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"You look so handsome," Mrs. Howell beamed.
"Thanks, Mum," Dan smiled. "Is Viv dressed?"
"Yes she is, and she is just too cute."
"Can you grab her? I'd like to take a few pictures."
"Sure, let me grab her from your father."

She walked out of the room as Dan finished up tying his tie and styling his hair. Mrs. Howell wandered down the halls of the old house in search for her granddaughter. She went into her room, thinking she'd still be with Mr. Howell, but to her dismay, Vivien was gone. Not wanting to go back to Dan, empty handed, she knocked on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I called.
"Have you seen..." Her eyes lit up. "Oh, there you are, pumpkin." She walked over at the smiling baby resting on my hip. She was throwing a tantrum, and just like Dan, Mr. Howell handed her off to me. "Why do you have her?"
"Beats me," I lied.
"Don't you need to get ready?"
"It takes five minutes to put on a suit. I'll be fine."
"Do you want me to take her?"
"No, she's fine." I brushed her curls out of her face as she grabbed at my hand.
"What is it about you?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"She's never taken a shine to someone like she has with you... not even her own father..."
"Wait, really?"
"Don't get me wrong, she absolutely loves Dan, but there's something about you I guess she likes more." Mrs. Howell straightened out her dress. "It's a shame you don't like her."
"She's growing on me," I grinned. "Would I say I love her? No, absolutely not. Do I like her more than the first time I saw her? Without a doubt, yes."
"You're going to be an excellent father. Hell, you already are."
"Thank you, Mrs. Howell. That really means a lot."
"Please, call me Jackie."
"Okay," I nodded.
"Also, would you mind if I stole the little one? Dan wants to see her."
"Of course."

I handed her over and Vivien's face visibly sank.  I quickly kissed her cheek, which got her smiling again—wouldn't want Dan stuck with a fussy baby. I waved goodbye to the two before starting to get myself ready. I put on my suit, tied my bowtie, and stared at myself in the full length mirror. Then, I heard someone knock at my door.

"Come in!"
"Oh, hello, my handsome boy," Mum cheered.
"Mm, it's almost like you haven't seen me do this before," I teased.
"It really seems different this time, Philip."
"Does it?"
"Yeah..." She brushed some lint off my shoulders. "He cares a lot about you."
"You think?"
"More than the other ones. You also seem much happier with him and Vivien."
"I still don't care for Vivien."
"That's a load of crap and you know it."
"Excuse me?"
"The way you look at her is the same way Daniel looks at you."
"And what look is that?"
"He loves you, Phil. You love his girl, she loves you, and you love him. It's a big, ol' love fest at your house, Lester."
"Ew, I don't like it when you Lester me, Lester."
"Shouldn't you be going?" She smirked as she raised a brow at me.
"Soon," I mumbled as I checked my watch.
"Are you excited?"
"For what? I'm already married to him."
"For everything. Being a dad, a husband to a man who actually cares for you, and your future with this boy."
"I guess it's kind of exciting."
"See? There y'go," she chuckled.
"I'll... I'll be right back..."

I stepped out into the hall and ran out the front door of the farmhouse. I tried catching my breath as I paced back and forth on the porch. In the midst of my panic, I felt someone tap on my shoulder.

"Huh?" I gasped.
"What's wrong?" Martyn asked.
"Mum freaked me out..."
"Need a cigarette?"
"I shouldn't..."
"But you want one?"
"Like I said, I shouldn't. I haven't smoked in nearly four years. Don't wanna throw all that away."
"Oh, knock it off, Martyn! Leave me alone, please."
"Fine, no need to yell." He got the pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and popped one into his mouth.
"I'm gonna go back into the house. We have to walk in ten minutes."
"Yeah, I know, dingus," he mumbled as he lit it.

I rolled my eyes before heading back inside and making my way upstairs. As I walked down the hall, I ran into Dan.

"Wow..." I whispered. "You clean up nice, kitten."
"You're not supposed to see me," he blushed.
"Yeah, well, I did that with the last two and see how that turned out?" I teased. "Besides, we're already married."
"Yeah, you're right..."
"Seriously... you look absolutely amazing..."
"You do too..."
"Thank you." I placed a kiss on his cheek. "See you soon, kitten."


"Boys, that was a lovely ceremony," Mum cheered.
"Thanks," Dan beamed.
"May I see the peanut?" She motioned to Vivien resting on Dan's hip.
"Oh, of course." He handed her over and she immediately clung to her dress.
"I'll bring her back in a jiff."
"Take your time," Dan insisted.

He turned to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I rolled my eyes at the boy as I let out a smug chuckled.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.
"No, I'm not." He shook his head as he played with the hair at the nape of my neck. "Your hairs getting a little long."
"I know, I meant to cut it last week, but work was really busy."
"I would've cut it for you."
"Honey, I love you, but I get it done professionally."
"What did you just say?" He took a few steps back.
"I get my hair done professionally?"
"Before that."
"I needed a haircut?"
"You love me, Lester," he smirked.
"Yeah? So what if I do?"

He smiled from ear to ear as he eased me into a sweet kiss. He rubbed his thumbs across my cheeks before kissing me again.

"What was that for?" I asked.
"Nothing, stupid... I just love you too."
"Mhmm," I grinned. I ran my right hand up and down his back as I pulled him closer to me.
"All that's left is getting you to like Viv."
"Now that may take a while, Lester."
"That's alright," he shrugged. "I can wait."

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