Chapter 13

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Tay's POV

Well, today is the day I mate New. I wish it was under different circumstances, but I won't let New die, so it is what it is. I figure there will be a way to make it up to him, and hopefully, once this is done and the bond settles into his DNA, New will be back into a better mind.

Off and Gun are headed here to watch over everything and help us while this traumatizing mating ritual happens. I have a plan after all this is done to help New adjust with the aftermath of this ceremony. I think it would give more love and life to our home.

Gun and Off have just arrived and following not 10 minutes behind them are the team of mating experts here to help us with our issue. Things are too lively this morning, there's a lot of people walking around, talking, and situating to begin this procedure.

They're apparently supposed to walk us through it step by step, New and I are supposed to mate the typical way, except about 10 people will be watching and recording us. I didn't just sign up to become a porn star, and this isn't what I envisioned us mating like, but I will do anything for New and our child.

"Hey, Gun, just tell Off to make himself at home. The fridge is stocked full of food, but if y'all want to order in there are menus, in the drawer, next to the fridge."

"I will let him know. By the way, Tay, I'm sorry this is how your situation turned out to be like. You and New will get through it though, you're such a power couple. If you need anything, we'll be downstairs. Do you have any idea when the process will be done?"

"Thank you, Gun, I'm glad you met Off, I know you've been wanting to settle down for the longest time. It's supposed to take a few hours, but I don't really know a specific time. I'm sure I'll have to take a break at some point."

"How's this supposed to happen? Like, did they explain to you what they're going to do to New and you?"

"They told me some stuff. They're going to inject New with something to trigger a heat, a small one, and that will trigger a small rut for me. We, then, will have to mate like usual; except, we have to listen to them step by step in order for this to work out. This is, supposedly, safe for the baby, but will cause New an incredible amount of pain. I'm not ready for that, but he'll be in pain during labor, so I should get used to it."

"That sounds horrible, Tay, but if you need anything, Off and I will be down here watching HGTV. Good luck."

"Thanks, I hope this goes fast. They're injecting him right now, so I'm going to get back to New."

Once I walked back into the room, I saw New fidgeting and the pheromones hit my head harder than Rapunzel hit Flynn with her frying pan in Tangled. There was so much sweetness, it was almost sickening.

The moment I, fully, took in the situation, and I wasn't fond of what I was seeing. My omega was tied to the floor. They removed him from his nest and tied him to the floor. There was a contraption covering his eyes, and this was holding his locked.

His hands were tied together above his head, and his legs were tied so that he was spread open and couldn't move. He could not struggle against me, he was completely helpless. They were catering to my inner alpha, giving me complete and total submission, forcefully. This isn't acceptable.

"Hey! What the hell? What are you doing to him, why can't we have a decent mating process?"

"Sir, this is how it is. Either mate him by our stipulations, or we'll leave him to die a horrible, lonely, and unmated death to bear your bastard child."

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