Chapter 6

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Gun's POV

I was a little shocked when I received the text that New was pregnant and that I was welcomed over if I ever wanted to visit. I figured, what better time than the present to clear the air with New and Tay? I want to clear the misconception that there was ever a possibility between Tay and me, there never was, our relationship wasn't like that. Tay, as sweet as he is, isn't my type. I think that was the one thing New never understood about Tay and me, it was just sex. It was only something to make me feel good, and sex with Tay was pleasing, but I see no more in him than a good friend.

I decided to text Tay back and make sure I was invited. I never wanted to hurt New, if I'd have known, I would have just found someone else. I never expected him to distance himself from me to the point that I was the last person to hear about his pregnancy, something a best friend should know about first. I've missed more than 5 months of him, and all of the experiences he's gone through, I feel sad. We can clear the air and go back to how we were. I decided that I would come for dinner, so it wasn't too awkward. Tay texted me the details and I decided to go to bed, get up, and get ready to face the problems both New and I have been running from for so long.

It was about 5 minutes until I arrived at their condo, and I find myself reflecting on just how much things have changed. New and Tay are together, I've lost a best friend, and out of respect for my lost one, I stay away from one I've known for a while, I'm single, and my heats are horrible. I'm due for one any day now, so it's best I'm here while I am before I have to lock myself up. I pulled into their driveway, parked, and then turned off my car. I don't want to do this, I'm nervous, but I need to. I need closure of some sort. I grabbed my jacket, my water, and then headed to their front door. I stood there for about five minutes, my heart was racing, I should knock, but as I went to do it, the door swung open and I came face to face with New.

" is everything going? Is it okay if I come in?"

"Yeah, sure. Come on in. Tay! Gun is here."

He was a little tense and distant from me. When he called to Tay to alert him that I was here, it was as if a teenager saw her mom's date and caught attitude that this was the guy of her mom's affection. It made me feel a little awkward, and a twinge of sadness panged my heart. I just want to go back to how we were. Tay rounded the corner and I became aware right as he pulled me into his arms for a tight hug.

"Gun, how have you been? I haven't seen you in so long, why haven't you called?"

"I have called, several times. You just never answered..."

"What do you mean you've called? I never received a call."
"Yeah, I've called your home phone several times and left voice messages. Did you not see?"

Tay let out a huff, turned around, and stared at New who was sitting on the couch, looking pathetic and rubbing his swollen tummy. He looked back at me, and we both understood, "New" we both huffed at the same time.

"New is why you've not heard from me. He didn't want you to, so he either blocked me or ignored my calls and deleted my messages. I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? This isn't anyone's fault, it's not even New's fault. He's just so territorial over me when you're around. It's like he thinks that we have this unspoken attraction to each other."

"I know, and we don't. I thought he knew this when everything was cleared up?"

"No, he still thinks you want to have sex with me, and that I want that as well. He thinks we're back to your sophomore days in high school. It seems to me that we're the only ones who have moved on."

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