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After several days in the hospital, and a few rounds of physical therapy, my doctor finally told me I could go home. As I was being processed to leave, Dan started packing up the car, so I was in charge of Vivien. I sat her on my bed and began playing patty cake with her—while it was very uncomfortable, I made do because that's just what you do for your kids.

"Again!" Vivien giggled.
"Okay, pumpkin," I smiled. As we played, yet again, I heard someone knock on the door. "Come in!"
"Hey there, baby boy." I looked up and immediately snatched Vivien up with my good arm.
"Dada!" she whined.
"Sorry, pumpkin." I kissed her head. "Get out."
"Why, baby?"
"Stop calling me that. I'm two years older than you, Brinsburg."
"Is this your daughter?"
"Do not take another fucking step."
"Or what?"
"You don't want to find out."

Owen tsk'd his tongue as he walked towards my bed—I held onto Vivien tighter as he hovered over me. He leaned down and grabbed my face, puckering my lips in the process. I tried pushing him away, but I got a shooting pain throughout the left side of my body. I breathed heavily through my nose as I glared at him helplessly. He leaned in to kiss me, and not being able to do much, I spit in his face. He backed away, disgusted, before grabbing onto my face even harder.

"Listen here, you piece of shit." I narrowed my eyes and sighed. "I will do everything in my power to make sure you do not come back to work. Your position is mine, Lester."
"You're a dirty scumbag, Brinsburg."
"You sound surprised," he chuckled. He forced me into a kiss before pulling away smugly. "Tell your husband I say hi."
"Tell him yourself," Dan said. "Get the fuck out of here, Owen."
"I was just making friendly conversation with Philip here."
"Get away from him."
"Or what, baby?"
"Phil, we're leaving right now."
"Gladly," I huffed. I got out of bed and picked Vivien up—Dan quickly rushed to my side to grab her.
"Don't hurt yourself," he whispered.
"I can hold her, I'll be fine," I said as I took her back. "Owen, don't do anything stupid while you're in my shoes. Last thing I need is to fix the whole damn company upon my return."
"I'll do you proud, Lester," he smirked.
"Oh, shove it out your ass. Don't do anything dumb. Let's go, Dan."
"I'm gonna double check that you have everything. Head down to the car," he said as he handed me the car keys.
"Okay." I kissed his cheek. "Come on, pumpkin." As I walked out, Dan faced Owen and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Stay away from my husband."
"Are you afraid he'll want me back?"
"Not in the slightest. I know for a fact he hates your guts, so you're no threat to me."
"You're threatened by my husband, our marriage, his happiness, and his success. Leave him alone and continue your sad little life elsewhere. Got it?"
"Are you really happy with him, pretty boy?"
"He risked his life for me and our daughter. It'd be stupid not to be happy with him."
"Are you sure you're not just blinded by the fact that he saved you?"
"I love him, dickhead. Don't fuck up the company."
"You're just a little toy for the CEO to play with. You know that, right?"
"Initially I was, yes. I'm not anymore."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Bye, Owen..."


"Hey, babe?" Dan asked.
"Yeah, kitten?"
"I was talking to Owen after you left and, um..."
"Um? What'd he say?"
"He thinks that you're using me as a toy..."
"Okay, I can assure you I'm not... anything else?"
"He just got in my head. That's all," he sighed.
"Kitten, I love you. Okay? When I first met you, yes you were just a walking piece of ass to me," I smirked. "But you're not now. You're my husband who I happen to like a lot," I chuckled, "Don't let him get to you."
"Okay. I'm sorry I brought it up."
"I love you."
"I love you too." He wrapped his arms around my neck as pulled me into a kiss. "How's your arm?"
"It's fine, but my head is killing me."
"Why's that? You're also limping... are you okay?" My eyes widened as I blinked aimlessly at him. "Philip Michael Lester, answer me."
"I sort of have a concussion..."
"And a sprained ankle..."
"I'd yell, but I don't want to hurt your head. Why the hell didn't you tell me?"
"I forgot, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, just, ugh... are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am," I smiled.
"Kitty!" Vivien yelled from the lounge.
"Yeah, pumpkin?" Dan said as we walked to the lounge. "What's up?"
"Oh, sure."

Dan turned on the television to Winnie the Pooh for her to watch as she roamed around. We sat on the couch and Dan leaned against me, being sure not to put too much pressure on my shoulder.

"How would you feel about another kid?"
"Um... I'm okay with the one we have now."
"Yeah, but wouldn't it be nice if Viv had a little brother or sister?"
"No... I think she's good as a lone wolf..."
"You won't even consider it?"
"I considered her and I'm just fine with her."
"Daniel, I don't like kids. Hell, I only started liking Viv because she called me dad. If it weren't for that, honestly, I think I'd still hate her. If we were to have another kid, do you think you could really handle a year of me not liking them?"
"But the pay off would be amazing, don't you think? You love Vivien now, right?"
"Yes, of course I love her, Dan. It's just... I don't want another kid... forgive me, but I can make do with just the one."
"I always wanted a big family, Phil."
"I just can't give you that, Dan. I'm sorry, kitten."
"Please think about it..."
"Please... for me?"
"I'm sorry, Dan, but no..."

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