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"Whoa, daddy, the view from your office is so pretty!" Vivien cheered.
"Isn't it?" I beamed. "All this could be yours one day, pumpkin."
"Oh yeah," I smiled. I picked her up and set her on my hip. "Let's go see uncle PJ and uncle Chris."
"Daddy, you don't have to carry me, I'm a big girl," she pouted.
"I know. I just miss my pumpkin when she was little."
"Oh, daddy," she sighed. "Can you put me down?"
"Yeah, of course." I set her down, held her hand, and brought her down to PJ and Chris's offices. "Hi, boys," I said.
"Hey, Phil," PJ said. "Hi, pumpkin!"
"Hi!" she giggled.
"Kendall!" I called down the hall.
"In a minute!"
"How's school going?" PJ asked.
"So good!"
"What's your favorite subject?"
"Maths and also reading."
"Maths is so hard. And you're good at it?"
"It's her best mark," I said. "Looks like we have a future CFO on our hands. That is, of course, if you don't want to be a ballerina," I chuckled.
"You wanna be a ballerina?" PJ gasped. "My little Macy wants to be a ballerina too!"
"I don't think I've met Macy," I said.
"She's my four year old. You met her when she was much younger."
"Oh, right, my mistake. How's Jonathon doing?"
"He's doing very well, thank you for asking. I wish he liked school ask much as you, Viv."
"And the newborn? How's he doing?"
"Oh, Freddie is amazing. And Sophie is finally having a normal recovery. Third times the charm, I guess."
"Daddy, this view isn't as good as yours," Vivien said. She stood by PJ's office window and looked over the city.
"It's still better than mine," Chris smirked. "Hi, pumpkin."
"Hi, Uncle Chris!" she cheered.
"Can I get a hug?"

She ran over to him and practically jumped into his arms. He ran his hand up and down her back, seemingly never wanting to let her go.

"Did you get married?" Vivien asked.
"It feels like daddy and kitty's rings."
"I-I'm sorry?" Chris chuckled.
"Your ring!"
"Oh yeah..."
"Is there something you're not telling us, Kendall?" I teased.
"James and I got engaged. Not a big deal."
"You what‽" PJ and I gawked.
"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked.
"I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Listen, we'll talk about it later. Right now is Vivien's time."
"Are we invited to the wedding?" Vivien asked.
"Of course, pumpkin. How would you like to be the flower girl?"
"Yes, really."
"She'd love to," I smiled. "So, pumpkin, what do you want to see next?"
"Take her to the CFOs office. I'm sure she'd love to learn about her future job," PJ winked.
"That's a great idea. C'mon, pumpkin, say goodbye."
"Bye-bye!" she waved.

We made our way down the hallway and waited for the lift to reach our floor.

"Yes, pumpkin?"
"What's a CFO?"
"Chief financial officer. They handle the company's expenses and day to day transactions."
"Sounds stressful."
"That's why I went up the ranks in terms of COO, which is what PJ and Chris do."
"What's COO?"
"Chief operating officer. They handle day to day issues regarding the company."
"And what do you do as CEO, daddy?"
"I handle the entire company."
"So you're the boss?"
"Yes, pumpkin, I am."
"Is it stressful?"
"At times, but I love the people I work with, therefore I love what I do."
"That's so cool. Hey daddy?"
"Can I have a play date when we get home?"
"With who?"
"As long as it's okay with her mother. Would you be going over her house?"
"I was wondering if she could come over our house..."
"Oh, um... let me talk to kitty."
"Why?" she whined.
"Our house is hard to get to, pumpkin, that's all. Besides, I don't want people pretending to be your friend just because we have money."
"But Sammy's my real friend!"
"No, honey, I know she is, but I mean... down the line... If word gets out that we have money, people could use you, and I don't want that. Do you understand?" She pouted as she nodded.


"C'mon, pumpkin, let's go say hi to Miss Scarlette."


"You upset her," Dan sighed.
"I know, I didn't mean to!"
"I know, honey, I know."
"It's just... I don't want anyone taking advantage of her."
"She's a smart girl, no ones ever going to hurt her."
"I'm gonna kill anyone if they do."
"I know," he chuckled as he rubbed my back.

I rested my head against his and slowly pulled him in for a hug. As I held him in the embrace, my phone vibrated, indicating that someone had just buzzed in down at the gate.

"Pumpkin! Sammy's coming soon!" I called.
"Coming!" she yelled.

She ran down the stairs and nearly fell over—lucky for her, I caught her before she ate shit on the hardwood floor.

"Careful," I laughed. "Did you clean your room?"
"Yes, daddy."
"Are you guys going swimming?"
"I dunno."
"Are you still mad at me?"
"No, daddy."
"Are you sure?"

As I ran my hand through her hair, we heard the doorbell echo throughout the house. Dan went to get the door to greet Sammy and her mother. The girls ran off the Vivien's play room while Dan and I made some small talk with Ms. Davies.

About an hour had passed and I thought it was time to check on them and maybe see if they wanted any snacks. I roamed into the play room to find them playing office. My little girl was the boss of her own, made up business—Sammy was alternating between secretary, client, and regular business person. I smiled to myself as I watched over them for a few more minutes.

My little girl is going to be a business woman...

"I need those– oh, hi, daddy. Welcome to The Pumpkin Factory, how can I help you?"

A damn good one at that.

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