Chapter 1

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Tay's POV

I was on campus in the library studying for my upcoming exams when I received a call from my boyfriend, New. As soon as I answered my phone, I could tell that New was is in a state of panic because his words were a garbled mess. And after a few minutes of letting my boyfriend sob and stutter on, I convinced him to take a few deep breaths and leave his school to meet me at our spot. With that, I quickly gathered my belongings, walked to my car, and started driving to our hidden rendezvous point, which is located at a halfway point between my university and my boyfriend's high school.
I immediately took off, speeding to our hidden meeting place. Every moment felt like an eternity as I was anxiously waiting to reach my destination. I am on high alert, but my driving is as controlled as one can be when worried about the health of their beloved. New has never had a panic attack as long we've been dating. In fact, New has never shared with me that he's experienced one, ever. This fact is making me considerably more anxious than I thought it would. The more that I think about, I just need to focus on getting there in one piece for my hin.
Before I know it, I'm pulling up to the trail I always drive down to get to our meeting point. I am glad that no one ever walks on this trail, it's abandoned, just like the park is. So, there's no need to worry, no one comes around here anymore, which makes this place even more intimate.

Author's POV

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Author's POV

He is feeling on edge as if he is having a panic attack. Scratch that, he's convinced he's having a panic attack, but really what is going on in his body is more complex than that. He's having hot flashes, he's having problems breathing, he feels faint, his nerves are buzzing as if bees were flying around in his body, his muscles are tense, and he feels abandoned and lonely. He needs Tay and is desperate to feel his touch, so he heads out to catch his Uber. He gives the driver directions to an abandoned park off the beaten path, and the driver proceeds.
New was aware of the fact that what he was feeling is similar to what Alphas and Omegas feel when they emerge. However, he has no reason to believe he's emerging. There is a set time frame for when everyone in his community emerged, he was supposed to have emerged at 12, not 17. His parents were convinced he was a beta, and so was he. And although it is uncommon, in their community, for an alpha to love a beta, New was gracious that Tay didn't care about their community norms.

Newwiee's POV

Once I had arrived at the park, I jetted, quickly, off to the beaten path that leads straight to my destination. It feels like it's taking forever to get to Tay. As soon as I spotted Tay, I shouted my boyfriend's name and he turned around. As soon as he turned around, I ran straight for him and threw myself into his arms.

"What is happening, hin?" Tay asks.

"I don't know, I was sitting in class and suddenly everything started spinning. I noticed that I was hot, and once I realized these symptoms, I quickly called you thinking I was having a panic attack. It was horrible!" I responded in a sobbing mess, shoulders shaking, hands grabbing desperately for Tay to be even closer, and with my face buried in my sun's chest, I try to inhale Tay's tranquil scent.

"It's okay hin, I'm here. You're going to be fine, and I'll make sure of it. I love you with everything I have in me, my love, so if you must fear something, always use my love for you to overcome that fear." Tay's response to New's frenzied state was to firmly hold him and rub his tense muscles loose.

I was right, my sun's touch has soothed every burning nerve in my buzzing body.

[Author's note]

I hope, if anyone is reading or happens to read this story, that you have enjoyed this first chapter.

I will be trying to regularly update. I will finish this story, but I don't know when that will be, I supposed when I feel like it should end.

Feel free to leave comments, and I am sorry if this story is bad. I'm not the best at writing, but I do enjoy attempting to write.

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