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"Welcome back, Lester," Chris beamed.
"Hey, Phil," the bartender, Richard, said. "Do you want the usual?"
"Yeah, please."

He poured me a beer and slid it across the bar top. I thanked him as I leaned against the counter and began drinking. Chris smirked as he sat down on the stool next to me.

"What?" I asked.
"Nothing," he insisted.
"No, Kendall, what is it?"
"It's good to have you back, that's all."
"In what sense?"
"Hunting with me again."
"Okay, okay, I'm not 'hunting', I'm just having a causal drink with a friend."
"Oh, Lester, there's a group of guys in the corner, if you're interested."
"Thanks, Richard, but I'm actually married."
"What?" he chuckled. "You're bullshitting me right? You, Philip Lester, settled down?"
"Yeah... like three years ago... have I really been missing for that long?"
"I guess you have. Well, never mind then. Do I know your husband?"
"I don't know if you remember him, but he was the cute little one with curly hair. Y'know, always wore pastel sweaters."
"Oh yeah, he hated you. How'd you manage to get him?"
"We got drunk at a wedding," I shrugged. "Best decision ever."
"Was it really?"
"One hundred percent." I sipped my beer. "If I never got drunk, we never would've gotten married, and I never would've been the father to the sweetest little girl ever."
"You're a dad too?"
"Yes, yes I am."
"What's her name?"
"Vivien. Do you wanna we any pictures?"
"I'd love to."

I leaned over the bar and began scrolling through some pictures of Vivien on my phone. Chris smiled at me as I showed off my little one to Richard. I think we can both agree that never, in a million years, we would have ever guessed I would've ended up the way I did. Eventually, Richard needed to get back to work so I started up a conversation with Chris.

"I told you so," he simply said.
"You said you would never fall in love, Lester. I told you never is a long time, and here we are. I was right," he smirked.
"Yeah, yeah save it."
"I'm not gonna save it. I'm going to milk this moment as much as I can because who knows the next time I'll be able to say I told you so to the ever so famous Philip Michael Lester." I rolled my eyes and continued to drink. "Not only to you have the hots for your husband, but you also love your daughter. You love two people, Lester."
"I do... very much so..."
"It's sweet. I'm happy for you."
"Well, thank you."
"My pleasure." We clinked our glasses as we began people watching everyone in the bar. "Do you miss dating?"
"Not really," I shrugged. "I think I was just unhappy."
"And now that you have Dan and Viv–"
"I wouldn't trade them for the world."
"Is Dan still bugging you about baby number two?"
"Yeah," I sighed.
"Still don't want one?"
"No..." I swirled my drink around for a bit. "That's something that's never going to change."
"I mean that. I really don't like kids. I'm genuinely still impressed with myself that I like Vivien as much as I do. I just don't think Dan gets that I'm perfectly content with our one. I want to pour all my love and affection into her. I don't want that to be wavered by any other kids that may join the mix. Y'know?"
"You don't have to explain yourself to me, Lester. I understand where you're coming from."
"Do you not want kids?"
"Not really, but if I had a significant other who did want them, I'd be open to the idea."
"I took Vivien in... I did my part... I compromised for him now he has to compromise for me. That's just how marriage works."
"I know, you're right."
"Do you know how PJ and Soph have been?"
"They've been good, as far as I know. The kids keep them really busy."
"Is it true they're trying to have a third?"
"Dear god, I could never."
"Me neither," he huffed.
"Hey," a random guy said.
"Hi? Can I help you?" I asked.
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"I can pay for my own, but thanks."
"You're not gonna take the good gesture, babe?" he smirked.
"What's your name?"
"Hmm... well, James, I've played your game before. Hell, I played it for years. You buy me a drink, then I owe you something, and I don't like owing people."
"Yeah, you'd owe me like a kiss or somethin', sweet cheeks."
"You know, funny story, James is actually my husband's middle name. Small world, huh?"
"You're not married," he puffed.
"Oh, but I am. Happily, might I add. Have a good night, James."
"I'm not leaving until I get what I want. I don't quit, you know."
"Kendall, was I really this bad?" I asked.
"About the same. Maybe a little worse," he teased.
"Is this your husband?" James asked.
"No, he's at home with our daughter."
"I'm sure he is."
"I'm done talking to you," I scoffed.
"Please, babe–"
"Don't call me that."
"Leave me alone. I'm not asking again."
"He said to leave him alone!" Chris said. "Get lost and go back to your sad pathetic life."
"Okay, Chris, don't be rude," I said.

James walked away and sat on the other side of the bar. He hunched over and slowly sipped his drink. I couldn't help but pity the man and how I use to the be exactly like him. When Chris stepped away to use the bathroom, I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Hey, James?"
"Try and stop with the hooking up stuff. Try to settle down. You'll be much happier. I can attest to that."
"It's just... it's hard, y'know?"
"I do, but I guarantee you, no matter what you've been through, you can still do it. Sometimes you just have to take a chance."
"Pfft, please."
"I've been divorced and it's just been so hard getting back in the groove of things."
"I've been divorced twice and I still ended up married to an amazing man who happened to have the best little girl on the face of the planet."
"How'd you do it though?"
"Took a chance," I smiled. "Your Prince Charming is our there. Don't give up hope."
"Lester, is this asshole bothering you again?" Chris asked.
"No, he's not. He's actually really sweet..." I looked to Chris and grinned.
"Chris, this is James. James, this is Chris. Have a good night, you two."
"Thanks..." James whispered.
"Don't mention it."

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