Chapter 5

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Tay's POV

New and I are sitting on the couch watching some yaoi because New likes that stuff, and I'm lost in my own thoughts because, later today, my friend is coming over to visit, his name is Gun, we haven't seen him in a while. He went to school with New, before New graduated early due to his pregnancy, but he's the reason I met New. So, I owe him thanks for making me come pick him up that day when he started his heat, which was the first time New and I made eye contact. I'm excited to see him, his hugs are the best and he's super cute.

New used to have some issues with him when he found out that Gun and I used to have a friend with benefits thing going on, and that I've helped him out on a few of his heats. Gun and I never had feelings for each other, we're just two sexually charged people, who were friends and were attracted to each other, so we let the fire rage, and I don't regret it even though New wishes I did. I understand him, I do, I don't want to think about the idea of New being intimate with anyone else besides me when I do, I feel myself becoming murderous. However, Gun and I ended that a long time ago, and I'm with New now and we're having a baby, New should feel like he won, I don't know why he doesn't.

Gun is supposed to be here later, and I can tell that New isn't feeling very happy about it. I can feel him tense up every so often, but it's not like he hates Gun, he's just uncomfortable because of my past interactions with Gun. There's, still, all this tension about Gun and me, and I've reassured New more times than I can count, but he still doesn't feel secure when Gun is around me. He thinks that I want to be with Gun more than him, and that Gun was the best sexual outlet for me during my ruts, but that's just sex.

There were no emotions, like romantic love, between Gun and I. We never said I love you to one another, we never took our time to feel each other's bodies, we didn't care to set the atmosphere. Sex with Gun felt amazing, it was hot, rough, messy, spontaneous, and intense; with New, sex was all that it was with Gun and then some. It was also loving, trusting, fulfilling, passionate, and it was something I craved constantly; whereas, with Gun, I only wanted it when I was mad or stressed. Gun was someone I used, and I was someone Gun used, that's not love.

Another reason I think New might be insecure when Gun is around is that when New and I met, he was a virgin and didn't have the experience that Gun had, he was also a beta and was insecure about his ranking, and he's always thought he couldn't please me as much as Gun could. Gun has always been confident in himself,  as well as being an affectionate person, and New had admitted to me that he always had feelings for me and he thought that his only rival to having me, was Gun. I wish he'd just move on, I hate that this burdens him so much. I don't know how to help him through it, I only know how to love him despite it.

New's POV

Gun will be visiting, and while he's nice and all, I don't want someone who's been fucked by Tay near me, Tay, or the baby. It's unfortunate that he's Tay's friend, or I wouldn't allow it. I know some people might think that I'm overdramatic, but when your babies daddy, is an alpha, and your baby daddies friend, is an omega, a(n) irresistible one at that, and has been fucked by your babies daddy, would you not feel uncomfortable with them in the same room? I might as well consider Gun an ex.

It's true that I've known Tay for a while, and Gun and I used to be close, but they were always closer, and I always wanted to be the one who knew Tay as no one else did. It broke my heart when I learned what had been going on, I mean I didn't have a right to call Tay anything but a friend; however, I wanted to be more than that, and then I found my close friend was fucking around with Tay, on his heat, and Tay's rut, nonetheless.

It'll forever be engrained into my brain, the images of Tay with another. The images of Gun grabbing onto Tay's shoulders and making the marks that I should've been making, Tay with his head thrown back in pleasure like Gun was the best thing he's ever experienced, and the breathy moaning of each other's name. He looked to be enjoying it so much, even when he wasn't rutting, and Gun wasn't in heat.

They didn't know that I had found out, only Gun knew because of what he exposed to me that one day. Being a beta was hard at the time because hardly anyone ever wants a beta. It's only common to find betas with betas, mostly because betas couldn't satisfy an alpha's rut or an omegas heat. So, when Gun told me about what had been going on with him and Tay, it took everything I had in me not to cry. He only revealed it to me because he thought he was pregnant. They didn't use a condom during his heat, and I really didn't want to know that, but he wasn't aware of my secret.

When Tay found out about my knowledge of him and Gun, I knew he could see how heart-broken I was, and it made him feel guilty. I didn't talk to him for a few weeks because I couldn't look at him knowing he was so satisfied with Gun the way I could never satisfy him. My luck changed though, Gun moved on to Oab, and Tay moved on to me, I knew he was sincere with me because he had no reason not to be, I finally felt like I had importance. I was a beta who snagged an alpha's attention. Of course, I'm no longer a beta, I'm an omega, given the swollen stomach I now have that's carrying around Tay's child, and that's how it should be, it should never be Gun, and it won't be Gun.

I feel bad about how guilty I've made Tay feel about that whole situation, it wasn't his fault. He didn't know how I felt, and neither did Gun, but when I was ignoring Tay, I was also ignoring Gun. I got closer to one of my other friends at the time, Off, and he is friends with Tay as well, but nothing ever happened between us. It almost happened, but I couldn't go through with it. So, Off and I agreed to just be good friends, who could talk to each other about anything, we aren't each other's types. Tay felt most guilty about the fact that Gun and I grew apart because of the situation. He couldn't have helped that though, I'm petty, what can I say? Gun has always been a sexually liberated person, he had no problem going home with guys and letting them have their way with him, he was into that stuff to each their own, but I'm not about that lifestyle.

I should let it go, I really should, but it's so hard for me to ignore it when Gun is around Tay. He's too affectionate, and Tay enjoys his hugs, as does everyone because he's so small and adorable that everyone wants to hug him, I hate that Tay likes his hugs. I don't ever want to see Gun touch him like that again.

Why can't Tay just be happy with hugging me only? It's neither here nor there, I'm upsetting myself and that's not good for our baby. Tay's with me now, we're having a baby, and Gun is just going to visit for a few hours and then leave, I can handle that. He'll eat dinner here, we'll have some small talk, I won't let him out of my sight, and I'll make sure to emphasize how excited I am for the baby to get here, and maybe see what Gun has been up to lately.

Everything will be fine. 

[Authors Note]

I hope that y'all are enjoying this story, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I actually really loved writing it. TayGun has always been that ghost ship I couldn't let go of.

If there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. I will go back and edit at a later date. Feel free to leave comments and feedback. I always like to know how people are feeling when they read a story, whether it's mine or others.

Hopefully, I'll see you all in the next chapter.

Hopefully, I'll see you all in the next chapter

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