Chapter 16

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3 years later

Tay's POV

T: "Frank let's go. We need to get to your pa's appointment on time."

N: "We'll be fine, Tay. Let him finish."

F: "Sorry daddy, I'm coming."

Frank came running in with his short, chubby, legs. He grabbed my hand and we walked out the door. We are currently heading to New's doctor appointment, he just got through with his heat and we always have a checkup after one because he's even more fertile after Frank. He wants another baby, and so his body has changed his fertility. I think he could be pregnant again, so we're off to see if that's the case.

New is excited. We've been trying since the heat after he gave birth to Frank for another baby, and it's because New has been adamant. It's taken us all this time to possibly conceive, and I'm scared New will be disappointed again with the results. He fell into a depression after the third disappointment, so I'm hoping it worked this time.

Frank is in the back giggling because he's watching one of his cartoons. I know New wants more kids, but I'm thinking maybe it's just not our time, or it's not meant to be. Frank is already a blessing, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Regardless, I'll still do what I can to give New more pups.

As we pulled in and park, I head New release a sigh. I know he's nervous and I feel bad that he's beginning to lose hope of ever reproducing again. He got out and walked to get Frank out, and Frank clung to him because he's a snuggly little monster.

We walked in and I signed New in as they wandered off to the kid's section. Frank was playing with some of the toys while New was reading a magazine on how to increase fertility through sex positions. I don't know how that would help up conceive, we've done every position on this list. Nonetheless, he still looks through these magazines just to see if he can find a tip.

I don't trust them because one of the magazines gave a tip on Alpha withdraw from sex and masturbation for two weeks so that there was plenty of sperm for the conception session. Since then, I don't trust these magazines because it didn't work, and I suffered for nothing. Right as I had finished my thought, I heard New's name called and I picked up Frank and we walked back to the room with New.

T: "How are you feeling, are you excited to see if you're going to get a sibling?"

F: "I don't want you and pa to have another baby, I just want you to have only me."

N: "You'll be a great big brother, and when they're old enough you'll have someone to play with. You won't be so lonely if your dad and I have another baby. We'll still love you the same."

F: "But I don't want anyone else, I just want you and dad. We're happy the way we are, and we don't need any more babies, I'm the only baby."

T: "Frank, I know you may feel that way now, but we promise this isn't to replace you. Pa just wants another baby, an addition to our family. I do too, and I think you'll feel differently once everything takes off."

Frank was pouting at my comment and playing with his fingers when the nurse walked in to place the gel on New's abdomen for the scan. It was even more real than the first time because we are actively trying and that changes everything. I grabbed New's hand as I scooted closer to him with our pouty little boy on my lap.

The nurse was grabbing the wand and getting ready to look for any sign of life in New. She was searching around for a second or two before she stopped and pointed to the screen. She pointed in one spot and then pointed to another spot, and I focused in when it hit me, New's pregnant and we're having twins.

We're going to have two babies this time. My head shot straight to New, and New was already looking at me with a giant smile on his face. I, immediately, shot to New and we hugged squishing Frank in between us.

T: "Oh my god baby, we're pregnant with twins. Frank, this is a big moment."

N: "Frank, you're going to be a big brother and we're all going to be such a happy family."

Frank wasn't as pouty as he was a few minutes ago, so here we are hugging again. I quickly kiss New and we head home to celebrate.

[Author's Note]

Next chapter, is last chapter. YAY!

I'm sure y'all will be happy you can finally finish and move one lol.

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