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Avanti stared at the monitor and other broken junk parts lying in the corner of her room and sighed. What was she thinking when she decided to bring that with her? Didn't she have more pressing matters to focus on rather than bringing something she found fascinating?

Just two days out of her city, leaving her home, aspiring to chase her dreams, and everything already felt like slipping out of her hands. Avanti got up and walked onto the balcony, wearing an oversized hoodie over her thin T-shirt. She looked at the black sky, slightly blurred above her head due to the fog threatening to capture the darkness, and felt a connection. It mirrored the situations ahead of her, ready to trap her as she struggled to find a way out.

Her mother was sick and alone, with nobody to take care of her. Avanti was continuing with her job and tuitions, juggling responsibilities, so she could pay for her younger sister's education expenses. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, which flew when the cold wind teased her tresses, she tightened her grip on the iron railing.

After an early dinner, when she walked back into her room, she beamed as she received a video call from her sister, Riddhi. They talked about everything, and at the end, with hesitation, her sister shared that she needed to submit the remaining fees for her IIT coaching soon.

Avanti was glad that Riddhi shared it with her first rather than their mother. Only Avanti knew the actual fees they were spending on Riddhi's studies. Their mother was kept under the delusion of much lesser fees because Avanti knew if she found out the truth, she would never agree to it. She would say they couldn't afford it and they shouldn't risk everything they had. Riddhi would have definitely stepped back, but Avanti was determined to provide her sister with everything she deserved or at least needed to build a successful career. She didn't want her sister to compromise and settle for a less reputed college, as Avanti herself had done when she couldn't afford a better college for her engineering education.

Avanti had no one to oversee her own expenses, but Riddhi had her. She wasn't going to back down from her responsibilities. Shivering as the cold wind kissed her legs through her old cotton pajamas, she realized that the weather was turning colder. She looked at the howling clouds and wondered if it was going to rain tomorrow.

Sliding the balcony door closed behind her, she walked back into her room and threw herself on the bed, enveloping herself in the warmth of her blanket. Maybe she should look for another part-time job that she could manage alongside her full-time training. The thought excited her. She just had to work harder, and it would be a solution. But where and how?

She looked at the time; it was past midnight. Would it be right to disturb her housemate, who was also her boss, at this late hour? Would he be sleeping? At first, she thought about talking to him the next day, but the sudden excitement in her stomach prevented her from sleeping. She got up, straightened her pajamas, and walked out to check if Divit was awake.

Divit was lying on his bed sideways, his head resting on his palm as he worked on his laptop, updating the reports for the project he was currently involved in. He glanced at the A4 sheets in a file, straightened up a little to read them, and ran a hand through his already messy hair when he heard a knock on his door.

Glancing at the time, he frowned but asked Avanti to come in. She walked into his room, and he sat up properly on the bed, giving her his full attention.

"I wanted to ask you something," she said, stopping close to his bed after quickly surveying his room. It carried his fragrance, a scent she couldn't quite define but which reflected his aura.

"At this time?" Divit raised an eyebrow.

Avanti smiled and rolled her eyes, pouting. "Don't complain. You weren't even sleeping."

He chuckled lightly at her words and shook his head. "Still..." He trailed off.

"I need a job," Avanti started.

"You already have one," Divit interrupted sarcastically.

"I need another job," Avanti sighed.

"Don't like the first one already?" Divit frowned.

Avanti was irritated now. "Will you let me finish first?"

He nodded.

"I want to look for a part-time job alongside this one. Can you suggest something?" Avanti asked him softly, feeling a bit hesitant about seeking his help.

Divit was taken aback by her suggestion. She was a B-Tech graduate about to start her training at a prestigious company, so why settle for something like that? Was she out of her mind or did she desperately need the money?

"Do you know any local stores or anything that could help?" Avanti asked further, still unsure about asking for his assistance.

"I don't know..." Divit shrugged, feeling uncertain about what to say.

"It's fine," Avanti immediately masked her disappointment, got up to leave, and started heading towards the door.

Seeing her about to leave, Divit quickly moved forward and held her arm, stopping her in her tracks. Avanti was taken aback and stiffened as she felt his touch on her elbow. He pulled his hand back immediately, sensing her questioning gaze on him.

"You cannot take up another job," Divit told her.

She visibly frowned and raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"I mean...how would you manage? You'll have a shift from 10 to 5, five days a week. You won't have time," he explained.

"I can do something after that. I'll still have some time left to work, Sir," Avanti replied determinedly.

"But, Avanti... it would be tough for you. You're in a new city, and your shifts will change every week. I'm sure it will be similar to mine since you'll be working under me for the same project. But you should know there are three shifts: the day shift, evening shift, and night shift, also known as A, B, and C shifts. I generally take up A and C shifts, which you'll be assigned as well. You can't maintain another job with such varying schedules," Divit explained.

Avanti was aware of the timings, but hearing it from him and considering it that way, it felt as if she had been shaken out of a trance. How would she manage the expenses? She couldn't ask her sister to quit her coaching after just four months, and Riddhi was studying in another city, Hyderabad. Avanti needed to send her money too.

Divit observed her face transitioning from disappointment to worry to blankness, and he watched in silence as she stood up, gave him a smile that didn't reach her eyes, murmured a goodnight, and left.

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