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"You make £20 million a year!" Dan yelled from the office. I groggily sat up in bed and fixed my hair.
"What are you yapping about?" I called.
"I knew you made a lot of money, but– holy shit..." He stood in the doorway, dumbfounded.
"Yeah... I make a lot? So-So what?"
"No, um... Viv's in bed with you..." I looked to my left and smiled.
"Yeah, she threw a fit when I tried putting her in the crib."
"So you risked her falling off the bed or you rolling onto her?" He raised a brow and leaned on the door frame.
"Listen, it was nearly three in the morning  and she's still alive. I promise it won't happen again."
"Fine." He walked over to me and placed a kiss on my dry lips. "Morning, by the way."
"Morning," I yawned. "How was work?"
"Slow. Got some studying done, though, which was useful."
"Awesome, babe."
"So... £20 million‽"
"Jesus, I really picked a good one." He crawled into my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Hmm, yes you did." I placed a teasing kiss on his clavicle. "Babe, why were you going through the adoption packet anyway?"
"It was on the desk," he shrugged.
"Did you go through the whole thing?"
"No, I just saw your salary."
"Oh what?"
"Nothing," I said, "just thought you'd like to know I'm officially Vivien's dad."
"What?" he gasped. "Oh, honey!" He hugged me tighter and swayed my torso back and forth. "I love you so much..."
"I love you too," I smiled.
"What made you finally do it?"
"She said dada..."
"And you didn't call me?"
"Should I have?"
"Yes, you idiot! She's never said anything before! Those were her first words!"

He let out a whine as he rested his head against my shoulder. I rubbed his forearm as I ran my other hand through his soft, brown hair. I eventually pat his side and scooted him off my lap so I could get ready for work.

I threw on a suit, did my hair, brushed my teeth, and made my way back to the bedroom. I found Dan laying on his side as he brushed Vivien's hair out of her face. She scrunched her nose up, as if she were going to cry, but eventually shooed him away. Dan let out a little chuckle at our girl before turning over to me.

"Don't you look handsome," he said.
"It's how I always look."
"I know," he smirked. He grabbed my suit jacket and pulled me towards him—I rolled my eyes as I let out a chuckle.
"Kitten, I have to go to work."
"I can put Viv in her crib and we can have a quickie to make up for last night."
"Tempting, but seriously I have to go."
"£20 million salary awaiting me, dear," I teased.
"Fine," he grinned. "Have fun at work."
"Oh yeah, it'll be a blast."


"Kitten!" I called as I walked through the front door.
"Yes, pretty boy?" He walked down the staircase with Vivien on his hip.
"Don't be fresh," I chuckled. "Hi, by the way." I gave him a kiss.
"Hi," he smiled. "What's up?"
"Apparently there's a new office opening up in Manchester and the partners want the throw a party or something."
"I'm assuming you have to go."
"Yeah. Hi, pumpkin," I said as Dan handed her over to me.
"You called her pumpkin," he smirked.
"So what if I did?" I bounced her on my hip for a bit before she started kicking at me. "Okay, okay."

Dan and I walked into the gated lounge where I set her down she she could run around. We sat down on the couch, so we could talk while keeping a close eye on her.

"So, yeah, it's this big corporate party. All the partners, managers, and y'know, important people are invited. We were told to bring our significant others so it looks good for press."
"Are children allowed?"
"Why not?"
"Because a vast amount of alcohol will be present."
"Ah... fair point. When's the party?"
"Tomorrow night."
"I'll get mum to babysit."
"Okay, just tell me if she can't so I can call my mum."
"Will do. Oh, Vivien, no!"


