Chapter 11

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Tay's POV

It's been about a week since we closed on our house, and now we are out looking for new furniture and home décor, we have been for the past 3 days. The thing about condos is the fact that they come renovated and furnished, none of the items in this condo are owned by me except my clothes, shoes, hygiene items, and my school stuff. I own nothing, and New is still 17 so of course, neither does he.

I'm glad New doesn't want any additions to the house except a few renovations. The only thing he's changing is the kitchens backsplash, which has been renovated already, and the designs on the walls. The only thing left is the hassle of shopping for furniture and décor for our new home. I'm glad we're holding off on the second bedroom because I'm already losing my mind with everything we have to do.

New likes the farmhouse style, and so do I; it feels homier than most homes nowadays. So far, we've gotten our master room, bathroom, and closet necessities. We've also gotten the kitchen, dining room, and living room necessities. We got the rest of the house's bathroom necessities and the linen area; we've also got the office done.

We've gotten a lot done, pretty much everything, we just have the outside to do, and we're turning the attic into a little reading room, as we have no reason for storage, so we're still shopping for that.

New also wants more kitchen stuff so we're looking for that too. We're also still looking for baby stuff, however, we did find the cutest pacifier ever at an antique shop, it's handmade, and it's perfect for Frank, and any other babies we have in the future. We are looking at a feeding chair right now, and we've spotted the cutest little chair ever; I know New is going to buy it.

If there's one thing I'm glad about, it's that we've shopped at the same warehouse for everything we, now, own in our home. The deal is, if we come early and pick enough stuff out for delivery, we can write directions for a house flipper to come in and set our house for us.

So, as we've finished room sets, they've taken it to our house and set it up. This is something New is milking, as he's pregnant and everyone wants him to be stress-free, so they do everything for him. He's an opportunist, and I love him for it.

Currently, we are looking at baby stuff; New wants to get enough stuff for Frank in preparation for his arrival. I don't want him to stand for too long, as he's been having dizzy spells more lately and he's having cramps. It's so bad that we now have a wheelchair. A week ago he was fine, I find it incredible how quickly things can change.

I give him another 10 minutes before he's in need of his wheelchair. Passing a bunch of baby clothes, we've come to baby baths and now New is deciding how luxurious Frank's bath needs to be. He's never going to remember these baths, but it makes New happy, so I don't question him. Eventually, he decided that a standing tub would work and so we put that on hold for transport later, and then New quickly snagged a small corner station meant for changing a baby.

As we were walking around browsing some more, New lost his balance, due to a dizzy spell, and almost fell forward onto his stomach. I caught him though, and decided that it was time for him to be wheeled around, it was becoming impossible for him to remain standing.

I quickly called over a store assistant and asked if they could stay with him while I go get his chair, of course, they complied. I rushed off to grab the chair, and then rushed back to set it up for him. Once that was taken care of, he was situated into the chair and we kept rolling on.

"Tay, look. It's beanie babies. We should see what kind they have and maybe buy two for Frank. What do you think?"

"Whatever you want baby."

So, now we're in the aisle looking for some beanie babies. I think we should find an orca and a polar bear so Frank will have a symbol of his parents. With a little digging and some determination, we came across an orca and a polar bear.

They're the old-fashioned kind too, like from when I was a kid; the newer models are firmer now than the ones from my time, which were more beanie. I think this makes New happy, I'm sure he'll probably prefer to carry these out himself.

We decided that it was enough baby stuff for today, and we headed to the outside furniture and décor. I'm honestly excited for this as I love grilling and I love outdoorsy relaxation; the sun feels good on my skin. Speaking of which, I want a grill. No, I'm not good at kitchen cooking, but I am the best at grilling and BBQ. I'm glad there's a station to add a grill to, and I know New will let me have a grill; I won't bother asking.

I'm still wheeling New around and it's currently 1:20 p.m., and we just finished our outside patio shopping. I got the grill, and I'm happy. Now the people are packing the stuff up to take it to the house and set it all up. I'm going to wheel New out to the car, and we're going to go grab some food and take it to our house. Our house, I like the sound of that.

"You want to go pick food up and eat in our new house while they set everything up?"

"Yeah, that sounds good, I'm tired and hungry. I'm really just ready to move into our home, I want to nest and I want to see if accommodations can be made and we can do this appointment in my nest."

"I can call them once we're done eating, let's get going, I need to feed my babies."

And so we pulled out of the lot and headed on our way.

[Authors Note]

Yes, this chapter is also short. That is intended because they're just shopping, and there's not much to shopping.

Also, yes, there are mistakes lol.

The next "chapter" is just their set up in each aspect of the house, it's all pictures, so don't be disappointed.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the short story, sorry if it jumps around too much. In my mind, TayNew shopping together is chaotic af lol.

See you in the next chapter...


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