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  "Alright, I found the jars of wasp honey and the laughing butterfly wings. I got four sets and made sure they weren't damaged on my way here." Travis reports setting two glass jars on the window seal beside my blood and the hairs.

   "We managed to get six clovers and seven sundrops and we got two Stumpfrog throats. Each of them are smaller than the full grown one but it's all we could find." Peyton informs me setting everything down on the window seal.

   "Okay, I managed to get one rainbow dropping. Only because they were so high up I couldn't reach any more of them. And on my way back I found a sweet pea, I just remember seeing that on the list and figured I should-"

   "Shit." I curse bringing my hands up to my head. "The sweet peas, we need at least two and I had completely forgotten about them. And those grow up in the highest of trees." I say biting down on my bottom lip.

   "We have one of those here, it's a large tree that grows over the mansion and protects us from certain creatures, but I can't climb that thing, it has a barrier around it protecting it from anyone who isn't permitted up there, and only my mother, my father, and both of my older brothers are permitted up there." Madeline speaks up.

   "You said both of your older brothers. One of them is sick, where is the other, maybe he could get it for us considering the King and Queen are defending their territory." I say watching her fiddle with her hands.

   "He's out on the battlefield." She responds and I let out an angry huff of air. "But I can spot him out easily, only I'm too small to go in there by myself." Madeline says.

   "Travis, you take her to find her brother and hurry to get that sweet pea, we need that thing and we don't have much time to do it. We need the moonlight in order to complete this thing and I can't afford any more blood." I say taking off my black hoodie revealing the white tank top underneath.

   "Got it, stay safe." Travis nods in my direction as he and Madeline run out of the room and into the hallway.

   "Girls I need you guys to help as well, Tracey I need fur, werewolf fur from someone in their pack. It can't be that little girl and it can't be anyone out of the pack or younger than seventeen." I inform her and she nods.

   "We can probably get it from her other brother, so I'll meet them at the tree and grab a handful of his fur." Tracey says with a coy smile.

   I nod in response and tear a part of my hoodie wrapping it around my bleeding wrist attempting to stop the bleeding. It helps a little but I can still tell that it's getting worse. I take in deep breaths calming my heart only a little, my head gets dizzy making me completely forget where I am until I hear someone screaming in the hallway.

   My breath hitches in my throat as I watch as the doors are burst open and in comes a large six foot wolf with raging eyes. I smile as his eyes land on mine, I begin to laugh as he charges at me.

   He looks hella confused and I use that to my advantage and run towards him, he opens his jaw ready to bite down on my head, but before he can even get close I take the knife out of my bra and stab him in the leg. He whines loudly but I quiet him up by laying him on the floor and tying him up with a bunch of rope I make out of thin air.

   "Don't charge at a witch." I warn and lay him down before going back to the potion. I begin to mix the ingredients pouring my blood into the cauldron first. Everything goes in one at a time as I recite the words to make everything come into place.

   Madeline, Travis and Tracey run into the room and hand me the ingredients they collected. Madeline averts her eyes from the potion to the whining wolf five feet away from me.

   "What happened here?" Madeline asks looking from the wolf to me quickly.

   "Don't worry about it." I smile showing off my evil side a bit as I flick Adam's hair into the potion. "Now we just need one more thing." I reach up to my neck and grab the marble sized flower ripping it off the chain and it grows in size until I need both hands to hold the frozen marble.

   I press my lips against the soft clear surface slowly melting the water into the cauldron, when the flower is the only thing left I carefully pluck three leaves from the seven leafed flower and drop them into the cauldron leaving four petals that I safely tuck into a small crystal ball placing it around my neck to keep them safe.

   I wave my left hand over the pot making it burn brighter than before, the fire underneath the pot turns from a burning sunset orange to a flaming witch's green. I whisper the spell and slowly the fire crowds over the cauldron until the entire thing is covered in a flickering green flame. The burning heat makes me even dizzier but I keep my balance until the spell is finished.

   "Bioski." I whisper one word and the flame goes out and the cauldron sinks down to the floor, nothing left to hold it up. I wobble over to the cauldron and peer down into the bubbling liquid until it settles to a soft pink color. "It's done." I smile tossing my head back with a small laugh and a sigh of relief. I flick my hand and a glass cup appears in my hand, I reach down and fill the cup with the liquid holding it over my head. "I did it." I smile wobbling a bit.

   "Sky." Travis appears beside me and puts his hands on my waist. "You need to lay down." He says holding me tightly.

   "I can't, the job isn't done until I give the potion to the prince. In order for this thing to work I am only one who is able to touch it otherwise it can go bad." I struggle. "Since, I'm not only the caster but also the witch who gave her blood I have my DNA in this thing, so only I and the prince can touch it." I try to stand up straight but can't feel my balance. 

   "I got you." Travis lifts me up and carries me bridal style. "Princess take us to your brother." Travis commands and she nods running out of the room as we follow her.

   I can only see doors flashing past us as we get closer to the prince. Soon enough Madeline stops in front of a large door at the very end of the hallway. She pushes it open with all her might and Travis sets me down on my own feet as we enter the room. Madeline helps her older brother sit up but I keep my head down not wanting to risk losing focus.

   I sit on the edge of the bed and hand the prince his drink only looking up at him once. For a moment my entire body freezes and I feel my stomach churning, but not because of the loss of blood. I stare up at this prince, the rival pack leader's son. The guy who I was planning on stealing a fortune from, and yet I don't want to harm this guy.

   "Skylar?" Travis ask touching my arm as the prince quickly drinks the pink liquid I prepared with Madeline's help as he struggles to even sit up. "Skylar?" Travis ask again grabbing my hand in his.

   "Skylar?" Madeline ask turning to me. I look back at her and see her face pale as she stares at her brother. "What's happening?"

  I look back at the prince to see him lying back his body not moving at all. I take a deep breath and set my hand on his shoulder igniting sparks I choose to ignore. I feel his pulse and let out a sigh.

   "This is the natural reaction to the potion, give him a few minutes. Travis go help the others with the Rogues. Madeline and I can take care of the prince." I say looking back at Travis.

   "Like hell I'm leaving you here when you've lost enough blood to feed a vampire for eight months." Travis says looking at my makeshift band-aid around my wrist.  He grabs onto my hand tighter and drags me to my feet before throwing me in the air and catching me like a bride. "I'm taking you back to the pack, so you can rest." Travis says and that's the last thing I can hear before I completely black out.

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