"Lester! So glad you can make it!" a colleague of mine called. "Who's this?"
"David, this is my husband Dan. Dan, this is David Marcawitz—he runs floor twenty-six."
"It's nice to meet you," Dan said as he shook David's hand.
"Can't believe you trapped Lester down."
"What do you mean?"
"He was the player of the whole office."
"Oh, well, maybe when he was younger, but not anymore."
"Honey, I'm flattered that you considered me in my late thirties 'young'," I smirked. I ran my hand up and down his back as he leaned into me.
"Well, I'm happy for you guys."
"Thank you," I nodded.
"Are you guys thinking about kids yet?"
"We actually already have one. A little girl," Dan beamed.
"Oh, really? How come you didn't tell anyone, Lester?"
"Because people don't need to be involved in my personal life."
"Do you have any pictures, if you don't mind me asking."
"Oh, yes, of course," Dan said as he pulled out his phone.
"Lester!" Chris chuckled.
"Hey," I grinned. I gave him a handshake as he handed me a drink. "Thanks," I huffed.
"How've you been?"
"Pretty good. No complaints, y'know?"
"That's always good."
"Where's Peej?"
"Home with Soph."
"Why isn't he here?"
"He thinks she may go into labor any day now."
"She's pregnant‽"
"Oh, you didn't know?"
"No, I did not..."
"Yeah, she was pregnant during the wedding. I'm shocked you didn't know. She didn't drink all night, that's usually a tell."
"I was too focused and nabbing my lovely husband over there."
"Hmm?" Dan hummed.
"Nothing, kitten. Want anything to drink?"
"Some wine would be nice."
"Yes, please."
"On it."
"Thanks, pretty boy," he teased.
"Yeah, yeah," I smirked.

Chris and I walked over to the bar to order Dan his drink. I leaned against the counter as I slowly sipped my whiskey and scanned the room.

"Well that's a familiar sight."
"What is?" I asked.
"You on the prowl."
"I'm not on the prowl," I tsk'd as I stood up.
"Please," Chris scoffed.
"Chris, I'm serious. I'm happily married to an amazing man and we have a beautiful child."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa."
"You, Philip Michael Lester, have a kid?"
"Who are you and what have you done with my friend?" he teased. "I'm happy for you, man."
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Sir," the bartender slid me Dan's drink.
"Thanks." I picked it up and brought it to my lovely husband. "Daniel."
"Mm, thank you," he smiled as he kissed me.
"I have to go mingle with some executives. Text me if you need me."
"Will do. If I'm honest, I'll probably be by the bar for a majority of the night."
"So I take it I'm the designated driver?"
"It's a good thing you're cute."
"Damn right," he smirked as he kissed me. "Good luck, honey."

For the next hour or so, I made my way around the room, making annoying small talk with everyone I had to. When I spoke to someone a few levels under me, they informed me of someone who had recently moved up the ranks.

"Did you hear about that new guy Owen?" Mindy said.
"Owen? Um, no... didn't know we had an Owen working for us."
"Well, he was with another company for a while then recently got hired with us. He's just above me."
"What's his last name? I should go introduce myself."
"Brinsburg." My eyes widened.
"Owe-Owen Brinsburg?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Oh my god," I whispered. "Thank-Thank you for telling me, Mindy. I-I'll see you around."

I pushed through the room and found Dan talking to a tall, redheaded man at the bar. It was obvious Dan was trying to ignore him, but the man kept being persistent.

"Come on, baby, your husband doesn't have to know," he said.
"Well, Sir, unlike you, I'm happily married," Dan retorted.
"There's no such thing."
"What's your name, baby?"
"That's none of your business."
"Oh, but it is."
"Leave me alone," he scoffed.
"Tell me your name first, babe."
"Oh, look, here comes my husband now," Dan said as he waved.

I stormed over to the two of them. As soon as the redhead turned, I punched him square in the face. He fell against the bar, blood running down his face, and he looked to me with a smug smirk.

"Lester," he chuckled.
"Don't ever talk to my husband again. Are we clear?"
"You better watch him. He could be putty in my hands."
"I'm still above you, Brinsburg. Watch your attitude. Watch how you speak to me and my family. Remember that I am your boss. Are we clear?"
"Crystal," he spat.
"Let's go."

I grabbed onto Dan's arm and led him out of the room. The entire way to the car, he bombarded me with questions, but I didn't answer until we started driving.

"Philip Michael Lester!" he yelled.
"Why did you punch that guy? I had it handled! For Christ's sake, you were risking your career by doing that!"
"That was my ex-husband."
"The one that–"
"Oh yeah," I scoffed. "I was not letting him anywhere near you. Yes, I know you'd never cheat on me, but he's just so damn disgusting, I don't even want you near him."
"You punched him for me?"
"Duh. Come on, let's go get Viv."

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