Chapter 7.5

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Gun's POV

So, I'm starting my heat. In the middle of making out with Off, at Tay and New's condo, I'm now leaking a gallon of slick everywhere. I had called Off Papi, oh no, this is usually where guys pull back from me and look at me weird. He didn't do that, I mean he pulled back, but he looked aroused by it.

I wonder if he'll be my alpha after all. I've been wanting to be claimed for a long time, I'm tired of feeling used and put down like I'm trash. I just want to find a love like New and Tay have, why is it so hard for me? I don't want to get my hopes up with Off, but I'm currently having my heat, and I think that he'll be willing to help me. We have good chemistry, and he's been sweet thus far. I really want him to want me, and to mate me; that's not my heat talking, it's my heart. It's tired of being played with, I just want an alpha to take care of me for once. I want a family.

When he pulled back from me after calling him Papi, he stated something that made me giddy and gush slick. He wanted to take me home, there's a shot. He picked me up, and I hid my face in his neck, and we quickly passed through Tay and New's living room. New shot me a knowing smile and curled up to Tay. Regardless of his intent, I'm happy he did it.

Off carried me to his car and sat me in the passenger seat. This is when I began to feel the effects of my heat. I was in an enclosed space, with an alpha's pheromones, and it was an alpha I really wanted to attract to mate me. I began to pour sweat and even more slick, I have never had this much slick leave me. I could tell Off was struggling to make it 3 miles to his house, I could tell he wanted to just pull over and mount me in the middle of these suburbs, and I was okay with that.

"Alpha, alpha. Please, I need your knot. Please knot me alpha?"

"Gun, I'm going to need you to stay quiet over there, I'm almost home, I swear."

"Alpha, breed me. I want your pups, I want you to knot me now."

"Gun, we're here. Let's just get upstairs and I'll give you my knot, I swear baby."

"Mate me, Papi."

Off's POV

The moment those words left his mouth, I felt myself start slipping into my rut. I want to hear him call me Papi every day, I want to knot him, I want to breed him, I want to mate him. I'm going to mate him, I want it, even if he doesn't get pregnant, I want to be with him forever. He's it for me, I hope he feels the same.

We made it up to my room, and I couldn't wait any longer. I ripped his clothes off his body and gawked at his naked form, his skin was luminous, glistening with sweat. I pushed his legs apart, and now he's just on my bed naked and spread out for me like an offering. His slick is coating his thighs, his body is glowing, his lips are shiny, and he's smooth. I reach down to his legs, and I run my fingertips over his burning skin causing him to overreact to his sensitivity. I'm going to knot, breed, and mate him on my bed with him as close to me as possible. This is natures course.

He's whining, he's becoming more feverish the longer I hold off. My rut is also here, so this should make everything better for us. There's nothing like a mating session when one is in heat and the other is in a rut. I'm already incredibly hard and leaking. I decide it's best to strip and not leave my omega lonely and naked. So, I take my clothes off and pull my dick out. Gun tenses and rolls over, presenting his leaking hole to me.

I don't like the idea that Tay has been inside my omega, and I need to erase every single piece of Tay from Gun's mind and body. I work my fingers one by one into Guns hole, and I watch as he's, clenching, trying to keep my fingers in him. However, I've grown bored and so I pull my fingers from his ass. I don't need to finger him, he's slick enough for 3 alpha cocks at once, we're going to skip that. I pull Gun up from his exposed position, and I push him down to his knees in front of my incredibly hard cock.

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