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   "Lanie, can you find her?" I looked at her in most serious face I could muster.

   She hesitates for just a moment before finally letting out a heavy sigh. "I can, but it would take weeks. Maybe even months, I can't just snap my fingers and she appears." Lanie says with an exaggerated snap.

   Moments later we all hear a loud thud outside and we take a peek out of the window to see Skylar bending down at the bottom of the tree. I look back at Lanie and she is just as surprised.

*Skylar's P.O.V*

   I hit my head on a lower branch after sneaking back into my old territory. So it wasn't the smartest move, but at least no one was around to hear it for miles. Only Tracey knew of this place and she hasn't been here since mom went missing. Why would she come here now?

   "Skylar, you bitch!" I look up to see my other half jumping down from the tree house and landing a few feet away from me. "Why didn't you tell me you found your zing?!" Tracey shouts running after me.

   "How did you find out?!" I ask jumping on a low hanging branch.

   "He's in the tree house." Tracey answer pulling me down by my shirt. "He came all the way from Lequah just to find you. He said he was your mate and that he wanted to fuck you." Tracey says looking at me with a sadness in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice is as soft as her gentle violet red eyes.

   "Because, then I would have to rule the pack. And I don't want to do that." I sit up from the ground and stand in front of her. "You already know I don't like being in charge of something major like that, and an entire pack looking up to me for guidance. That isn't me. That's you and Carlos." I explain.

   "Well, since you're back and you have a zing, that means you are in charge." Katelyn jumps down from the tree house and stands beside me. "We can't have a leader that has everything weighing on their shoulder with no one to help them, and he's a prince so what's the problem?" Katelyn's voice is kind and gentle but I feel as though she's forcing me into a guilty state.

   "The problem is you expect too much for me." I back away from them and bump into something hard and sturdy. Something I don't need right now. "I'm sorry." I whisper before letting go of the small sphere in my hand.

   It explodes on impact and everything goes black so I run following the familiar paths I would take as a child. My feet glide over everything and I can tell I'm getting farther than everyone else. My foot laps over a root and I fall on the ground scrapping my legs.

   I let out a small whimper and within and instant I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me up and holding me against their chest. I struggle to break away from them, everything I try they just dismiss it and hold me down.

   "Let me go you bastard!" I shout kicking and screaming as they pin me down to the ground.

   "No way in hell." Adam's voice cuts through my screaming and he holds me close to him. "I'm not letting you go again, now you can either cooperate or deal with your pissed off sister." Adam says and I go limp regaining a little bit of my sight through the thick cloud of smoke. "Smart choice, follow me." Adam whispers lacing his hand into mine and we run away from the growing cloud of smoke and towards his territory.

    "Adam, where are we going?" I asked with a cough and he just kept running until we were miles away from the others.

   "There's something I want to show you." Adam explains with a smirk plastered on his face.

   I don't ask him anymore questions, instead I follow his lead and we run all the way to a little area not too far from the very edge of his territory. He pulls me towards what looks like an abandoned construction sight and leads me through the rubble and the rusting equipment.

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