Chapter 7

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Off's POV

After receiving that last-minute call from New, I am intrigued by why he was so desperate for me to be over there. I was going to be visiting in a few days anyway so I could just move it till now, but still. I think it's better to go now than later anyways, I don't want to be nearing a rut around a pregnant, unmated, omega with his alpha present. That's no good for my jugular, I quite like my lanky ass in one-piece, I'm too handsome to acquire a chipped tooth, and you get the point. How else will I bring all the omegas to the yard? Exactly.

I am pulling up to Tay and New's shared condo, and I can smell something heavenly. It's like a sweet and spicy aroma. I'm curious as to what it could be as I know it's not the food. It's a mix between peppermint and white chocolate smell, kind of like peppermint bark. It's new, I've never smelt something like this before and whatever it is, I want it.

I approached their door and knocked, and when the door opened, I was face to face with a beacon that is emitting this smell. A cute and small omega was standing there, eyes wide, mouth slightly opened, and headed tilted up for his eyes to meet mine. He's beautiful. I've lost track of how long we've been standing here for, gaping at each other, but it was enough for New to yell that we were letting all the cold air out and to get our asses in and eat our dinner.

We walked in and sat down at the table, and we all ate, in silence. Tay and New were just off in their little world, gossiping about whatever the hell they were gossiping about, and here I was sitting next to this cute ass peppermint fairy. I want to munch on him, I want to dominate him, I want to put pups into his cute little body, watch his stomach become swollen, and watched him waddle around with my marks on him.

I want to do a lot of dirty things to him, and I don't even know his name yet. He's caught me staring at him, and now he's staring back. I'm not timid, I raised my eyebrow and I watched him bow his head and his cute little lips spread into a smile. Dimples appearing and blush saturated his cheeks. He's definitely my omega, even if he doesn't know it yet. We all finished out dinner and moved to the living room. I had yet to congratulate Tay and New on their baby, so I think now is an appropriate time for that.

"By the way, congratulations on your little honey bunches that's currently snuggled inside your organs, I can't imagine how happy y'all must be."

"Uh, thanks? What a weird-ass way to congratulate someone on a pregnancy. Like, I'm flattered and weirded out, you're such a dork" New stated.

"I thought it was kind of cute" Gun stated looking down at his little hands. Cute.

"Can I?" I pointed to New's stomach.

New nodded to me, but before I could place my hand on his little bump, I was forcefully shoved to the ground, knocking a few things down on my way to the floor. I got my bearings back quickly when Tay shot at me, his eyes black and fangs on display, he was snarling asserting his dominance. Okay, so rain check on touching New's bump, it's not worth my life or balls. His alpha doesn't register that I'm not a threat to his omega or his territory; oh well, this is part of our nature.

He grabbed my throat and pinned me down to the floor. I'm pretty strong, but I'm nothing compared to an alpha trying to keep his mate safe. New and Gun were panicking in the back, neither is strong enough to remove Tay from me. I was able to get his hands off my throat for a moment, long enough to say something. "Dude, I'm not trying to hurt New, I would never. Get a hold on yourself." That didn't seem to register with him either. Well, I guess I got to go the other route, or he's going to kill me, sorry bro. I grabbed one of their little Buddha statues and hit him in the head with it.

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