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Divit fumbled with the keys in a hurry, careful not to attract the prying eyes of his nosy neighbors. He didn't want them peering out of their doors, eager to catch a glimpse of any female visitors. He lived in a Gurugram society where the city itself wasn't that bad, except for the unbearable traffic and his unlikable neighbors.

Unlocking the door, he stepped inside and switched on the lights, tossing his bag onto the sofa. Avanti followed closely behind, clutching her backpack straps tightly, her eyes scanning the place as the lights illuminated the room.

To her surprise, she noticed a disarrayed sight: undergarments and a towel hanging on the chairs of the dining table, a pile of clothes on the dining table itself, used plates scattered across the square table in front of the sofa, and an empty beer can. Avanti maintained a neutral expression, even as she observed the overflowing washbasin filled with dirty utensils in the modular kitchen.

"It's...beautiful" she began, twirling slowly.

But then he noticed her gaze over his hanging underwear and immediately rushed to grab his garment and tossed it in the air and then kicked it under the sofa with his leg.

Pressing his lips into a thin line, he told her, slightly embarrassed " I didn't knew , I would have a company today otherwise I would have cleaned it"

"It's okay" Avanti smiled but only she knew how much she adored cleanliness. She was a person who couldn't even sleep with a single crease on her bed sheet or knowing that there is a dirty dish in the basin that needs to be washed.

"I will show you your room" She nodded her head and followed him in the hallway.

Besides how messy Divit has kept his home, Avanti noticed how the flat was well furnished and well painted. The floor tiles were also shiny and clean and the furniture was simple and beautiful. She fiddled with her fingers nervously when she thought about the rent. She was sure it would cost her thousands to stay at a place like this. With only twenty two thousand of stipend, she knew it was going to be tough for her. She was also aware that her mother will definitely send her money regularly and she had her savings to survive but she didn't wanted her expenses to go overboard.

As soon as Divit switched on the lights, the view came much unexpected to her. The room was neat and clean, the bed was made tidy and she noticed an almirah at the corner of the room. Besides that and the cabinet near the right side of the bed, the room had no furniture.

"Its..." She started.

"Beautiful?" Divit interjected, trying to outsmart her with a sarcastic response.

Avanti, however, was quick to catch his game, and a smug smile crept across her face. "Empty... it looks empty," she retorted, savoring the moment.

Divit raised an eyebrow, slightly irritated by her smugness. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he responded, "No one has stayed here with me for the past two years, so there was no need for me to do anything."

Curiosity got the better of Avanti, and she inquired further, "Your family or friends never visit?"

"They try to," Divit replied, sitting on the bed and stretching his arms behind him, "but I don't let them come. It's irritating. The first time my mother visited, she was all over me about my food and everything. She even befriended the nosy aunties in the neighborhood and invited them over. I enjoy my privacy."

Avanti pouted cutely, resting her face in her palms, and confessed, "I found that cute, though. I'm going to miss my mom."

Divit felt something stir within him, an unfamiliar sensation that he couldn't quite place. He cleared his throat, closing his eyes momentarily, trying to regain focus.

"Um, Sir," Avanti hesitated, calling him by his name with a hint of formality, "I was wondering about the rent. What do you pay for this place, and what would I have to pay?"

Divit examined her for a moment, realizing her concern. "Well, I pay eighteen thousand a month, so if we split the rent in half, you would have to pay nine thousand," he explained. He noticed the nervousness building up in her body language as she bit her lip going deep in thoughts and gripped the hem of her kurti from the corner. He knew it might be a financial strain for her, given her stipend of twenty-two thousand, but he didn't know about her family situation.

"But you know I could adjust a thousand or two, it's not that big deal considering I am paying for the whole flat myself till now" He suggested knowing very well that it will be a problem for her if she had to do it all herself;

Avanti pondered his suggestion, weighing her options, she was sure if she was going to stay, she was going to pay equal as him, there were no second thoughts over that but the nervousness was about the amount, nine thousand was a deal for her. To pay that amount only for a place to stay, she was worried. She had other things to look as well, her food, other bills like water and electricity, her personal expenses, her sister's expenses if possible.

But the place was good and if Vibhuti uncle had suggested, it would be safe as well. She mustered her courage and suggested an alternative, "Do you have a maid?"

Divit nodded, confirming her question. "Yes, I do. She takes care of the cleaning. I handle my own food."

Curiosity piqued, Avanti continued, "How much do you pay her?"

"She charges two thousand and comes four days a week in the morning," Divit replied.

Avanti's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, are you suggesting that you don't clean the house on the other three days when she doesn't come?"

"I do" Divit tried to cover up, but under her pointed gaze, he scratched the back of his neck and admitted, "Only if I feel it's dirty."

Suppressing a giggle, Avanti proposed her solution, "Sir, listen. To pay nine thousand for this flat might be tough for me, but I can manage. However, having additional expenses for a maid might be a challenge. So, what I'm suggesting is that you could let go of the maid, and I can take care of the cleaning myself. If you want to help, that would be great, but even if you don't, I'll understand."

Divit considered her suggestion, his eyes inadvertently drawn to a strand of hair falling across her face. "Fine, I'll talk to her tomorrow," he agreed, a subtle warmth spreading within him.

"And how do you manage groceries and food?" Avanti inquired further.

"I usually order from outside or grab food on my way back from the office," Divit explained, realizing she must have deduced that he didn't know how to cook.

Avanti nodded, satisfied with the arrangements. "This cupboard is mostly empty. Once I take out the spare blankets and a few of my jackets from there, you can use it to store your belongings. And if you feel a shortage of space, you can use the empty cabinets in the hall. There's an attached bathroom too," Divit pointed out, gesturing towards the door in the left corner.

"Everything looks good," Avanti smiled, feeling a sense of relief.

"Now, I'll go and change," Divit announced, walking out of the room.

As Avanti prepared to fall onto her bed, she was startled by a knock on her door.

"Yes, Sir?" she responded, jumping to her feet.

"You can stop calling me Sir at home," he said with a straight face, not waiting for her reply as he walked away, leaving her pleasantly surprised.

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