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"Mm, please, daddy," Dan whined. He straddled my waist and ran his hands up and down my bare torso.
"You have to go to work, kitten."
"We can make it quick."
"Honey, you're gonna be late."
"So what?"
"So what? What if you get fired?"
"My husbands a millionaire, I could give two shits." He started grinding our hips together.
"Babe, knock it off and go to work."
"You're no fun."
"I'm plenty fun, just not before work hours."
"I'm old, forgive me," I smiled.
"Ah, right, forty-two and forever a loser."
"I'd throw you, but I'm sort of crippled."
"Hmm," he hummed as he kissed me. "You're funny."
"What's it like being twenty-seven?"
"Pretty damn fun, Lester."
"You have to get to work, Lester. Wish I could say the same. Now get going."
"Yeah, yeah, shut up." He rolled out of bed and filed through his closet for a clean pair of scrubs. "Don't forget to bring Vivien by at eleven."


"You have a very beautiful baby," a kind woman smiled.
"Thank you," I said.
"Does she look more like your wife or you?"
"Well, considering she's my husband's and our surrogate, I'd have to say she looks more like my husband."
"You're married to a man?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Wait a minute... I know who you are..."
"Oh yeah?"
"You're the CEO that got shot..."
"Bingo," I sighed.
"Dada..." Vivien whined as she pulled on my sling.
"Ah!" I hissed. "Don't pull on that, pumpkin."
"It's okay." I rubbed her back and placed a kiss on her head.
"How old is she?"
"A little over a year," I said. I began bouncing her on my knee so she was all giggly before her shot. "What about your little one?"
"He's six months."
"Very cute. What's his name?"
"Absolutely precious," I lied.
"Phil," Dan smiled.
"Kitty!" Vivien cheered.
"Hi, pumpkin." A big smile made it's way across his face as he grabbed the giddy girl from my arms.
"It was nice talking to you," I said to the woman.
"You as well, and hey..."
"Is that your husband?"
"Yes it is," I beamed. "Isn't he cute."
"Okay, knock it off," Dan blushed. He yanked on my jacket and placed his hand on the small of my back. "Let's go, there are a lot of kids I have to see today."
"Alright, no need to get your scrubs in a bunch. Come on, pumpkin."

He carried her into a spare room where a nurse was setting up the supplies. My eyes widened at the size of the needle that would be going into my baby girl's arm. I know it was completely safe, but it was still scary—besides, I'm the one stuck with her after the fact.

"Okay, dad, I need you to take a seat," she said.
"Which, um... which one?" I asked.
"Doesn't matter."
"I have to deal with her when this is done with, so I'd prefer it if she wasn't scared of me," I said.
"Fair enough," Dan said as he took a seat.

He rolled Vivien's sleeve up so the nurse could sterilize it. I held out my good hand so it could distract her as the nurse prepared her for the shot.

"I'm sorry sweetie," Dan whispered.

He held her down as they gave her the shot. She began wailing and screaming like I've never heard before. Once they put a band aid on her, Dan passed her over to me to hopefully cheer her up.

"Hi, pumpkin. See, that wasn't so bad, huh? You're gonna be so healthy now."
"She may actually experience some flu like symptoms over the next week. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal. If it gets really bad, I'm sure Daniel here can prescribe her some medicine."
"I'm not a PA yet," he said.
"Right, sorry, I always forget. You're just so damn smart."
"Thanks," he nodded. "Well, I have to get back to work. I'm sorry, my dear, but it had to be done." He kissed her head before kissing me. "I'll see you at home, okay?"


"How's she doing?" Dan asked.
"She's really mad. Hasn't said a word to me since we got back."
"That's surprising for her. Did she cry a lot?"
"No, mainly just to silent treatment," I sighed. "Dinners still in the oven."
"That's fine, I'm not that hungry anyway. What are you making?"
"I don't think I've ever had your lasagna."
"You've had mum's and it's the same recipe."
"Well, then I can't wait," he smiled. "Pumpkin? Honey, are you still mad at Kitty?" She looked over to him and pouted. "I'll take that as a yes."
"She'll get over it."
"I'm sure she will."


"Hold on," I mumbled.

Chris: Dude, 911. Call me.

"What?" Dan asked.
"I don't know, but I don't think it's good. I'll be right back."

I went upstairs to my office, calling Chris along the way.

"Hey, what's up?"
"We need you back, Lester."
"Chris, I'm not due back for another week, and that's even cutting it a bit close."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"My next doctor appointment is is six days. They decide if I get to take my sling off and if I have to continue with the concussion medication crap."
"What do you need medicine for?"
"I get really nauseous and dizzy if I don't take it."
"God damnit, you really are useless right now."
"Yeah, I know I am. So what's going on? Why do you need me so badly?"
"Owen is driving us into the ground as if he wants the company to go under."
"Are any other partners doing anything about it?"
"Bring it up to them and–"
"Don't you think we've tried that?"
"Fine, um... did you find any dirt on him? Y'know stuff that could potentially get him fired?"
"Like what?"
"He's a sexual deviant. For fucks sake, he came onto Dan and I within a month of each other."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."
"He cams onto you?"
"Yeah, he kissed me in the hospital."
"Well there y'go!"
"There's no proof to back it up, dipshit. Find something else and find it quick."
"But what if–"
"Yeah, I'm not taking that as an answer. Get digging, Kendall, and don't stop until you've struck gold."

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