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"Happy birthday, Vivien," Dan sang. "Happy birthday, to you..." He placed a kiss on top of her head. "Blow, pumpkin."

Vivien tried blowing, but it turned more into spitting—Dan chuckled a bit as he blew them out for her. He kissed her chubby cheeks as he tightened his grip around her tiny torso.

"Yay!" he cheered as he clapped. "Daddy, wanna cut the cake?" I raised a brow at Dan. "What?"
"Really? Daddy?" I whispered.
Do it for kitten, he mouthed.

I smirked at my naughty husband as I reached for a knife on the kitchen table. I cut a little slab for Vivien and set it on a paper plate with one of her forks.

"Dig in, pumpkin," Dan said.
"You want a piece too?" I asked.
"No, I'm fine. Just cut a few extra for everyone."
"Will do, kitten."

I sliced a few pieces and laid them out for the guests to grab. Once everyone dispersed, I sat down next to Dan and took a few pictures of Vivien, upon his request. About halfway through her slice, she stood up on Dan's lap and started stomping in place.

"Okay, we're gonna set this down," I said as I grabbed the fork from her hand.
"She's standing?" Mum asked.
"She's actually walking. Badly, but it's walking."
"Good for you, pumpkin," she giggled.
"Mmm!" She whined as she continued stomping on Dan's legs.
"I'll take her for a walk," I sighed.
"She's got a dog, Phil."
"I know," I sneered. "Come on, Viv, let's go say hi to everyone."

I set her down on the ground and began wandering around with her. Mum took my spot at the kitchen table and admired me growing close with Vivien. She looked to Dan and rubbed his forearm—he perked up and glanced at her.

"Is something wrong, Mrs. Lester?"
"Dear, I told you, you can call me Katherine. Or, y'know, Kath, if you prefer."
"Right, sorry. What's up?"
"I just wanted to say thank you."
"Are you kidding? My son was broken... you and your daughter fixed him. I can't thank you enough for that."
"I don't really think I did much, if I'm being honest."
"Well, whatever you're doing, keep it up."
"Will do, ma'am," he smiled.
"Oh, and speaking of your lovely daughter, has my son changed his mind about adopting her?"
"No, not yet," he sighed. "I have the papers upstairs in the office, but he refused to sign them."
"He said he wants to get closer to her before officially becoming her dad, which I totally understand, but it's been six months. You'd think he'd be willing to sign the damn papers by now, y'know?"
"Honey, when I say he hates kids, he hates kids. I'm genuinely surprised he didn't throw your little one out the window when you asked him to hold her at my house. He's trying, okay? He has made so much progress, he just needs a little more time. If he loves you and Vivien, he'll sign the papers, but it's all with time."
"I know, I know. It's just hard for me to get into his mindset. I've always wanted to be a dad and it's hard to imagine anyone that would willingly spend their life without a child."
"Not everyone's like you, dear."
"I know..."
"So, if you don't mind me asking, where's her mother?"
"I have no idea," he shrugged. "She just up and left one night, so that was fun dealing with."
"Did you get her to sign the release papers?"
"The what?"
"Release papers for Vivien. Technically her mother still has legal rights to her, so she'd have to sign some papers to put her up for adoption so Phil can take her."
"Shit... I didn't think about that..."
"Do you have her phone number?"
"Yeah, but she blocked me."
"Here." She handed Dan her phone. "Give her a quick call."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive, darling."

He quickly dialed the necessary numbers before holding the phone up to his ear. It rang a few times before Vivien's mother picked up.

"Yeah? Who is this? How can I help you?"
"It's Dan... Dan Howell..."
"No, wait!"
"Listen, Mitch, I got married recently–"
"I saw, congratulations."
"Thank you. Anyway, I'm currently talking with my mother-in-law about my husband adopting Vivien."
"Okay? Why did you call me?"
"I need you to sign a few papers for me. I just need a written consent that custody can go over to my husband."
"Yeah, sure, whatever. I can drop by your flat now if you wanna get it over with."
"Oh, um, I actually moved."
"Okay... what's the address?"
"I don't think nows the best time, actually."
"Dan, I'm working nights all week for the next month. It's either now or you have to wait."
"Fine," he sighed. He gave her the address as well as directions on what to do when she got to the front gate.
"Okay, I'll be there within the hour."
"Okay... hey, Mitch?"
"It's Viv's birthday."
"I'm aware. I'll be there soon."

End Call.

"That went surprisingly well," he said.
"Good, I'm glad."
"Thank you, Katherine."
"My pleasure, dear. I'm gonna go mingle. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Sounds good..."

As Mum walked away, I made my way back with Vivien. I set her on my lap and let her play with my hands, as I usually do. I noticed Dan smiling fondly at me and I couldn't help but raise a brow.

"What's up?"
"Nothing... just had a really nice talk with your mother."
"Did you?"
"Yeah, she is just too sweet."
"Isn't she?" I smirked.
"Hey, um, Phil?"
"Vivien's mother is going to be here soon to sign a few papers, okay?"
"Okay," I shrugged. "Do you want me to hide Viv?" I chuckled.
"Would you mind?"
"I'm sure I can manage," I reassured.
"You're the best." He kissed my cheek.
"So... daddy? Really?"
"Oh, shut up."


"Mr. Lester?" the security guard called.
"Yes, Marshall?"
"A Michelle Hall is here. She claims she needs to talk with your husband."
"Dan!" I hollered.
"Yeah?" he called back.
"Come here, please!"
"What?" He walked over with Vivien by his side.
"What's Vivien's mother's name?"
"Full or first?"
"Michelle Hall."
"Send her up."
"Will do, Mr. Lester."
"Thank you, Marshall." I hung up the phone and swept Vivien up from the floor. "Let's go see grandma, huh?" I brought her into the crowded living room as Dan snuck Michelle upstairs to the office.
"It's nice seeing you again, Mitch."
"Yeah, whatever, what do I need to sign?"
"Just a few pages from this packet."

Without much hesitation, she signed Vivien away to Phil. After triple checking that she had done everything required, she threw the pen on the desk, and swung her purse over her shoulder.

"See ya."
"Wait, before you go..."
"Jesus, what?"
"Why'd you leave?"
"Please just answer the question..."
"I realized I fucking hate kids," she spat.
"But you were so good to her... she loved you very much..."
"I just don't like kids Dan, okay?"
"I get it..."
"What about your husband?"
"I'm sorry?"
"How does he feel about kids?"
"Why do you care?"
"There's a reason he hasn't signed these papers... isn't there?" She smugly smiled as she folded her arms.
"If you must know, he doesn't really care for them."
"You sure know how to pick 'em, Howell."
"It's Lester now."
"Not for long, I'm sure."
"Excuse me?"
"Dan, how long do you think you can stay with a guy that doesn't like your daughter?" she scoffed. "I give it six months tops."
"Really, cause we're going on month seven pretty soon." I narrowed my eyes at the bitter woman.
"Well, call me when the divorce happens, because I love nothing more than a satisfying I told you so."
"You're such a fucking bitch."
"Hmm," she smirked. "It's a damn shame, isn't it?" She kissed my cheek before heading for the door. "See ya, Howell."

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