Chapter 15

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New's Pov

It was somewhere around 3 in the morning, and I was having a tough time sleeping. I was having the worst cramps of my life, and they were happening sporadically and often. I remembered what I was told by my doctor, and that had me turning to Tay and shaking him till he woke up. A very sleepy Tay started to stir, and when he looked up to me, he smiled and asked me what was wrong.

"I think I'm going into labor, Tay. We should head out in case it gets worse."

"Okay, let's get you up and to the car. I'll get the bag, and we'll head to the hospital."

"Okay, I'll be out in the car, just hurry."

Tay's POV

I was frantically running around getting last-minute necessities to take with us to the hospital because New would have to stay there for a few days. We had our baby bag picked out and packed for baby Franks's arrival. I grabbed our phones and chargers and headed to the car. When I got there, New was doing some breathing techniques.

I put the stuff in the trunk and got into the driver's seat and we were off. I know this is it, Frank is on the way. I know because I can smell his alpha scent. Our son is an alpha, just like me. I was hitting record speed to the hospital, but I needed some support, so I called Off and Gun.

When we arrived at the hospital I ran into the front office and alerted the staff that my mate was going into labor. It turned to chaos as everyone was rushing around to get supplies ready and my pregnant mate to the labor corridor. His contractions were becoming worse, and they had to set him up for his c-section.

Just after the prep, in walked Off and a waddling Gun. They were wide awake and began bombarding me with questions about New's condition. The only thing I could tell them was that he had just gone in, and they were supposed to be starting on delivering my son. It had been a good 45 minutes, or so when one nurse came out and asked if I'd like to be in there till the baby is delivered and New wakes back up.

Of course, I said yes. I want to be there for the rest of my omega's labor. When I walked in, they instructed me to remain by his head and behind the surgical curtain, so I didn't see his organs everywhere. He was under and looked so peaceful, and his vital signs are stable and there are no issues. I looked down at him and became aware of how happy I am that Frank is only moments away. I touched New's head and brushed my fingers through his hair.

I know, with everything in me, that I'm going to love him for the rest of my life. I know we are just having our first child, but I can't wait to have more. He's such an amazing mate, and I can't wait to talk to my son about New every chance I get.

I want our son to know how much we love him and feel so grateful to have the opportunity to call ourselves his parents. I was lost in my thoughts and admiration of my mate and everything he's had to endure during his pregnancy when I heard a piercing cry. Frank had been born, and they were in the process of taking care of him and putting my mate back together again.

They handed Frank to me, and I took a long look at him and admired the similarities I saw between New and I. He looks more like me though, and I will tease New about it endlessly. I was supplied nutrition by the doctor because New is a male, and he won't lactate. They do this often because female omegas lactate so much.

I had Gun call everyone because I needed time to pass for New to wake up. So, once everyone was occupied with my son and loving him, I went to check on New to see how he was doing. When I opened the door, he was in the process of waking up. So, I ran back to get my son telling everyone New was waking up. We all went to see him, and when I entered the room looked to me and our son and released a few tears.

He was in pain and didn't get to hold our son first because of how long he was out for. When I handed him, Frank, everything fell into place with Frank listening to New's heartbeat and sleeping without a care. New cried for a few minutes mumbling about how amazed he was that we created a life together. I was shocked when he turned to me and pulled me down for a kiss, but it was welcome.

When we pulled away to rest our heads against each other and admire our little boy, New whispered to me "We should have another baby."

[Author's Note]

Hope everyone enjoys the chapter.

I'm thinking of including a delete smut scene between Tay and Gun. Their relationship was covered back in like chapter 5, so if anyone would be interested in the deleted flashback TayGun smut scene, let me know.

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