Chapter 12

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1 month later

Tay's POV

We are getting closer to the due date and New has been nesting in the empty room of our new house. He has so many different blankets, towels, and about half my shirts all piled in a corner. He's very grouchy and is under a lot of medical supervision because he's unmated. I swung by the furniture store to pick up a piece of furniture that might help New with his nesting urges. It'll be all for him and I figure it'll be so much more comfortable than a cold hardwood floor.

More than likely, because New is nesting so late and is pregnant, New will have our baby in his nest where there's a higher chance for his survival. Our unmated situation isn't like others. Tomorrow is the appointment and New is incredibly tense, and I can't help him because I don't know how this will go down.

Currently, I'm collecting this giant soft beanie bag for New, and having this put into the back of our SUV. I will go get some lunch, and his favorite dessert and head home to him. Gun and Off are going to meet me there as they haven't seen New in too long.

Once I got home, I realized I had made a huge error by letting another alpha near my unmated omega, and into my home without me there. New was whimpering and cowered into the closet corner, where his nest is. I quickly made my way over to him and let him lock onto my scent, as this was the only way to comfort him.

He was begging me to mark him, I feel so bad for not mating him before all this mess happened, this is all my fault. I couldn't do much because of him not being in heat, so I just stayed there until he was calm enough to emerge. His eyes were all watery and his face was red, this is not good for the baby.

"Baby, Off and Gun are just here to see you. They're just stopping by to eat with us; then tomorrow they'll be here as an extra set of eyes. No one is here to harm you, or our baby."

"Alpha, alpha, alpha, please mark me. Why don't you love me?"

"I do love you my sweet omega, and I will mark you tomorrow. Don't worry. There are people coming by to make sure this bonding can happen."


"Let's eat, ok?"

"Yes, alpha."

I quickly went downstairs and got his food for him, and I beckoned Off and Gun with me. They're just going to have to sit in the hallway outside the room with New's nest and I'll just sit with him in his closet. I'll ask Off to help me with the beanie bed later. We all collected around the spare room and prepared to eat our lunch, everything started to calm down and we all began to start eating our food, except Gun.

He just sat there, looking a little pale when he suddenly rushed to the guest bath and I could hear him throwing up. Off rushed off to soothe him. I sat there quietly with New in my lap and continued eating with New, I'll ask them about it when they come back. As I finished that thought, Off and Gun returned to finally start eating. Is Gun pregnant?

"Hey, Gun, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything is fine, it's just a bit of day sickness."

"So...Y'all are pregnant?"

"Yeah, I'm a few months in actually. That's why we closed on that house, we've been trying to get so much done, and we didn't want to worry about a house later on. Isn't this exciting? I didn't want to say anything because New is quickly approaching his due date and I didn't want to take away from this for y'all."

"Of course you wouldn't take away from this Gun, you should've said something earlier. Is there a bump?"

"Yeah, I have a small bump and it's adorable. I don't know who our baby is, but whoever they turn out to be, I'll love them."

"I haven't met frank yet, but I love him so much already, and I'm sure our children will be good friends. Maybe they'll eventually mate?"

"Tay! My child isn't even 3 months yet and you're trying to mate my pup with yours, you're silly. Our children will mate if they want, that's that."

"Yes, Gun, I know. I'm just joking."

The mood is jovial, but New hadn't said much. This was understandable as he's very clingy to me and is still at unease over an alpha being near him and our pup. We all have finished eating though, and Off does a nice thing by cleaning up our trash for us. He and Gun leave to go outside, so New and I are left to this room.

I move New to his nest fully and tell him about a nesting bed I got for him, and that it required Off and I to carry it. New was reluctant to let me leave, but I convinced him otherwise by telling him to watch us carry it into the house by the window. So, he moved to the window, and I walked downstairs to retrieve New's new nesting bed. Once I got down there, Off and I removed the giant beanie nest from the trunk of my SUV, and we carried it upstairs to New's current nest.

We set it up and I said goodbye to Gun and Off, they reminded me that they'd be over here at about 10 a.m. just so they'd be here before the doctors got here. I congratulated them on their baby, and they left for their temporary home. I turned around to see New adjusting to his new nest.

Normally, he won't let me sleep in his nest, but I feel that tonight will be different, so I walked over and joined him there. I was right, this time he didn't fight me and now we are cuddled together and ready for sleep, so that's what we did. New fell asleep quickly, and he cuddled into my chest; I slightly adjusted to hold him better and once I settled, I too fell asleep holding New in my arms.

[Authors Note]

Hello, how are y'all doing? It's been a while lol.

This is such a small update, I'm sorry. I thought things would ease up a little for me to write more, but that's not the case for this week.

Let me know how you feel about this chapter, and whenever  I can update next, I will. We're getting close to the due date, just have to wait to get through this mate session.

Sorry for any dumb mistakes that are made. This chapter feels like a dumb mistake, but it's kind of cute?

That's it for now...


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