Chapter 31

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Sansa's POV:

"So she said that we could keep our crown?" Ramsay said to me confused. "Yes she was surprised and impressed that you went and fought alongside her men and she trusts us now." I say smiling and walking up to him. "This is a good thing." I say to him holding his hand. "It is what we wanted," I say hugging him. "I know it just surprised me that she changed her mind so quickly." Ramsay said looking at me. 

"We got what we came here for," he said to me. "Lets go tell the rest of the family," Ramsay said leading me out of our room. We walk into Arya's room and Jon was already in there with Henry and her. "We have news for you both." I say smiling at them. "Sansa we already know that you are expecting another child." Arya said not impressed. "Arya relax it isn't about that, Daenerys has agree to be our ally and we don't have to give up our crown." Ramsay said plainly to them.

"Thats great right, that means that everyone got what they wanted?" Arya said playing with Henry. "That is exactly what we wanted, now we just have to figure out when we are leaving." I say smiling at them. "Well we can't leave any time soon. At least a few more months." Jon said to me and I was shocked. "What do you mean?" Ramsay said questioning him. "We have to get as much of the Dragon Stone that we can and we have barely started to mine it. The wall needs to be prepared, we are going to be the first to encounter the dead so we must be ready." Jon said standing up.

"I'll go down and see the progress that we have made and try to get an estimate as to when we can leave." Jon exited the room in silence. "As much as this place is nice with all the warm weather I would love to head home so we can be back where we belong." I say sitting down and touching my stomach. "Sister it looks like you have grown already." Arya said gesturing to my stomach. "Once we get back to Winterfell the maester will be about to tell me how far along I am" I say to her.

 "I must go see if Henry needs to me he probably needs to be fed." I say getting up and walking out of the room.

As I roam the halls back to my room Daenerys was walking towards me. "Sansa, just the woman that I wanted to talk to." She said smiling at me. She reached for my hands and squeezed them. "I don't know how long you will be here mining but from one mother to another I want you to be in the best care. I have sent for on of the best midwifes in Westeros who supposedly brought me into the world. She is on her way to make sure that everything is okay with your child." Daenerys said looking at me for an answer.

I wasn't expecting this, I didn't know if we would be here long. "Daenerys that is so kind of you you didn't have to do that." I say back to her. "I'm sorry if I am hovering a bit, I just thought it would be something nice while you are here." Obviously this wasn't the reaction that she had been hoping for. 

I try to recover quickly to not make her upset. "I'm so glad that you called someone, I was worried about Varys and his abilities." I laugh and so does she. "I was as well, Varys is a very interesting man and I do trust him, but not on this subject" she chuckles to herself. "This was very thoughtful and Ramsay will be pleased to hear." I say releasing her hands and I start to walk away. "She should be here in a weeks time," Daenerys said as she walked to wherever she was going.


Sansa and Ramsay: A Happy Ending That They Never GotWhere stories live. Discover now