Chapter 2

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2 months later

Newwiee's POV

In these past two months, I have been dealing with my transition from being a beta to omega, and it's making me deathly ill. I haven't been to a school in a month because my body has been too weak to stand longer than ten-minute intervals. I've been contemplating going to the doctors, but it's such an inconvenience. My friend Off once had the same symptoms, that I'm currently living through, and he got over it in about three months. I think I'll be fine, it's just convincing Tay that I'll be fine. Every time I try to tell him I'm fine, he gets bitchy with me because he says I'm not, and then I get bitchy with him. We bicker like children, but I don't care, he's still cute. Tay and I also haven't been intimate lately because I am sick, and I think that's influencing our bickering. In fact, we just had an argument earlier this morning, and he's been pouty ever since.

"Tay, I'm just sick. I don't understand why you are so upset that I refuse to go to the doctors. I know I'll get better soon" I stated.
"The point is, regardless of what you think, you're sick, and you're not getting better. You've been sick for over a month. I think that it's reasonable for me to be worried, you get dizzy spells and are constantly throwing up every morning, noon, and night. I can see your body depleting. I feel like I'm watching you die. You have no energy and I've been doing what I can to alleviate this, but nothing is working. Please go to the doctors, for me." Tay insisted.

I could tell he was exhausted and concerned, so I gave in. "Okay. I will go to the doctors and see what is wrong with me." I replied. Tay walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. He rubbed my back and let out a small, relieved, "thank you" into my neck. I rubbed his back and attempted to massage the knots I found, maybe he should think about getting a massage done. He was right, everything we've tried has failed, and I'm only getting worse.

Twenty minutes later, an appointment was scheduled for tomorrow morning and Tay was going to take me to see what the diagnosis is. I hope I just have the flu and it's not some incurable disease. I suddenly look at Tay, and with my best puppy face, I beg him to go pick me up some cake from the bakery. I've been craving sweets more than normal, and like normal I'm now being lectured about how sugar will just make me sicker. I find it pointless bickering about this, Tay knows he'll lose anyway. I cut my eyes at Tay, and quickly put on my best pouty mouth. Tay can't resist all of this, and whether he likes it or not, he's going to go buy me some damn sweets. We stared at each other for a solid five minutes when Tay finally gave in and dramatically stated "Fine! I'll go buy you some damn cake." and as he was walking out the door, he was mumbling to himself "You're such a brat, you know that? You're lucky I love you." All I could do was smile and chuckle, I won again, but that's nothing new.

Fifteen minutes later I hear the front door to Tay's condo open, and I see him enter with a container of my favorite cake. I couldn't control myself and I released a moan. Tay quickly shot a glare at me, "Why can't you look at me like you look at this damn cake" Tay whispered, and though he thought he said it to himself, I heard him. So, I took my opportunity to snap back, I sassily replied, "Because this cake's cream is sweet, your cream is too salty." Tay looked, genuinely, offended, but all I could do was laugh and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Personally, my beliefs contradict my statement, but Tay doesn't need the ego boost. He already knows he has the best dick, I don't need to give him more reason to keep me swallowing.

The next morning, we got ready to go and got into the car. I feel threatened for some reason, and all I want to do is cling to Tay and stay in his arms. I don't want to go to the doctors. Tay must've sensed this because he put his hand out for me to grab, and as soon as I intertwined our fingers, I felt relief. I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back, and then we drove to the doctor's office.

Once we got there and parked, Tay, being the charming man he is, walked over to my side opened the door, and unbuckled my seat belt for me. I don't know why, but it made me tear up. Then I was a crying and babbling mess. Tay, concerned for me, turned around and asked me "What's wrong baby?" and all I could do was sob harder. I was so overwhelmed with affection all I could do was cry, but I tried to respond the best that I could, "I *hiccup* am fine. I just *hiccup* love you. You're so good to *hiccup* me." All he could do was giggle at me, and his laugh being as infectious as it is, quickly, turned my mood around, and then I was smiling and laughing. Damn mood swings.

We walked into the office, holding hands, and Tay walked up to sign me in. I sat down as Tay was walking back to sit next to me in the waiting room. "How are you feeling today my love?" Tay asked me, "I'm doing better, but I'm with you so it makes sense. I'm a little nauseous but it's not too bad." As soon as I finished my response, my doctor came out to call me back. I won't lie and say I'm not nervous, because I am, but I'm hoping my problem will get fixed and I can start feeling better.

Once we reached the examination room, I sat on the table and waited for them to take my vitals and start asking me questions. I explained my symptoms and told them about how I had been feeling terribly ill and it has been ongoing in the past two months. I am a bit confused when the nurse asks for an ultrasound and requests for me to pee in a cup, but nevertheless, I agree to do both. As soon as I handed the cup to the nurse, she walks out as Tay walks in to ask what is going on. I explain to him what the situation is, and he is just as confused as I am.

Ten minutes went by, and the nurse came back in to start rubbing the extremely cold gel on my lower abdomen. She moved the wand over a few different spots, once she found the right spot, she stopped. She pointed to an outline on the monitor, and after staring at it for long enough, I pulled Tay closer to ask him if he was seeing what I thought I was seeing. When he nodded, the nurse said: "Congratulations, you're pregnant."

It felt like time stopped. I looked up at Tay, and he was already staring at me. I repeated it aloud just to make sure, "I'm pregnant? My boyfriend and I are going to have a baby?" When she nodded to me, I grabbed Tay's face and kissed him, and he kissed back. I was ecstatic to hear that were going to have a baby, and I could tell Tay was too. When we parted, we just stared at each other's glistening eyes, our foreheads touching. Tay reconfirmed "I'm going to be a dad?" and so I replied "Yes, you're going to be a dad. We're having a baby." And after Tay smiled his beautiful boxy smile at me, he pulled me to him for another beautiful kiss.

I'm so happy.

[Author's Note] If anyone is reading this, I am sorry for any mistakes made

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[Author's Note] If anyone is reading this, I am sorry for any mistakes made. At some point, I will revisit and clean up anything that is grammatically incorrect or confusing. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.

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