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The idols of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi shone in silver as Avanti watched the three men worshiping the idols with betel leaves, showering water, and offering sweets, flowers, sindoor, and rice. After filling the hatri, chandol, and gujariya with kheel and batasha, they stood up, allowing the ladies to move forward.

Avanti maintained her poise, not wanting to intrude further as she followed Gayatri's actions. Surprisingly, Gayatri seemed unaffected by Avanti's presence, even guiding her through the various steps. Once they finished, Avanti stepped back and moved to a corner as Sanjay tied a kalawa on the wrists of his two brothers, applied a tilak on their foreheads, and gave them envelopes. Taking a moment, Avanti escaped the scene and walked to her room to retrieve the gifts she had brought for the family.

Carrying the gifts, she returned to the hall and stood in a corner, waiting for everyone to finish. When they were done, she stepped forward and took out a box with a shirt, gifting it to Sanjay. "Happy Diwali, Uncle," she greeted him with a smile as she bent down to touch his feet.

Sanjay stopped her midway, taking the plate to apply a bindi on her forehead. He tied a kalawa around her wrist and passed her an envelope. "Uncle, please, I can't accept this," Avanti protested uncomfortably.

"Avanti, please. It's Diwali. I insist," Sanjay insisted, thrusting the envelope into her palm, forcing her to take it. Avanti thanked him and turned back, walking towards Gayatri to give her a wrapped box containing a saree. "I hope you like it, Aunty. Happy Diwali," she said, bending down to touch her feet.

Gayatri smiled genuinely at her, returning the gesture and giving her blessings. "I am going to take the white one. Bhaiya can keep the blue," Milind said, taking out the packet and playfully tossing the other one at Divit.

"At least show me the other one," Divit requested, trying to snatch the white shirt from Milind.

"No, I am keeping this. It's linen," Milind decided, though he passed the box to him. Avanti shrugged, finding amusement in watching the two brothers. She shifted backward, leaning against the wall and wiping the beads of sweat off her forehead. Running a hand through her hair, she checked the time on her phone.

"Avanti," Gayatri called her from behind. Avanti turned her head to look at Gayatri, straightening herself and smoothing out the creases on her saree. "Yes, Aunty?"

"Here," Gayatri handed her a box. "For you, Happy Diwali."

Avanti's face paled, and all color seemed to drain from her. This was getting awkward now. "Aunty, I can't accept this."

"Why? It's Diwali. I am gifting you something," Gayatri insisted.

Avanti stared at the small jewelry box in front of her. "No, Aunty. Please, I... I can't accept this. Try to understand. It's too... It's too expensive— There's no need. Please."

Gayatri watched Avanti fumble and squirm. With a blank expression, she stepped forward and placed the box in Avanti's palm. "It's a pair of anklets. I hope you like it."

"Aunty, please, no—"

"—I am not giving this to you as anything else, Avanti. It's Diwali, and you're here for the first time. I would have done the same if it were any other friend of Divit," Gayatri's tone was firm as she revealed the truth. "Yes, but now that I know the relationship he shares with you, it would be wrong if I don't give you anything."

With finality in her voice, Avanti realized there was no room for further denial. Her eyes darted to Divit, who was already looking at her. After a momentary stare, she looked back at Gayatri, accepting the gift with gratitude.
Later in the night, Milind, Manik, and Avanti gathered around the table to play cards, reminiscing about their biggest blunders in life. Laughter filled the room as they shared stories and bonded over their shared experiences. The night passed in a blur of conversation and camaraderie, their moments punctuated by savoring crispy snacks and filling the cracks of their lives.

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