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   I look at the petal around my neck and let out a small gasp seeing my reflection. The fangs are back so I close my mouth and gesture to Alice. Her eyes go wide but she quickly digs into her purse searching. She produces the bottle and quickly hands it to me with a pale face.

   "Excuse me." I mumble under my hand as I dash for the door. I start to cough as I run through the halls. When I look at my hand the color red stains my eyesight. "No." I try to run faster but I can't seem to run fast enough.

   I finally make it to the front of the mansion and dash out of the front door and into the limo. I can't help the coughing and try to contain my breathing. I cough into my hands and the blood starts to flow faster.

   I open the bottle and drink the rest of it trying to calm my body. I watch as my hands shake rapidly until they stop and I'm stable. I hold my hands to my chest and slow my breathing.

   A knock on the limo startles me, I look up and see Alice standing over the limo. I unlock the door and she quickly gets in seeing the blood immediately. She starts to panic but takes a deep breath.

   "I'm going to get the girls. I can keep the royals busy but not for long." Alice fishes out a small box and hands it to me. "Inside are three pain pills enhanced for this situation, only take one." She warns before dashing out of the limo.

*Alice's P.O.V*

   I run to the mansion and head back up to the throne room. I speed walk over to Naomi and John. "I need to borrow Naomi for a minute." I grab her hand and pull her away from John until we're out of earshot. "It caught up with her and she's bleeding." I whisper and her face goes pale. "Get the girls, we need them to make the medicine again, stronger this time. And we don't have much time." I warn with a pale face.

   "What's all the fuss about?" The Queen walks over to us but I quickly flash a smile as Naomi runs out of the room.

   "Oh it's nothing. I just wanted to surprise my sister with something. She hates to see her only friends leave her." I explain thinking of the first thing that came to mind.

   "Her, only friends?" The King asked as everyone gathered around me.

   "Well yeah, she didn't tell you?" I asked looking around at John, Adam, Madeline, the King and the Queen. "Skylar has never been able to make friends. She's just not stable enough, she gets sick easily, she has never been one to make a deep connection, and the idea of her getting attached to someone, only to have them leave her, scares her to death. Skylar has never been able to make friends until the girls. They're her only friends beside Travis who has been her friend since childhood. He grew up with us, he introduced her to the world after being locked up for so long." I fiddle with my hands trying to buy the girls time.

   "Locked up?" Adam asked.

    "Yeah, our father and mother agreed that she was far too sick and dangerous to be around anyone." I let out a sigh thinking back on her face as she stared out of the backyard window watching us play in the daylight. "She's not ready to be out of the house, so she sticks to the people she knows and trust. And to have them all walk away from her so easily, it's something she's been trying to neglect but I can tell she's hurt. Especially since. . ." I trail off trying not to think back on the memories.

   "Since what?" Madeline asked looking up at me.

   "Oh it's nothing." I wave my hand slightly with a fake smile. "I shouldn't even be telling you any of this, so please don't tell her about this conversation." I hold a finger to my lips and smile.

   "When you say sick," The Queen speaks up. "what do you mean? Don't you have magical plants that can heal her?" The Queen asked.

   "The Poserie Ravenous doesn't work-" The doors burst open and Katelyn steps inside.

   "Where is she?" She looks straight to me and I excuse myself from the conversation.

   "She's in the limo outside in the front. I gave her some pretty strong pain pills and, no doubt, she probably ate all three of them instead of one like I told her to." I say once we get out into the hallway.

   "She needs a higher dose of medicine then." Katelyn jumps over the stair railing landing right in front of the front door. I jump down and we run out to see the girls are already standing outside of the limo.

   "She won't unlock the door," Naomi says, her eyes are filled with tears. "She's coughing up blood, Alice." Naomi looks away from me and back to Skylar.

   "We have to get her out of her out of there." I run up to the door and try to pry it off. "Naomi, Nichole start making the circle and make sure to do it with gold dust. Katelyn, Peyton I need you to help me with this door." I order everyone to their stations and try to make sense of the situation.

   The medicine should have worked. It should have made her better, at least for an hour but it didn't even last ten minutes. She's getting worse, without eating and without being mentally stable, she's gotten into her sickened phase again. Too many things are happening that she's starting to feel crowded, trapped, and alone.

   "Skylar, get the door." I bang on the door trying to break it open when I watch her flick her hand to make the door stronger. "What are you doing?!" I shout trying everything I can to break open the door. "Skylar!" I shout her name trying to open the door with Peyton's help.

   "What's going on?" Travis walks up to the scene and by this point I'm crying.

   "She's locked herself in, Travis please you have to get her out of there." I plead falling to my knees. "She won't let us help." I cry banging on the limo.

*Skylar's P.O.V*

   The banging continues.

   The pain continues.

   The blood continues.

   Everything continues. Everything hurts, my pain has caught up to me. My mind has caught up to me. Everything that I have been pushing back has started to catch up, now it's dragging me back to where I started. Now I just have to wait until it takes me there.

   I block anyone from coming into the limo and lock myself in. I make sure the limo cannot break with every spell I can think of. Nothing can break through, no one can hurt me. I just have to close everything off, make it so that I'm invincible. Untouchable. Just like they said.

   Just like everyone said. They all said that I was weak, they said I was too fragile to be out in the real world. So they locked me up. Now I locked myself up, I am doing the same thing that they did. I locked myself up, to keep everyone else safe.

   To keep him safe.

   "Skylar! Open the door!" Alice bangs on the limo as Travis appears beside her.

   I continue to cough up blood. The blood taste like metal, as if I were made of metal. Pure iron.

   I keep the sour taste in my mouth focusing on one thing instead of everything. Eventually the banging stops, or maybe my hearing does.

   I can't tell anymore. I just know that it's getting harder to breath. Harder to think. So I give up. I let my sickness take me and try not to think about it.

   A flash of thunder booms in my ears and I smile, I don't know why. It seems so unreal that I think I'm dreaming as the thunder booms in my ears.

   It calms me down, it lets me lay at peace. Alone and forever in peace. So I let my eyes close, and I sleep. I slow my breathing until it stops, I calm my nerves until I can't feel them anymore. I just focus on the thunder.

   Then it's silent.


   So, in the last chapter I said that I was leaving my old school. Turns out my school found a specific bus route after hearing that I was leaving and they allowed me to stay. I almost started crying when I heard the news, and to be honest I was so happy I got to stay where I have been for more than three years now. Love that school and love my friends.

I'm in Washing D.C bitches. On a school trip

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