Authors Note

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I am now back in school. This is my last semester and I have a few rigorous classes that will occupy a lot of my time.

I am not giving up on this story, don't worry. Updates will be a little slow, but I intend to finish this book by the end of February or sometime early March.

I will try and update every weekend, hopefully between Sunday's and Monday's.

Sorry if you've been waiting for an update to this story and now you're reading this dull ass authors note.

I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment.

I hope y'all have enjoyed the story so far, and are willing to work with me on these slow ass updates.

I hope you continue reading it.

BTW. Idk if y'all who are reading currently have this app or know about it. But there's an app called Amino and on it there's a community called BL Drama.

If you're interested in this, you can download it from your App Store. You should definitely join the community if you're interested in BL's and if you're reading this, then you probably are.

My name in that community is also
☀︎Polca⚣Dots ☀︎

You can interact with me mostly on that platform as I'm on there often.

But that's only if you're interested.

Okay, bye fellow polcas

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