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Divit arrived home late that night, burdened with pending work from the office and the need to explain his absence for the past few days. Unlocking the door and stepping inside, he noticed the light on. His gaze immediately fell upon Avanti, who was scribbling something roughly on a sheet of paper at the dining table.

"You haven't slept yet?" he asked, capturing her attention as he removed his shoes and placed his socks inside them.

Startled by his voice, Avanti looked up and asked, "When did you come?"

"A few minutes ago," he replied, throwing his bag on the sofa and heading straight to the kitchen to wash his hands. He grabbed a glass and poured himself some water.

"I was just waiting for you," Avanti sighed, wrapping her shawl tighter around her shoulders and walking to the kitchen to warm the food.

Divit sat down at the dining table, sipping his water while his eyes darted between the paper and Avanti as she prepared the meal, rolling the dough for parathas. He observed her silently, unable to shake off the effect she had on him, just like in the past. before finally getting up and walking to his room to change.

Avanti left the breath she didn't know she was holding. Leaning back over the slab, she closed her eyes as her heart pounded loudly in her chest. His unwavering gaze over her reminded her of all the times it had the same effect on her just as much as it did today.

It made her question herself about all the time when she had thought that like two mature adults they will move on individually in their lives but just one glance at him and it all came back like it was never gone- it never faded.

She was still stuck at something she thought she moved away from, years before.

It made her question her own beliefs about moving on and living separate lives. With just one glance, everything came rushing back as if it had never faded. She realized that she was still stuck in something she thought she had moved away from years ago.

And how strong were those jitters that shook her soul shattering her beliefs to whole, making her numb and proving she was dumb, thinking that it will go because she thought so.

It all came back before her eyes followed by a face from her faded memory.


A chapter, a closed chapter, a chapter that darkened the stains, splashed dirt over the already tainted canvas.

Her heart was torn by herself but a piece of it was him too.

As she heard the doorknob turn, Avanti swallowed hard, trying to regain composure. Divit brought the plates to the table, and they sat down to eat together. He consumed his food in silence, reminiscing about the taste of Avanti's cooking. Though it warmed the untamed corners of his heart it also left him with uncertain emotions of bitterness and hatred.

"You don't have to do this every day," he finally spoke, not lifting his gaze from his plate as he took another bite.

"I know," Avanti smiled softly, "But it's no big deal, and it's the least I can do."

Divit nodded, taking a sip of water. "But I don't like it," he added, finally looking up at her.

Avanti paused, dropping the rolled morsel back onto her plate. She smiled faintly, trying to swallow the hurt. "I'm sorry, but I didn't mean it that way. I didn't cook because I was trying to— do things for you. I cooked because..." She sighed. "Because I wanted to."

The visible hurt on her face pierced his heart, but his internal struggle with unknown emotions overshadowed the pain. "Whatever. Just don't do it from tomorrow," he waved it off dismissively.

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