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The world fell silent as Avanti clutched Divit's arm for support, and he pulled her closer by her waist. His lips moved slowly, creating an imperfectly beautiful canvas on her skin, kissing her heart as if it were a work of art. Avanti couldn't push him away nor pull him closer. The way his palms delicately touched her skin above her dress, she knew he was sober – sober with the intoxication of her presence. His small, soft lips moved against her fuller ones, casting a magical spell in the universe. Even in that moment, she could feel the stars shining brighter above her head, and the moon blushing shades of red as it hid behind the clouds. She could feel the flowers blooming despite the dark night, and the leaves dancing in acceptance. And she could feel her heart racing at the same speed as his, his chest beating louder against hers.

Suddenly, the sliding door shifted, making a loud noise that startled them apart. Naveen entered, stumbling and babbling about a challenge, leaving Avanti horrified and afraid of being caught. The reality crashed upon her, and she struggled to catch her breath, processing everything that had happened and everything that was happening. Her mind and heart raced, her knees wobbling, and before she could grasp the railing for support, her hand was held – by Divit, as if it was meant to be.

Bewildered, with softened eyes, she looked up at him to find him staring straight ahead. A warm feeling tugged at the corners of her heart, capturing it completely, as she stared at their hands fitting together like two missing pieces of a puzzle.

As Naveen walked past them, singing loudly and stumbling, giving her the impression that he might jump, her curiosity grew as he started rambling about a mission to water the plants while clumsily unzipping his pants. Amused, she pulled her hand back and leaned against the railing, folding her arms across her chest, and watched him with curiosity and hilarity. Her eyes widened when his pants dropped to his shoes, and he held the elastic to pull down his boxers.

She watched Divit rushing towards him, cursing loudly, and in that moment, she closed her eyes and ran out, horrified at the sight of her almost naked colleague and senior. Sitting on the stairs, she pressed her head, filled with doubts about everything that had transpired. It was like a flash of light – unplanned and thunderous. Retrieving her phone, she thought of booking a cab before he could catch up.

"You're not taking a cab," his voice came from above her, making her squeal lightly and causing her phone to fall into her lap. Tilting her head up to look at him, she found Divit leaning over her, staring back at her with piercing eyes, his jaw clenched in anger.

Avanti swallowed and stood up, straightening her dress and avoiding direct eye contact. "I didn't know when you would arrive, so I thought" Her voice trailed off meekly.

Divit raised an eyebrow, challenging her to continue. Clearing her throat, she descended the stairs and walked out of the building, with him closely following. The awkward and undeniable sexual tension between them grew thicker as they walked in silence to the car.

"Aren't you drunk?" she questioned him, not daring to look directly into his eyes.

"What gave you that idea?" Divit blinked, clearly irritated that she thought he was drunk when he kissed her.

Avanti's mouth went dry, and she stared at the floor, stupefied. What gave her that idea? Maybe it was the fact that he kissed her out of nowhere, or perhaps it was the fact that she let him and tried to blame it on the alcohol.

"I just had a glass of beer at the party. I'm not much of an alcohol fan," he continued, his irritation evident.

Avanti nodded quietly and sat in the car, feeling both confused and horrified. Her breath hitched when his finger brushed against her dress while he changed gears. Breathing heavily, she pressed her lips together, trying to suppress her growing desire for something that was better left unfinished.

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