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"I had fun tonight," Dan said.
"Yeah, me too," I mumbled as I hauled Vivien's play pen into my house. "Where do you want me to set this up?"
"Oh, any spare bedroom upstairs is fine."
"I'll do the one next to ours. Also, Dan she's waking up."
"Oh, thanks."

We finished setting up everything, that could fit into my car, into Vivien's new room. We agreed that tomorrow morning we would go and rent a moving van to get everything into my house. For tonight though, Vivien would have to deal with her play pen and shitty, travel high hair.

"Wait, Phil."
"Can we actually set the play pen up in our room? Just for tonight. I forgot the baby monitors at the apartment."
"Oh, don't worry, I have surveillance throughout the entire house. I can get it set up on your phone."
"Yeah, of course. Besides, my house cost a lot of money. You really think I'd leave it without security?"
"You make a good point, Lester."
"I know," I smirked.
"Mmm," Vivien whined.
"Oh, what's wrong?" Dan cooed as he bounced her up and down on his hip. "You can't be hungry, we fed you not too long ago. I also just changed you. Are you just fussing?" Vivien started leaning her head back and made her grabby hands at me. I twisted my face and took a few steps away from the near-crying girl. "Phil..."
"Please take her..."
"I really don't want–"
"You're my husband now, take the damn kid!" he yelled. My eyes widened as I glared at him. "Philip, I'm waiting."

I rolled my eyes before taking her from his hands. I set her on my hip and let her hold onto my fingers—for some odd reason, she enjoys pulling at them.

"Thank you, babe," he smiled as he kissed my cheek. "Oh, and here's your phone." He reached into his pocket to grab my phone, but dropped it onto the counter. "Shit," he hissed.
"I fucking cut myself," he grumbled as he grabbed a paper towel. "Oh my god, are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Do you have band aids anywhere?"
"In the bathroom, I'll go grab them." I walked as quick as I could, with the baby in my arms, and came back with a box of old band aids. "Here... do you need me to call anyone? Do you need stitches?"
"First of all, I'm practically a doctor, so calm down. And no, it's just a tiny cut, I'll be fine."
"If you insist..."

Dan did whatever he had to do before sweeping up the broken glass and throwing it into the bin. As I bounced the little one around to keep her occupied, Dan leaned over the counter and bit at his chapped lips.

"Hey, Phil..."
"Can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course, what's up?"
"After you dropped your phone, your screen still had your texts on it, and–"
"Let me guess, you read them."
"What about them?"
"You said you didn't love me."
"Love comes in time, Dan. It just doesn't happen overnight."
"I get that, but you said that you loved me."
"You lied to me, Phil."
"What did you expect from me?" I scoffed. "Dan, you know the kind of person I am. You said I was a loser, okay? Did you really have high hopes for me?"
"I just–"
"You just what?"
"I thought you may have changed, y'know?" He pouted and shrugged.
"You really are a fucking hopeless romantic, aren't you?" I sighed.
"Yes, Phil, I am! What's wrong with that‽"
"Where do I begin?"
"Don't be a dick about this!"
"I'm going to be a dick about this because I was in your shoes once and look how it turned out!"
"What? With a loving husband and an amazing daughter?"
"You mean a guy I wanted to fuck and a kid I didn't want?" His eyes widened as his mouth hung agape.
"You don't mean that," he whispered.
"What do you want me to say?" I hissed. "I was once young and in love, Daniel. It ended with my husband cheating on me and me becoming a pathetic loser."
"I'm not you and you're not your ex." I shook my head at him and wiggled my fingers around for Vivien, as she didn't have a single care in the world. "Phil, I seriously think this could work out, but only if you give it a chance."
"What do you think I've been doing?"
"Lying to me!" He brushed his hand through his hair before leaning onto the counter. "I think I need to go home."
"Don't be stupid, you live here now."
"What if I don't want to?"
"You got your fucking shag in, you don't need me anymore. Might as well go, y'know?"
"Do whatever you want," I scoffed, "I don't fucking control you." I handed Vivien over to him. "Night, Dan."

He didn't say anything—he stood in the kitchen, not knowing what to do. I headed up to my room to get ready for bed, but Dan didn't follow. I laid in there and watched him wander around the house via security camera. He eventually went into Vivien's room, which I knew meant he wasn't going anywhere.

Once she was tucked in for the night, he went back downstairs and set up a blanket along with a few pillows on the couch. He turned on the tv before zoning in on, what I assume to be, a random game on his phone. I rolled my eyes before setting the tablet on the bedside table and heading down the stairs. I stopped in the hallway, at a mounted iPad that controlled some things around the house and dimmed the lights before connecting to the stereo.

I found a love... for me...

I shoved my hands into my pajamas pant pockets before wandering into the lounge. He looked at me before turning back to the tv—I rolled my eyes, turned it off, and offered him my hand. He hesitantly grabbed it as he stood up from he couch. I slung his arms around my neck as I rested my hands on his hips.

I pulled him close and smiled contently at the grumpy man. We began swaying back and forth to the music as he rested his cheek on my shoulder. I pressed a kiss into his temple as I rubbed my hand up and down his back.

"I'm still mad at you, y'know."
"That's fine," I grinned. "You're still here."
"You don't hate Viv, do you?" he whined.
"Not entirely..."
"I knew you'd grow to like her."
"Did I say I liked her?" I teased.
"You will..."
"Don't count on it, Lester."
"Oh, but I will, Lester."

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