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"So how long will you be out?" I asked.
"Two and half months," Vivien shrugged. "PJ said he'll be taking over for me in the mean time."
"Do you think the new COO will be able to hold down the fort on his own?"
"I'm sure he'll manage. Besides, I'll always just be a phone call away."
"No, if you're on maternity leave no one should be bothering you at all," Dan said.
"Oh, hush, kitty. I'm sure leaving for an hour won't kill me."
"Yeah, but then an hour turns into two, then two turns into four, and before you know it you've been there the whole day."
"You're overreacting a bit, don't you think?" she chuckled.
"Maybe just a tad," he giggled. "So when do we cut the cake? When do we find out what it is?"
"Maybe another hour. Patience is an amazing virtue, Kitty," she teased.
"Yeah, kitten," I smugly smirked.
"Says the one who insisted on getting married six days after we started dating."
"Hmm, best decision I ever made." I quickly kissed him before heading to get some water.
"I'm still baffled on how you said no to him."
"It was a different time," Dan sighed. "So how far along are you?"
"Seven months. Almost there," she cheered.
"Dan?" A woman tapped on his shoulder.
"Hi," she smiled.
"Oh my goodness, hi." He hugged her tightly before turning to Vivien.
"Um, Viv, this is your biological mother Michelle."
"Oh... hi... it's nice to meet you." She reluctantly went in for a hug, which didn't last very long. "Who, um... who invited you?"
"Phil did. Don't worry, I only popped in to say hi and congratulations. I'm gonna be a very uninvolved grandma," she laughed.
"I have so many questions," Vivien whispered.
"Let me keep it short and sweet," Michelle said. "Your father is amazing and took care of you when I decided I didn't want to be a mum and walked out. Don't worry, I don't expect you to like me or want to get close by any means, but as a woman, I respect you and am so proud of how your dad's raised you."
"Oh, um... thanks? Why didn't you want me, if you don't mind me asking."
"Didn't have a single maternal bone in my body. Listen honey, everything happens for a reason, and you turned out amazing. Best decision I ever made."
"Do I have any siblings?"
"Not-a-one—don't worry, I would've called otherwise."
"Okay... well, um... thanks for stopping by, I guess."
"Yeah, I should get going. Bye, Dan." She hugged him one last time. "Congratulations, dear." She quickly hugged Vivien. "Now, let me go say hi and bye to Phil." She wandered around until she was out of sight."
"Well alrighty then," Dan said. "So that was Michelle..."
"She seems sweet."
"She is, in a friend kinda way. Pumpkin, I'm genuinely surprised you never asked about her."
"What do you mean?"
"You never asked who's my mum or anything like that."
"Well, I didn't need a mum," she shrugged, "I had you guys."
"Yeah, but y'know, I'd get curious if everyone else has a mum and I didn't."
"Well, I'm not you," she chuckled.
"Oh, dear," Mrs. Howell said.
"Hi, grandma," Vivian beamed.
"I saw that rock on your pretty finger from a mile away. When's the wedding?"
"Oh, um... there won't be a wedding..."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not getting married..."
"And why not?"
"Don't see a need to."
"Oh... alright... as long as you're happy, dear. That's all that really matters."
"Thank you, grandma."
"So when do we find out the sex of the baby?"
"Why not now?"
"Do you just wanna do it now?" Paul asked.
"Sure, why not."
"Everyone!" Paul yelled. "It's time for the big reveal!"

All the friends and family members gathered around the display table. The couple held the knife together, waiting for everyone to gather around the table accordingly. Vivine and I made eye contact and flashed each other a smile before she cut the cake.

"One... two... three..."

They ran the knife through the layers and pulled it out of the sweet dessert. Everyone raised a brow at the two colors staining the blade—was there a mistake at the bakery?

"Pumpkin," I said. "Are you sure you got the right cake?"
"Surprise..." she whispered.
"What are you saying, pumpkin?" Dan asked.
"We're having twins... we just assumed they'd be the same sex and we could have this whole hoorah," she awkwardly chuckled. "Cats outta the bag, I guess."

Without saying another word, I walked over to her and trapped her in a tight hug. She began crying into my shoulder as I rubbed her back gently—it didn't take long for Dan to join us.

"If you ever need anyone to babysit, I'm sure dad will gladly–"
"Let me stop you right there," I chuckled. "When they start talking is when you can leave them with me," I teased.
"Oh, daddy, knock it off. Who wants cake?"


"Hey, she's in post," Paul said.

He had walked into the waiting room to grab his parents, Dan, and myself. We all filed into Vivien's private room so we could see the drowsy girl.

"Hi, pumpkin," I whispered. "How're you feeling?"
"'M okay," she groaned.
"Oh, goodness," Dan gushed as he hovered over the cribs. "What are their names?"
"The boy is Julien Robin–"
"Very nice," Dan smiled.
"Thank you," she giggled, "and the girl is Aubrey Rain."
"They're absolutely stunning. May I hold one?"
"Of course."

For the next hour or so, everyone was passing the children around, except for me. I sat in a chair next to the bed, smiling at how cheerful Dan was with the babies.

"Phil, you should hold one," Dan said.
"Yeah, Mr. Lester," Paul encouraged.
"I'm okay. I'll just keep admiring them from afar," I said.

Another hour or so passed before Paul's parents had to head out. Dan and Paul walked them to their car, leaving me alone with Vivien and the twins.

"They really are beautiful, pumpkin," I said.
"Can you please just hold one of them. Not for long. Just for a minute. Please..."
"Fine," I sighed.

I got up from my chair and looked at the two of them. I hesitantly picked Aubrey up before heading back to my chair. I glared into her innocent little eyes and nearly burst into tears.

"She's so perfect," I whispered. "You did good, Viv... you really did."
"Thanks, daddy," she smiled.
"Pumpkin, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Was there ever a time in your life where you wanted a sibling?"
"Sure, when I was little, but I don't mind being a single child at all. Why?"
"Your father just wanted a whole gaggle of kids..."
"But you didn't want that..." She bit at her lip as she rubbed my back. "Well, I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that I plan on having more kids in the future."
"Yeah, why not?" she shrugged. "And for you guys, what could be better? Kids you get to love and not take care of."
"You're too silly."
"Thanks," she smirked. "Dad, have I ever told you how amazing you are?"
"Where'd that come from?"
"I just don't think I've said it enough..."
"Oh, pumpkin..." I smiled at her. "You really are my everything."
"What about kitty?"
"Of course he is, but you're just slightly above him. Don't tell him I said that," I chuckled.
"I won't," she assured. "I love you, dad."
"I love you too, pumpkin."
"Phil, honey, we should probably..." Dan trailed off as he saw me cradling the little one. "Well this is a sight I never thought I'd see. Philip Michael Lester, holding a baby..."
"I'm just as baffled as you are," I said. "Kitten, I'm sorry we didn't have any more kids."
"It's fine."
"No, it's not."
"Yes it is. We have our beautiful one," he winked at Vivien, "and she gave us these beautiful two. And we don't even need to take care of them."
"That's what I said!" Vivien laughed.

As she shouted, Aubrey began getting fussy—I passed her over to Vivien, so she could get fed. I stood up from my seat, shoved my hands in my pockets, and sighed.

"So... May I see Julien?"

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