Chapter 3

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Tay's POV

I can't believe that New is pregnant and I'm going to be a dad! Oh GOD, what if I'm the worst father on this entire planet? What if I'm not fit to raise my child? What if I drop him/her? Everything is so overwhelming. I mean, of course, I'm excited, but this is a big deal. New is a newly presented omega, I'm only in college, New is still in high school, and my place isn't big enough for anyone else besides New and I. There's so much we have to learn and do, and I don't know where to start. This pregnancy is going to be horrible. I'm not a pessimist, but omega males have horrible pregnancies and most end in a miscarriage. Oh, I can't go through that, New can't go through that, that would destroy us. We've always wanted kids, and now that New is getting this wish, if it ends the way that most male omega pregnancies end, it'll destroy him, it'll destroy me even more. I don't want to watch him go through that, and I sure as hell don't want to go through that.

As I was having a slight panic attack about this whole situation, I was pulled out of my head and back into New's beautiful eyes. I'm so lucky, I love him so much, he's carrying and going to have my child. I'm going to marry this man one day, I swear it. *smack* "OW! Huh, what. Why did you hit me? I'm sorry I was just lost in my thoughts, is everything okay?" I said. "Everything is fine, Tay, you were just spaced out and it's time to leave. We're hungry" New replied. It took me a moment to decipher what he meant by "we," but I quickly realized, he was talking about him and our unborn baby. I smiled, and quickly responded, "Well, then, I guess it's time for us to leave. We need to keep you both fed and happy." New gave me a lovely smile, and quickly got up and headed out the door. 

We made our way to one of the best café's in town, but as I pulled through the drive-through and finished ordering, I turned to New and saw him rubbing his tummy. There wasn't a noticeable bump, but I won't deny that I can't wait for him to blow up. He'll be so cute, he is after all pregnant with my child, so the cuteness is a given. I also can't wait to be able to rub his pregnant belly, and I heard pregnant sex feels way better than normal sex, so I definitely can't wait for that part. I need to keep my territory marked so no one dares touch New besides me. I pulled up to the window, handed the money over, grabbed our food, and we headed home to eat.

3 months later

Tay's POV

It's been about three months since we found out that New was pregnant. His tummy is getting bigger every day, and I feel creepy to admit I'm turned on by this. New has been adjusting well to his pregnancy, but I'm still on alert because around 24 weeks are when most complications in male pregnancies begin to happen. I've been stressed by this, but New seems confident and it's his body, so I trust him. New no longer attends high school, he finished his studies at my place and graduated earlier than his class, and I like it better that way because the kids at his school are rude as hell.

New has been sitting on the couch all morning only listening to classical music, explaining to me that this time of music will help our baby grow. I have been doing school work all morning because one of us is still in school. If New can carry and birth a child, I can do school work. However, New is making it incredibly hard for me, and all I really want to do is treasure these moments with him and our baby. It's not fair, he gets to spend all of this time with our baby, I'm jealous, I'm going over there, to hell with school work.

"Hey baby, how's everything feeling, any pain?"

"No, there's no pain Tay, it just feels like butterflies in my stomach"

New flashed his pearly whites at me. He grabbed my hand and placed it right on his bump, and like a baby, I almost cried, ugh I'm so soft right now. I couldn't help it, but I started rubbing my nose on New's neck like a weirdo, and as any sweet omega would do, New leaned to show submission. We haven't been to check the sex, but if my nose tells me anything, I'm confident our baby is a boy. In this community, most men want an alpha to carry down their lineage, but regardless of status, I will love him. Once that sniffing war was over, I started to talk to my little pup.

"Hello, I hope you're feeling good. Your lunar is such a beautiful light in my life, and I know you will be as well. You already mean so much to me, to us. We can't wait for you to be here, when will you start kicking, do you like the music your moon plays for you? I hope you're developing well in my omega's tummy, su su na my lovely flare." I planted a few kisses on New's tummy hoping our baby will sense it and decided that New might love if I rubbed on his tummy, I'm sure it gets uncomfortable growing as fast as he is.

So, I adjusted him to sit between my legs and I wrapped my arms around him and lightly rubbed his growing bump. New leaned his head back on my shoulder and turned his head toward me, I looked back at him and kissed him softly, now is not the time to be aggressive, our kiss is sweet and fluid, and after kissing him for a few moments, New pulled back and whispered into my ear, "I love you, and I'm glad that you're the man I'm having a baby with. You're the only man I want to be with, and I'm ready to be with you until the day we die.

I decided that I don't regret abandoning my school work for these moments.

[Author's Note]

If you're reading this I hope you're enjoying this. I was loving this story lol, but for some reason it's not turning out how I wanted. I'm sorry if this shows in my writing.

Updates will be slow and sporadic, and if this bugs you, I'm sorry. Hopefully, I can get a few more chapters up in the next few days, but I'm not promising anything.

There may be some mistakes, and if there is, eventually I will come back in and update and fix issues where I find them. This chapter also feels really short, but it's over 1,000 words. I don't know why that is...

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