Chapter 14

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New's POV

It's been a week or so since the mating session, and here I am. I'm newly mated and bedridden because my system is still in shock due to the forced trauma. Tay is just as exhausted, if not more than me. He had to force himself into a continuous rut, which is not applicable. Alpha's don't go through the kind of ruts Tay was forced to endure.

I had to lay there and take; whereas he had to carry the entire burden, for hours. There a giant mark on my throat and the bruises are still going away, but overall, I'm not too beat up. The mark burns every once in a while, but that's about it as far as my mate mark goes. Then there's Tay and his leftover burdens from this mate session.

The first three days required a massage therapist to come in and work all the knots out of his body. I had a doctor come in and check on me and approve the mating bond to make sure that when I go into labor somewhere between next week and the week after, I won't die. It was confirmed and my labor will be like every other omega's labor experience.

If you are unaware of how omega males give birth, I'll let you in on a little secret. Caesarian section. It's a miracle, a lot of people think that the baby will come from my ass, but that doesn't make sense because the pocket where my baby is growing does not reside near my ass pathway.

Tay is sleeping away, and I am having to rely on both my nurses and a couple of our friends that circulate responsibilities. Currently, that means Singto is helping where needed, which covers everything that's not in my nurse's job description.

I need Singto to run and buy groceries and a few more necessities for the baby, that's quickly arriving any week now. I think it would be best if Tay woke up, he needs to eat and shower.

My poor baby is so exhausted, and I feel so bad for him, but his stale ass is in need of a nice long shower, or a jacuzzi bath if preferred. I'd kill for a nice hot bath in our jacuzzi tub, but I can't because I don't feel like deep frying my child so close to his due date.

"Tay, wake up, you need to eat and take care of your hygiene."

"Are you trying to tell me that I stink?"

"No, but you should still take a shower, it's been two days that you've slept through. Singto will be back in a few with food and I think you'll be happier if you can just start eating as opposed to having to shower while the food is fresh."

"Okay baby, I'll go take a shower. Maybe I can actually stay up for a while this time. I'm sorry that I not up very much to be with you. I'm still sore."

"Don't apologize to me, just go get a shower and I'm going to try and walk around some more today, my legs are aching."

I heard the water start in our bathroom and I got up to walk around a little bit. I should ding my nurse because I want to go downstairs and I need help. So, that's what I do, I ding my nurse and she helps me down the stairs and settles me in the living room.

In the process of stretching out my back, the front door opens, and I hear Singto call out. I call back. He walks to the kitchen to place the stuff, he picked up for us, on the counter. I hear Tay walk down and I turn to see him approaching the kitchen where Singto and I are.

He quickly pulls me into his embrace and lays a long and slow kiss on my lips, my arms move to his neck to keep him close because we haven't been this close in a long time. His hands rest on my hips and we're still kissing, but it doesn't last long when someone decides to butt in and ruin the moment for us.

"Hey, yeah, I'm still here."

"Yeah, Singto, we know. We're just spending a moment together that we haven't had in a few days."

"Okay, well, wait till I'm gone before you play a game of tonsil hockey with each other."

"Well, feel free to leave since you've graciously done the stuff I needed. Thank you."

"Bye guys, let me know if you need anything else."

"We will."

We got back to kissing for a few minutes once Singto shut the door, it's been too long for us and I can't wait for things to get back to normal. We broke apart, again, by our own volition and decided we were hungry and ready to actually try and be normal today.

We were still tired and sore, but we wanted to enjoy ourselves and love our house that we haven't been in for that long. Tay and I are ready to get back to how we were and appreciate the last little bit of my pregnancy before it ends in a few weeks.

We sat down to eat some food and we made some small talk but other than that, we just enjoyed each other's company. Soon enough, we decided that we were too tired to stay downstairs, and with some help from Tay, we both made it back to bed to chill and sleep some more for recovery.

I'll, more than likely, be bedridden for the rest of my pregnancy. I hope Tay recovers soon, I don't want to be this way, but he's all I have to rely on for support.

[Author's Note]

Hey y'all, I updated. It's a measly chapter, but it's something. Sorry for any mistakes.

I missed last week as I had too much to do.

However, plans may change with this book.

A lot of things have suddenly started going downhill in my life, and I don't know where I'll be in the next month and a half. Some serious, possibly, negative life changing events could be occurring around next month, and I don't know what's going to happen to me. I hope my luck changes by then, but I won't know until the time comes.

If updates are scattered, I'm sorry, I just have a lot of stuff going on. I'm very worried for the state of my life currently, and I know that sounds dramatic, but you don't know the details and I do. Everything can suddenly become a shit show due to what's currently going on.

If the book suddenly stops progressing over a period of time, I'm sorry.

If the book suddenly stops progressing over a period of time, I'm sorry

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