Chapter 9

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Tay's POV

It's been a few weeks since that last appointment. New knows everything, and he's not affected by it all. He's okay with it, no ounce of fear; in fact, he was quite excited about it. He's unfazed about the fact he could die. He and I talked about it for hours after that call came back and the appointment was given to us. We can't miss this appointment because there won't be another one available until next year, and by then New will have already given birth to our son, who is currently nameless. I choose to trust my omega, but I'm still scared; New told me not to think about it, all we can do is live like it won't happen.

So, here we are; we are currently viewing listings on our community's rent site. New is thinking that we shouldn't even bother going for a condo, instead, we should buy a house. Did I mention we're viewing three today? These are the three houses New has narrowed down to, and we have to immediately close on one because there are others in line, and we need to move ASAP.

We're getting priority because New is pregnant and nearing his delivery, and I'm stressed. I hope these are all that he expects they are. All of them are excluded, except one. New likes the quiet and he wants somewhere to raise our child away from the hustle and bustle of our communities city; of course, not too far away as commute and all that, but just excluded enough where we aren't crushed against another person's house.

He also wants a house where there's enough rooms for an office and a spare room for future children. I'm glad we live in this community because, in the outside communities, this would be ridiculously expensive; whereas here, we don't actually pay money for a house, you just have to have children and be documented as wanting more. That is why when we close on this house, we must sign papers and documents about expecting children and wants for future children, not the actual house.

Then after that New will go through an initiation ceremony, and cleansing to bless him and our house with positive vibes of fertility success, it's a lot. However, we are facing a crisis and he's already thinking about another baby; I'm really trying to be optimistic here, but the idea lingers in the back of my mind and I can't help but get sad. Regardless, wherever New chooses, is where I will raise our child if he doesn't make it.

Therefore, we're going to meet Off's mom, who's probably the only person in this community who's a realtor that I trust, at the first lot. It's not that realtor here are liars, it's just I have issues with strangers. We got into my car, and I drove us to the first location, it was beautiful. I'm really just here for New, I want him to feel comfortable in the home as he'll start to nest here in a few weeks as he nears delivery and he'll need it more than ever after this unnatural mating appointment that's coming up.

This first house is not excluded, it's literally in the middle of a normal neighborhood. New said it was okay though because it was big enough, and it was pretty. So, here we are, outside the residence, waiting for Off's mom to arrive and unlock the door. I thought about something though and decided to see what New thought about it.

"Hey, maybe we should have Off and Gun tour these houses with us? Our tastes aren't similar, but since they're mated, they should start looking as well. They'll appreciate it as a few free options. There was no limit on the party attending."

"Yeah, that's true, you should call them up quickly and have them come here and see if this is something they'd like, it's more their style than ours after all."

"Okay, I'm going to call them then."


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