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Dressed in a knee-length burgundy dress, Avanti gazed at her reflection with satisfaction. A radiant smile adorned her face as she eagerly anticipated reuniting with her younger sister after such a long time. The last time they met was during Diwali. She carefully placed the gift she had bought for Riddhi, a beautiful sundress, into her handbag, hoping it would be to her sister's liking.

Checking the time on her phone, Avanti turned off the lights in her room and made her way to Divit's room. She knocked gently before entering.

"Divit, I'm heading out," she announced.

Divit looked up from his laptop and was momentarily stunned by her captivating appearance. She looked stunning, draped in shades of wine. Since Avanti had come to Gurugram, Divit had mostly seen her in casual outfits like T-shirts and jeans, with occasional Indian attire.

"You won't be back tonight, right?" he asked, his eyes roaming over her figure, a mix of interesting and captivating thoughts dancing in his mind as he struggled to resist temptation.

Under the intensity of his gaze, Avanti felt a shiver run down her spine, and she shifted slightly before clearing her throat. "Yes, it will be very late. Besides, I want to spend some time alone with Riddhi," she replied. As Divit stood up, they walked out together. "But I'll be back early in the morning."

"Don't wake me up," he told her, eyeing her intently.

She rolled her eyes. "I have my keys."

"How are you getting there?"

"By cab," she paused, turning to face him. "And I'll take a cab back as well. Don't worry," she reassured him, offering a warm smile.

He nodded.

As Avanti exited the apartment, Divit continued to gaze at her from the doorway. His intense stare bore into her back as she waited for the elevator.

"Avanti," his voice called out as the elevator doors chimed open. She turned to look at him, her breath catching in her throat.

"You look beautiful," his husky voice crashed against the shore of her heart, igniting waves of pleasure within her. Her eyes shimmered with emotions, and her parted lips struggled to find words. Her gaze met his intense eyes, conveying everything she had left unspoken.

With a faint, enamored smile on his lips, Divit stepped back into the apartment as Avanti left, because for him, the unsaid was enough.

For him- she was enough.

Avanti arrived at the hotel Riddhi had texted her about within two hours. Surprisingly, the traffic in Delhi wasn't as bad as usual. As she entered, her first stop was the ladies' room to touch up her hair. After freshening up, she applied her lipstick and ensured her hair was just right. Satisfied with her appearance, she left the restroom while dialing her sister's number.

The restaurant was serene, with only a few patrons. The elegant ambiance indicated that it was an upscale establishment. As Avanti stepped into the dining area, a waiter promptly greeted her and led her to an available table. She nodded politely, offering a smile, and settled down while holding her phone to her ear. While waiting for Riddhi to answer, she glanced at the waiter.

"More people will be joining me. The order may take some time. For now, just water, please," she informed him.

With a brief smile, the waiter departed. Avanti patiently waited for Riddhi to answer her call. After a few unsuccessful attempts, she picked up the menu, her gaze scanning the elaborate names of the dishes and their corresponding prices. It was evident that the place was quite expensive.

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