I walk downstairs and Ramsay is down with the guards at the main entrance. "Jon said that we have to build up the wall of wood and make sure that the spikes are sharp, I want tar underneath so that the fire has a lot to stick to and it will last" Ramsay sees Henry and I walking towards him and he turns to see us. He gives me a straight glare and then looks down at Henry. "There's my boy!" Ramsay bends down and Henry runs towards him. 

Sansa and Ramsay: A Happy Ending That They Never GotWhere stories live. Discover now