Chapter 10

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New's POV

I am exhausted, oh my god. Who knew viewing three houses would be tiring? I'm glad we are at our temporary home though. My feet are swollen, and I seriously don't want to move a muscle, I'm so sore and our little boy is not happy. He's been kicking me a lot lately, and I've been having cramps.

Tay is currently filling up a foot spa machine he went out and bought me so that I could rest my feet in some Epsom salt and warm water, currently that's what I'm doing as Tay has finished setting this thing up. Tay sat down next to me, and his hand is currently resting on bump I decided to put my hands on his too keep it there, our son likes it when he's touching my stomach; I don't know how he knows, but he does. I feel like now is an appropriate time to bring up one concern and one thing I really want Tay and me to get. I think we can accomplish one today if he agrees that is.


"What is it, babe?"

"I was thinking, and I think we should get tattoos. Not big ones, just small ones. I was thinking, maybe I could get a sun tattoo on my arm, and you could get a moon tattoo on your arm? That way we'll always be reminded of each other, no matter what happens. What do you think?"

"If this is about the possible outcome of your delivery, New, I think we'll be fine. We have that mating appointment to go to, and they said they're sure it'll be fine."

"I know that, but we should still get tattoos. I wasn't thinking about that, entirely, when I thought of it."

"Okay, if you want to get tattoos, we can get them."

"Tay, you're always so compliant, can't you ever tell me no? You spoil me too much."

"No can do my little omega, I'm a yes man for you till the end of time. Last time I tried to argue with you about something, I still had to do it anyway. So, why bother? I don't mind. That and you're pregnant, I don't want you to be stressed out or sad about something dumb. Does this satisfy you?"

"I'm always satisfied Tay, you do a lot for me. We should go get the tattoos later because there is one more thing, I want to talk about with you."

"What is it?"

"Baby names, we know our babies gender is a boy, and he's an alpha. We need to pick a name suitable for our child."

"Well, I have no idea, I've not thought about it at all. If this is stressing you out, New, don't worry. Our son will have a name if you didn't know, my mom gave birth to me and I was nameless for about a week. It's okay if we don't figure this out right now."

"I know, Tay, but I'd really like to get a bearing on things. I feel like all I do for our baby is rest, eat, and sleep. He doesn't even have a name; what kind of parent am I to be so thoughtless about his bare identity?"

"New, it's not that deep. You're not a bad parent, we're not bad parents. We didn't know the gender and I feel like this helps. He loves you and me regardless of our incapability to name him 3 months in advance of his due date, but if it makes you feel better, let's start throwing out some names to see if one sticks out. Here, I kind of like the name Earth."

"Eh, Earth is cute and all, but it doesn't feel right. How about Rome?"

"Hmm, no I hate it. It sounds too weird. How about Pluem or maybe Ouajun?"

"Tay, we're not naming our child the same name as Guy and Nammon's son, that's weird. Pluem is a lovely name, I really like it, but not this time around. Our next baby, if our next pup is a boy, we should name him Pluem, remember that for me, will you?

"I like Pluem too, I'll definitely remember that for later."

"How can choosing a name be this damn difficult? How about Guide? No, I hate that. Oooh, Bright? He's our ball of sunshine after all."

"We're not naming our kid Bright, disregarding the sentiment, if we named our kid this, I know he'd grow up to be a sarcastic jackass, and we don't need that stress. Definitely a pain in the ass, I can sense it."

"Okay then, scratch that. How about...Frank?"

Once the name left my mouth, a sudden barrage of pressure began to target my lower abdomen, our son has never been this active. He's really kicking me, and it hurts. Ow, you little shit. I grab my abdomen to try and comfort myself a little bit, but Tay looked terrified. I assure him by putting my hand up to motion him to sit back down. Frank's just a little hyper, that's all. Wow. Finally, this little foot demon inside me decided he was tired and now only left little flutters in my tummy compared to what felt like a gong being beaten with full force.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Tay. He just decided to be a soccer player really quick. Anyways, what do you think about that name, what do you think about Frank?"

"I love it, and apparently so does he. His little kicks against my hand say he's in agreement."

"So, Frank it is. How about the tattoos now?"

We got up, put our shoes on, and we walked out to the car. Once we got past the community gate, we drove 5 minutes into town and parked to walk inside the little tattoo boutique. We were greeted by a long-time friend of Tay's, Joss. He so fine; I'm not going to say that out loud though, because Tay will get all bitchy and the moment will be ruined, and I'm not about that. I know how to keep my mouth shut. So, once we got there, Joss got us signed in and asked us what we were here for.

"We're here to get tattoos, I want Tay to have my moon symbol and I want his sun symbol. I want couple tattoos, but I want them tiny."

"Okay, I'll get you both set. Because they're tiny, you'll be done in no time. Who's going first?"

About an hour later we left. We were in and out pretty quickly and I can say that I'm so glad we did this. Joss made it painless and quick. It's so perfect, and I'm so happy. This makes me feel closer to Tay regardless of not having Tay's mark on me. We grabbed some dinner, went home, ate, and then sent a picture to our friends. We received positive feedback, and both Tay and I are loving these tattoos. What a great ending to a great day.

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[Authors Note]

That pic is off google so, yeah. Cred to the owner.

Hello, sorry for any mistakes. This chapter is meant to be short as this is just a one-day thing for TayNew.

I hope you could tell where this was going lol, it was obviously leading to Frank.

Soon enough our lovebirds will be moved in and ready for that appointment.

Hope you enjoyed.


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