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His grip tightened on her hair as he pulled her closer, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. With a fierce hold on her neck, he savored the pleasure of her wriggling beneath him, demanding more. Her nails dug into his flesh, scratching him amidst the panting moans that escaped her throat. The intensity grew, and she could feel herself reaching the peak of pleasure.

"Divit, I'm close," Avanti's parched voice brought pleasure to his ears as he increased his pace, nearing his own release. Her fingers continued to move in circles, heightening her senses and prolonging the orgasmic ecstasy. Exhausted, she finally slumped back onto the bed, a fragile leaf drenched in sweat and desire. Withdrawing from her, he also fell beside her, panting heavily, and closed his eyes in utter satisfaction. Sliding his arm under her head, he pulled her against his shoulder, and she nestled against his chest, cocooned in the warmth of his love.

Despite the sudden urge to clean himself, he held her close, not wanting to let go. Being an early riser, it was always a struggle for him to stay in bed during the early hours of dawn. The approaching winter season intensified this feeling. The urge to cleanse himself grew stronger.

Making sure Avanti was fast asleep, Divit sneaked out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom. He took a refreshing shower, changed into a tracksuit, and grabbed his neckband. Locking the flat behind him, he set off for a jog. The streets were dimly lit, adorned with pale yellow lights and the early morning smoke from passing engines. Although the city seemed less polluted, the turmoil of mankind's hypocrisy consumed him, polluting his thoughts as always. He had always been a silent observer of his species' contradictions, immersed in a pool of unanswered questions and unspoken truths.

Questions- nobody asked but everybody knew and answers- that everybody wanted to give but nobody wanted to know what the question was. And in moments like these, Divit felt an edge over the world, a sense of superiority. He possessed a weapon stronger than any blade and more powerful than his own inability to express himself: silence. Silence- that had the power to silence the chaos that danced through the world, granting him peace.

Upon his return, Avanti was already awake, engrossed in reading Divit's diary and blogs. Her soft fingers caressed the jumbled scribblings of poetry with patience and tenderness. Each word tugged at her heart with raw brutality, strumming the strings of vulnerability within her chest. There were things she didn't agree with, but there was nothing she could deny of. The topics he chose to write about were the same concepts that humans often tend to forget with ease. Time never stops for anyone, yet as degraded humans of Kalyuga, we often try to beat time, forgetting that time will always be ahead of us.

Divit unlocked the door and entered, removing his shoes and tossing the keys into the drawer. He walked into the kitchen to warm a glass of water, pouring it into a pan and waiting for a minute before turning off the gas. Squeezing half a lemon into it, he strained the liquid into a glass and sat on a chair, sipping it slowly. After finishing his drink, he walked back to his room, quietly slipping off his tracksuit jacket as he entered his room, guided by the faint glow of dim lights peeking out from beneath the closed door. Expecting Avanti to still be asleep, he was surprised to find her awake, wrapped in sheets, with a loose kurta draping over her delicate frame. His eyes were drawn to the fresh hickey that adorned her neck, partially visible through the collar of her kurta. A sheepish grin spread across her face as she closed the diary she had been reading.

"Good morning," she greeted him, leaning back against the headboard and observing him as he approached.

"Morning," he replied, falling onto the bed and slumping beside her. Eventually, he shifted closer, resting his head on her lap.

"What were you reading?" Divit inquired, taking the diary from her hands and flipping through the pages with a rough examination before closing it and setting it aside.

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