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Avanti checked herself one final time in the mirror. She knew she looked fine, and the cranberry sleeveless dress hugged her curves just right. Although it wasn't as expensive as it appeared, a slight regret of spending money on a dress overshadowed her thoughts of the upcoming coaching installment for her sister. But she shrugged it off and picked up the oversized cropped denim jacket, wearing it over her dress and taking her sling bag along. As she put some money inside the bag, her eyes went to the bottom, where the cheap black leather was peeled off, revealing the inner material.

She threw the bag on the bed with a sigh and kept the money in her pocket, unplugging her phone from the charger. Her eyes darted back to the bag, but she shrugged off the thought and walked out.

Meanwhile, Divit tied his laces, pondering the probability of Avanti attending the party. He had tried asking her multiple times throughout the day, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Taking the first step felt wrong, yet he couldn't ignore the absence of her laughter in his life.

What infuriated him the most was his own ego. He knew he wasn't usually like this. He was always the person who expressed his feelings, but he couldn't understand why his ego was winning over his desire for her.

Home didn't feel like home anymore. The sound of her carefree laughter and the glow of her presence had become significant to him. Without her smiles, his life seemed purposeless. She had become his addiction, filling a void he never knew existed.

Before Avanti, he lived a life of routine, devoid of motivation, and he fought his inner demons by giving up on his dreams. It was a life without motion, a poetry admired by many, but when touched, revealed broken and meaningless words, portraying a grey story.

He didn't realize when she effortlessly made her way into his life. Her impact was subtle, even to herself. His life hadn't changed; it was still devoid of purpose, and his demons remained hidden beneath the veil of ignorance. But his story had transformed, and the grey had gained a splash of color.

Lost in his thoughts, Divit's reverie broke as he heard the sound of heels clicking on the marble floor. He turned his head and was left stunned. Avanti walked clumsily, adjusting her dress and pushing her hair back. Her face shone in the dim light of the hallway, racing his heart.

Unable to control the loose smile that tugged at his lips, Divit watched her with acceptance. Her clumsiness held a confidence that most women lacked, unlike anyone he had ever known.

Sensing his gaze on her, Avanti looked up and shivered, feeling a strange sensation in her stomach. She couldn't help but steal glances at him often, and it troubled her. It was more than just attraction. The looks they shared always held a new story to tell.

Clearing her throat, she looked away and walked to the table to pick up her keys.

"Avanti," Divit called out, catching her off guard.

Lost in her thoughts, Avanti picked up the keys and walked to the kitchen to check the gas.

Divit watched her as she switched off the extra lights and filled up the water bottles. Silence hung in the air, overpowering the chance for emotions to flow through words. Words appeared illusory, lacking importance between them. Silence triumphed, screaming louder than words ever could, winning battles of ego and breaking truths through bitter moments.

With her head held high, without sparing him a glance, Avanti walked past Divit, intending to leave.

"We can go together," his voice was soft.

Avanti stopped and turned to look at him. "No, it's fine. Thank you, but I will take a cab."

He kept looking at her for a few moments, as if trying to shake her resolution. Sighing, he accepted defeat. "Can't we stop this now?"

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