Chapter 1.5

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Author's POV
As New and Tay were standing there embracing each other, emotions high, New began, subconsciously, to rub up against Tay. The feeling of need beginning, and the sweat beads starting to form on Newwiee's forehead. His body began to tingle, and small whimpers began to fall from his lips. His eyes fluttered shut as he began grinding against Tay harder.

Tay's POV
As I was standing there caressing New, I felt him begin to calm down, and finally, the crying stopped. A few moments later, I felt his body start to heat up and quiver slightly, in bursts. The warmth was inviting, but then I noticed a pressure begin to shift on the left side of my hip. I took a moment to think about what was happening, then it clicked, New was grinding on my hip. Once I realized this, I began to grow hard. My body was heating up like a furnace, and I felt a rush of ecstasy flood my body.
I threw my head back for a moment to take a minute and breath, my head humming, and as I was about to stop my boyfriend, I caught a whiff of an enticing aroma. It smelled sweet, like fruits, cake, and icing. Normally, sweets are sickening to me and I don't prefer them, but this smell was so intoxicating my mouth started to water. I have never been so eager to eat sweets ever, but whatever I was smelling, I wanted to devour it. When I came to, I realized my boyfriend was reeking of the scent I want to engulf, and more importantly, New was tearing his clothes off like they were burning his skin.

Newwiee's POV
It was like I was out of my right mind. My hips were moving on their own, and I had never been so aroused that I began to leak. I could feel the arousal pool throughout my body like a lava lamp. Every part of my body was burning with desire, and slowly but surely, the arousal pooling in my body began to spill out in a slick warm liquid. It was uncomfortable because I could feel it on my jeans, and I tried to ignore it, I tried my best to stop grinding on Tay's hip, but it felt so good and I couldn't control my desires. I began ripping all my clothes off because they were sticking to me and making me uncomfortable. The only problem I was still having, was that I was no longer touching Tay and a sudden pain shot through my entire body, and this sent me to my knees.
When I fell, I had to take a minute and catch my breath. I looked up, only to find Tay looking down at me with pupils blown so wide, his eyes were almost black. I froze, everything in my body wanted to submit to him. As our eyes were locked on each other, I could slowly start to feel the arousal pour back into my body, and then a gush of liquid release and trickle down the backs of my thighs. It was more intense than it was before, and it only grew worse when Tay released a low, guttural, growl, that didn't even seem natural. I had never heard this sound leave his body before, but it turned me on even more. Before I could grasp the situation, Tay ripped his shirt off and charged at me, grabbing a fistful of my hair, he forcefully pulled my head back so that our faces were in line with each other and we could look into each other's eyes. His grip on my hair was not harsh, and it didn't hurt, but it did surprise me at how much slick my body released when he was aggressive with me. He seems to have realized that whatever is affecting him, is coming from me.
I was still frozen, in the position Tay's hand put me in, even though his hand was no longer there. It's like my senses are heightened, and every single never in my body is sensitive. Tay's hand was now on my neck as he began to kneel in the same position I am in. Once he reached the ground, his hand slid down my neck and reached my shoulder, and from my shoulder, his hand traveled down to firmly grab my wrist. He lifted my fingers to his lips and kissed each of my fingertips, and even though it was a small gesture, it made a significant impact on my body. It felt so good, that I moaned and fell forward into Tay's buff chest. He let go of my hand and quickly moved his hands to my slim waist, dragging me to him till our chests and abs were touching. I threw my head back the moment I felt Tay's hot breath on my neck. My head was extended back as far I could stretch it, I could feel his firm grip on my naked hips, and I could still feel the slick liquid leaving my body.
Tay's breathing grew harder, and, then, I felt his tongue contact my neck, and he slowly licked from the base of my neck to right under my jaw. He lingered there, sniffing in the same path he just marked with his tongue. I felt my heartbeat in my head as my breathing became rapid. It was as if we were in slow-mo. We weren't even having sex yet and I felt like we had already been having sex. Sex with Tay was amazing, he is a passionate man who knows how to handle my body, but looking into his eyes now, I see a bestial glare of a man I know is about to devour me with no remorse.

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