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   When I opened my eyes again I'm in the limo. The doors are still locked and I'm on the floor. The limo is covered in dust, moon dust to be exact, and it's starting to get hard to breath.

   I cough into my hands to see them covered in my blood, but it's not fresh, merely stained. I sit up and open my palms stretching them as far as they can go summoning a few water droplets to clean up my mess.

   The blood is washed away and put into the air, now tainting the clear water. I pull out a small empty bottle and flow the water into it. I put it away in my purse and make sure nothing is left. The moon dust covers the windows and flows all around me. I reach out and curl the strands of dust between my fingers.

   "Are you the reason I saw her?" I whispered out.

   Of course the dust didn't respond and instead swirled around me. It uncovered the windows and Alice's tear streaked face was what brought me out of my small trance. I opened the door and immediately Alice rushed into the limo grabbing my hand and looking over me.

   "Why did you lock the door? Doesn't matter right now, we have to get you into the circle." Alice pulls on me until I'm sitting in the middle of a white summoning circle drawn out on the driveway of the mansion.

   "I'm fine." I speak up and everyone stops moving to look at me. "I just needed to think on a few things." I shrug as the moon dust swirls out of the limo and crowds my body. "I'm sorry I ruined everything." I whisper as the moon dust swirls it allows me to float upwards and I notice the girls float up with me.

   It clears away the summoning circle below us and sets us all back down happily. I look over to the girls who are all a bit startled. Without another second they crowd around me and embrace me in a tight group hug.

   "Don't you dare scare us like that again." Naomi curses a tear falling down her freckled cheek.

   "What the fuck man?" Peyton sniffles as she wraps us in a tight hug, refusing to cry. "Why the hell would you do that?" She asked with another sniffle.

   "I just wanted to have cake." Katelyn cries out and we all start laughing.

   After a bit we all calm down and I tell them about the dream, leaving out the last part of course. I tell them everything I saw, including my mother.

   "How about we think about all of this after lunch?" Nichole suggest. "Because, I don't know about any of you, but I am starving." She says trying to lighten the mood.

   "But we have to head back before lunch. We can't leave the pack defenseless all day." I speak up with a sad tone of voice. "I mean, maybe we can try meeting up later but-"

   "Nonsense, we have a few hundred guards from Lequah going over to guard the borders of Sofendi as we speak." Naomi waves me off and grabs my hand in hers as we all walk back inside.

   When we get back to the throne room everyone is silent, almost as if they had seen something they weren't supposed to. I walk over to Blake and Nick and they immediately look me up and down searching for something to tell them what happened. I almost forgot they didn't know about my condition.

   Tracey give me a look and I smile back at her. She just nods when the Queen claps her hands loudly.

   "How about we all get some lunch." She smiles brightly and I know it's forced. "I have had the chefs prepare a dazzling meal for us to all enjoy. It will give us all a chance to properly meet each other and discuss a few matters of business." The Queen's eyes linger on me for a moment before she quickly darts them towards the door.

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