Chapter 26

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Sansa's POV:

"It feels like we have be sailing for ages," Arya said on the top deck of the ship. "Arya it has only been two weeks." I say laughing at her. "Two weeks too long, I want to get off this ship and go see this Queen" she says pacing back and forth. "You will just a couple more weeks to go." I say while I feed Henry. "I've done all that I can do, I've trained, read, talked with Jon, and played with Henry. What more is there to do?" Arya said throwing her hands up in disbelief.

"Oh get over yourself," I say not wanting to hear her complain anymore. "Good morning darling," Ramsay said to me as he came up behind me. "Good morning Lord Bolton." I say smirking at him. Ramsay leans down to whisper in my ear. "So we are sill role playing from last night I see." Ramsay says biting my earlobe and my cheeks get red. He pulls away leaving me all hot and bothered. "Arya, it's nice to see you so bright and early in the morning." Ramsay says nodding to her. "Uh huh," Arya says, not paying attention.

"I talked to the cooks and the food shall be ready shortly." Ramsay says walking over to the starboard side of the ship looking out at the water. "What do you see my love," I say looking in his direction. "Nothing, all I see is water and it is so beautiful." He says turning and smiling at me. He walks back in my direction. "When you are done Lady Bolton, the food will be ready and we will be waiting," Ramsay says as he kisses my forehead and touches Henry's before walking away.

"You two are disgusting," Arya said with her arms crossed. "One day you will find someone that will love you just like Ramsay and I" I say back to her. "I just don't know how you two worked out. I heard that he was a monster and you said so yourself what he did to you. I don't know how he is so different." She says in disbelief. "People change for love, certainly Ramsay can be ruthless, but not towards anyone that he loves." I say confidently. "Well be grateful for that big sister or else you would be miserable." Arya said before going down below to go eat.

I clean myself and Henry up and we head down the stairs so I can get some food. Everyone has been on edge because of this long voyage. Everyone wants to get off already, but we still have a while to go before we get off this ship. Ramsay and Jon have been very distant, really only coming together for meals. I tried to mend their relationship, but there is only so much that I can do. I think they just need time. Hopefully by the end of this trip things will change or at least get better.

"Darling you are just in time," Ramsay says as he pulls out a seat for me beside him. He kisses my forehead and I roll my eyes. Every time that Jon is in the room Ramsay seems more affectionate towards me. I know that Ramsay is doing this to make Jon angry which it does. "What are we having today?" Jon says trying to ignore Ramsay. "Left over pork from last night along with some fresh chicken eggs, bread, and milk. Glenda says serving us our food. "Thank you," I say to her and she exits the room.

Brienne of Tarth walks in and I smile, I haven't seen her in a while. She got very sick the first week that we were aboard the ship so I haven't had a lot of time to talk to her. I figured that I would let her get her strength back so she could be ready for whatever is to come. "Halfway through our journey" Jon says stopping the silence. "I hope you are both ready for what is to come." Jon says looking at me. "We have been discussing plans and are almost to a solution," Ramsay says holding my hand. "I'm glad to hear that" Jon says looking now at Ramsay.

"Which reminds me, darling we have to meet with Braedon and Charles soon," Ramsay said to me. "I know, they have been working hard." I say cleaning my face and taking Henry from Ramsay, "I am going to clean him up and then I'll meet you there." I say walking out of the room and back to our new chambers.

I changed Henry quickly and get him ready for Glenda, she isn't here yet so I let Henry roam around the room. "Sorry, my lady I was just finishing up cleaning the kitchen." Glenda said going to grab Henry. "It's okay Glenda I was fine waiting, I know you have a lot to do on this ship don't worry about it." I say smiling at her and heading to Braedon and Charles room for a meeting.

"We were just getting started love," Ramsay said to me patting the seat next to him. "What did I miss?" "Well we were just going to finalize what we are going to offer the Queen. There isn't a lot to prepare for because we don't know what she wants." Braedon said. "Well we do know that she will want something in return. She is a big ally to have. I mean she has dragons." Charles said.

"Well I was thinking that we could offer her full military support, with the amount of troops that we have we can make her army bigger." Ramsay said shuffling through some papers. "She already has a lot of soldiers that she might not want that offer." I say back to him.

"I feel that she will want our men I got a count from the master we have 20,000 men now and with the last group done with training in a few weeks we will have 25,000 in total." Ramsay said to me. "I didn't know we had that many men." I say taken back. "The master at the training facility wrote to me a few days before we left and told me. Apparently they had men at their door wanting to fight." Ramsay said.

"Well that is thanks to your wife's idea about paying the soldiers." Charles said giving me some credit. "One of the highest paid people from Winterfell are the soldiers. They are paid more than the maids and servants." I say to Ramsay said. "I figured that the soldiers needed an incentive to get in the forces so I raised their salary." I say to Ramsay.

"You never told me about that, but that is brilliant." Ramsay said smirking at me. "I thought that once we start bringing in more money once this Winter passes we can raise the servants pay as well. They need to bring money home for their family." I say thinking about all of the servants at home and also Glenda who has done so much for me.

"We will have to see. I don't want to spread ourselves too thin." Ramsay said trying to change the subject. I make a mental note to remember to get their wages up because now is not the time to discuss this.

"So basically all that we figured out was that we are going to offer up our army and see what else the Queen asks of us?" I say believing that this meeting was coming to an end. "I guess so, we can't really discuss anymore until we meet her." Charles said.

"Soon enough we will arrive." Ramsay said smiling. "I just know that this is going to be great, we are going to have a powerful force backing us and nothing can stop us." Ramsay said so happy.

"You haven't met the dead yet then" Jon said walking into our chamber.

"This is a council meeting Jon," Ramsay said standing up. "Jon what are you saying about the dead?" I say confused.

"The dead are coming, and you are going to need to all the help you can get." Jon said and everyone sat in silence.


Author's Note:

Hey everyone hopefully everyone is enjoying so far! Can't wait for you all to see what is to come.


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