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A/N: The photo above is something to give you an idea of where they are. So this is pretty much Skylar's treehouse only her's has a few less windows so she doesn't get found too easily. Only people who know the location can really find her. The oval windows are gone and the only way to enter is through the top window in the top left corner of the picture.

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  "I called him here, through a communication system our pack has. I'm sorry but I was scared and he was the only one I could-"

"It's okay Madeline. Family is the best to help when you're scared. I completely get it." I walk across the room over to a small table in the corner. "Believe me I know."

   I smile at how Adam is feeling really uncomfortable and I can tell he knows what I'm doing. I let my hands fly over the ingredients littering the table.

   "What are you doing?" Madeline asked appearing beside me.

   "Making a potion." I replied simply. "It's going to help us see what's happening outside of the tree house. And what's happening to your brother." I sneak a glance in Adam's direction to see he's already looking at me. "Your oldest brother." I comment with a smile. "I just need something from the roof, Adam watch your sister I'll be back in about three minutes." I climb the stairs with precaution peeking out at the woods to check the area.

   I send a small surge of electricity through the tree and it shrivels back a bit until I can shuffle out. Climbing a little higher in the tree I grab a small acorn. I blow into the acorn and twist it until it becomes a foggy white marble. I start my descend back to the window when I spot something unfamiliar crawling around the tree.

   I suck in a breath and watch as a werewolf walks around the area searching for us, I know it's not one of mine and I can tell by it's red eyes that it isn't a friendly werewolf. I pull my cloak tightly over my white dress and throw my scent in an almost running direction towards my mansion hoping that it follows my scent.

   As if it heard my prayer the werewolf begins running in the direction of my scent. When it's out of sight I slip down the edge of the tree losing my footing only for a second before I start to fall down the tree. As I pass the window I feel a hand grasp my wrist and pull me up to meet his eyes. Adam smirks and helps me inside.

   "Thank you." I say with a slight blush forming on my pale skin.

   I shuffle down the stairs and walk back over to my station pouring the pink liquid over my freshly made marble. It glows and sends out a pink smoke until it is sucked back into the marble and it's cloudy enough to block all the white fog.

   "Show me Corey Green, the prince of Lequah." I whisper pressing my lips to the marble.

   It glows and sparks until it shows Alice running with Corey on her back. Soon she stops at the gate of my mansion and quickly jumps over it running inside with Corey loosely holding onto her back

    "Can you see him?" Madeline asked tugging at my dress.

   "Why don't you see for yourself." I hand her the marble and she doesn't look away from it.

   "The sun is starting to set and it's dangerous to travel at night, we can stay here until the Rogues leave." Adam says watching the tree grow back around the window.

   I walk over to the trunk in the center of the area and send a small message to Leo through the trees.

   "We're safe for now, I have Madeline and Adma with me. Alice is at my mansion and the others are keeping the Rogues at bay in the East End." I whisper to the tree and it glows a bright green sending a smile to my face.

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