Chapter 4

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Newwiee's POV

I'm excited for today, friends are coming to visit me. Krist and Singto are currently on their way over to our condo and I feel like I haven't seen them in forever. They're Tay's friends from college, but they're really nice so I had no issues relating and getting along with them. I think I'm most excited to see them because they had a baby boy a few months ago, and they're bringing him over and I'm excited because I haven't been able to see them and now, I can't even leave the condo because of how rapid my pregnancy is progressing.
    Tay recommended that we have some set times for visitation, so I don't become overwhelmed, so that's what we are doing today. I know what you're thinking, aren't you all a little too young to be having babies? The answer is, probably. However, Krist and Singto work, live together, go to college together, and are planning to get married in a few years, they're adults, so it's okay. I might be a little young, I am still 17, but it's okay because Tay and I are different, we always have been.
I figure I can get some answers out of them because their baby is 8 months, and I'm sure it's been rough for them. Just as I was finishing that thought, the front door opened and in came Krist holding baby Fiat's carrier with him in it, sleeping, looking all cute, so cute I'm over here busting uwu's. Krist walked over to me and set the carrier down on our sofa and gave me a big hug, while Singto made his way to give Tay a congratulatory hug.

"How are you, have you felt any of the kicking yet," Krist asks.

"No, not yet. I wish, but all I've been getting is like butterflies in my stomach"

"Give it some time, New. Fiat didn't kick me till about 5.5-6 months in. I didn't even experience butterflies. He was really calm and still when I was pregnant. It was scary sometimes" Krist responded with a soft rub on New's stomach.

    Singto and Tay must've finished up chatting because I could sense Singto walking over to me and Krist. Singto approached the couch slowly, I'm not sure why, but he also looked very nervous doing so. I know Tay's been a little extra lately, but Singto is mated with Krist, there's no reason for him to be so nervous when around me. He placed a kiss on the top of Krist's head before turning to me and speaking, "How are you feeling this far along, any symptoms? Krist had horrible morning sickness when he was pregnant with our small bean." I replied "No, I haven't had the normal symptoms, I've been eerily fine. It's kind of freaking me out, I imagined I'd be having a horrible time right about now, but everything is fine."

"Well, pregnancy affects everyone differently, I hope you don't have it as bad as Krist did, I thought at some point I was going to lose both of them when he had to be hooked up to all those machines, on bed rest, for the rest of his pregnancy," Singto said sadly. "But it's okay, they're both healthy and alive now, Krist never complained and I'm thankful for that" Singto smiled at Krist. "It's okay baby, everything is fine, we got through it and now we have our little baby Fiat" Krist reassured Singto with his words and smile."Aren't y'all just so sweet with each other" I stated with a chuckle. "Singto, would you like to touch my stomach where our little pea is growing" I offered with a smile.
   I guess that was the wrong thing to ask, because when Singto went to touch my stomach, Tay let out this inhuman growl. We all turned our head quickly, and there Tay was with eyes like daggers and pupils blown up so big his eyes were almost black. I feared him, and I've never been scared of him. He's such a gentleman, what's happening to him. "Tay" I let out a breathless whimper following his name, and that seemed to snap him out of it. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, Singto, it's okay if you want to touch, I'll just be in my office" Tay quietly stated as he started t saunter out of the room, head hung in shame, I called his name "Tay."  He looked back at me, and I asked him "Can you come over here and sit with me, rub my stomach too, it's starting to cramp a little bit."
    It made him happy, and so he did what I asked. I adjusted so he could sit behind me comfortably and I took his hand in mine. I looked up to him and asked "Do you think it's okay if Singto touches my bump" and Tay looked away from me to the alpha male standing shyly in front of me, he stared at Singto for a few moments, and then reached for his hand and placed it on my bump. Singto smiled at Tay, chuckled, and then said to him "You're a stronger man than I. I wouldn't allow anyone to touch Krist's bump. I was a shit head to everyone." Krist cut in and replied, "Seriously, he really was a shit head."
    Once all that drama was defused, it was finally time for me to get to hold their little baby. Tay was still sitting behind me, and once Singto stopped touching my bump, Krist moved to rub on my tummy and talk to my bump. He handed me some oil and said that it was his lifesaver during rough patches. Apparently, it relieves cramps, soothes skin, and also moisturizes, so in other words, it's a miracle. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Singto bend down to retrieve baby Fiat from his little carrier, and I couldn't help but aw at his tiny babyface. He's so cute, he looks like a hybrid of them, so precious.
    Singto handed him to be and rested his arms, and stared into his cute little eyes, he was babbling at me, laughing, smiling, and moving around a lot. He's a hyper baby and he has the cutest cheeks and I just had to touch them, so I did, but when I thought he couldn't be any cuter than that, he reached his small baby hand out and grabbed my thumb. He held on to my thumb, squeezing it and laughing, and the contrast showed me just how small baby hands are. I couldn't contain my feels, they were everywhere, I handed Fiat back to Singto and moved from Tay's lap to the cushion next to him.
    "Hand him to Tay," I said, and Singto handed Fiat to Tay. I could tell Tay was nervous, but he should experience holding a baby because I'm four months away from delivering our baby into this world. Tay took Fiat from Singto's hands and immediately the nervousness disappeared, and I won't deny it, Tay holding a baby and being all sweet is arousing me, I feel a little creepy admitting this to myself. Can you blame me though? Tay is looking like a dad every day now, and I like it. It gives me confidence in his ability to be a caretaker, and I find that look hot on him. Tay was tickling Fiat's tummy, blowing raspberries on his tiny tummy, making googly eyes at him, and it was making Fiat laugh and babble.
    The little brat was totally stealing my man from me. He's cute though, he couldn't possibly know the effect he was having on Tay, so I'll let it go. Before I knew it, Tay was handing Fiat to Krist, and Krist was settling Fiat back into his carrier. They were packing up to leave, it was getting late, and they still needed to visit Guy and Nammon so Fiat could spend time with his favorite uncles. If Fiat loves anyone more than his parents, it's his uncles, and it's sweet because his uncles loved him as if he was their own child. What a cute little family, I can't wait to have that too.

Singto's POV
Krist and I said bye to Tay and New, and I'm glad we were able to visit them, it's been too long. I opened our car door for Krist to put our little peanut into the backseat. I shut the door and we got in and drove toward Nammon and Guy's place. While I was driving, I felt Krist's hand in my free one, and then our fingers intertwined. He looked back at Fiat and smiled, he looked back to me and said, "They're going to love being parents, I can't wait to see what their little peanut looks like." I can't deny that Tay and New are both attractive people and their children, however many they will have, are going to replicate that. "I'm happy for them, and I'm happy for us. Fiat is a blessing, and I'm glad we can share this experience together" I smiled to Krist and we drove the rest of the way to Fiat's uncle's home.

[Authors Note]

I tried to make this longer, it's over 1,000 words. I hope you enjoy this, I liked writing this chapter, but I'm still not too into this book like I'd thought I'd be. I'm going to keep writing, but this book won't be super long.

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