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   When I wake up, Adam is gone and it's late in the morning. I guess he got out before Travis could catch him. That's good. I sit up and pull the covers off of me walking over to the door.

   Walking all the way to my room I take a shower before changing into a pair of jeans and a black shirt that reads; 'Me? Sarcastic? Never.' and my favorite black leather jacket. I put on some tennis shoes and walk back out to the hospital room to see Tracey and everyone else freaking out by the door.

   "Where do you think she went this time?" Tracey asked looking around.

   "Maybe she went back to the forest?" Leo suggest.

   "Or maybe-"

   "What's all the fuss about?" I asked interrupting their conversation.

   They all tackle me to the floor and I can't help but scream as they start nagging me about leaving without telling them. I laugh at how silly they all look and soon we're all laughing.

   "Next time call one of us and tell us where you're going." Alice hits my side and I wince making her apologize.

   "Just joking but that did hurt. Anyway, let's get going we have to head out to say goodbye." I stand to my feet and we all head down the stairs first stopping to get some breakfast before heading out to the car. Travis waits for us at the limo and we all give each other a knowing look. "You coming with us?" I asked popping up beside him.

   "Yeah, Katherine said I'm not allowed to let you out of my sight because every time I do you end up close to death." Travis lets out a sigh and I laugh. "But seriously, you have to start looking out for yourself because all you seem to do is try to run away or die." Travis opens the door and allows us inside the limo.

   The ride to Lequah is quiet. No one says a word and the silence is killing me. Staring out the window my mind begins to wander, thinking about how I can say goodbye without being the mold I've fitted myself into.

   Before I can decide on something, we arrive at the farthest gates. Travis waits on the outside of the gate as two guards appear beside his window.

   "We're here to see the prince and the Beta." Travis says rolling down his tinted window.

   "I'm going to need some verification." One of the guards puts out his hand. I roll my eyes and roll down my window poking my head out.

   "Hey boys, let us through." I shout making them look towards me. "You wouldn't want to keep Adam waiting would you, he's expecting our arrival." I look at them with a serious face and they just nod and begin opening the gates. When I get back in the car Alice is staring at me expecting. "They can smell Adam's scent on me, so they know to back off." I explain.

   "And how recent is his scent exactly?" Leo ask taking a whiff. "Pretty recent I say." He looks me up and down and I punch him in the arm.

   "He's the one who brought me to the infirmary." I glare at Leo and he just rubs his arm as we ride into the gates of Lequah.

   We watch the windows all the way up to the gates of the Lequah castle-like mansion. Travis growls as more guards approach the car window and I can tell he's getting annoyed with all of these guards.

   I step out of the limo and walk up to the gate tapping my finger on the golden metal, just as the guards try to grab me the gates glide open and I can tell that Adam is watching us drive in. I don't bother getting back in the car and instead just sit on the roof as we drive into the beautiful front yard of the castle-like home.

   "Skylar!" Naomi shouts running in my direction. I limp off the roof of the car and embrace her in a tight hug. "How have you been? Did the doctor say you can get out of bed? Why are you not resting?!" Naomi questions.

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