Chapter 8

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New's POV

Tay and I are headed back to the doctor's office for the gender reveal. We were going to wait, but I can't, and I need to know now. There's too much to get done, and we're still trying to figure out where to move to because we know that we're not going to be able to raise a baby in the current condo we reside in. So, soon, Tay and I will go out and start looking for condos with more rooms and a bigger space. I'm glad there's no crime in our community, so we can move wherever. I'll be sad to leave my district, but I'm having a ball of sunshine and it's time to move on anyway, most omegas have to.

I'm also going to see if they can tell if he's an alpha or not beforehand. I know they can, it's just uncommon that people ask because they'd rather wait till presentation age. I, however, need to know because of the situation I went through. I thought I was a beta but I am really an omega. The adjustment has been sudden, challenging, and stressful as I'm now pregnant at 17. I want to be prepared to talk about this stuff with my baby.

We have finally arrived, and Tay is signing us in, I let them know what I wish to have done while I'm here and the nurse nods to me, I can't wait to know the gender and status of our baby. I'm glad Tay doesn't care about this stuff and will let me do this as most alphas refuse to let their omegas do anything during pregnancy.

We went straight back to the room and I situated myself on the little bed they have, and as soon as my shirt was lifted the doctor came in and grabbed the gel to put it on me. He's really handsome, definitely mate material. I wish Tay would mate me, I feel disconnected from him sometimes and I get snotty glances because people know I'm unmated and pregnant. They look at me like I'm a whore and I'm dirty, I feel insecure a lot in public.

Anyways, he's finally rubbing that little wand around and I'm getting restless the longer the doctor remains silent, I reach for Tay's hand because I know it'll make me feel better, he's my alpha after all. The doctor looks to me and then to Tay, and opens his mouth to speak, "Congratulations, your little bundle here is a boy. We're going to do the shot now, we'll wait for about 10 minutes, and then I'll come in here and draw some blood. If your blood is black, then your baby is an alpha; if it's bright red, a beta; if your blood is normal, then it's an omega. Make sense?"

Both Tay and I nodded in understanding. I like that they can tell by my blood whether my baby is an alpha, beta, or omega. I don't care about the status, I just love my baby. The doctor took a cleaning swab and cleaned the point where the shot will go. I hate shots, and in the stomach, nonetheless. It's cringey as all hell, but he preps the area and inserts the needle into my stomach.

I grab Tay's hand harder and I grit my teeth, but I calm down a little bit when Tay leans over and kisses me. It's obviously meant to take my mind off this needle, but he pulls back and looks into my eyes, he brings my hand up to kiss it and place it against his heart and this reassures me. The doctor disposes of the needle, sets the timer, and leaves.

When he comes back, it's with another long-ass needle and a vial. He once again cleans an area on my stomach, and then inserts the needle to draw the blood out. My blood is black. Our baby is an alpha, our son is an alpha. Tay and I quickly look at each other and then burst out laughing. He places my blood into the vial and marks it.

He's going to keep it for records, that's not weird at all. I'm assuming he told us about the blood because he couldn't be bothered to explain any further. Once he finished putting the blood into the cooling container, he asks to see Tay outside. Why would he take my alpha away? He should just tell us together, but nonetheless I let him leave with the doctor.

Tay's POV

I find it a little weird he wants to speak with me alone, but I leave New in there anyways. We stepped outside the room and walked to his office. He sat down in his chair and then motioned for me to sit in the waiting chair. He typed a few things up and fiddled around on his computer for about 5 minutes or so. What the hell? Did he pull me away from my pregnant omega to type in front of me? Oh hell no, get on with what you so desperately need to talk to me about doc. So, I cleared my throat and asked him what I needed to know.

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