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"How does the freedom feel?" Dan asked.
"Pretty damn painful," I groaned as I rotated my shoulder.
"When can you start picking up heavier things again?"
"When the tenderness goes down."
"How's your head?"
"Haven't had any complaints," I smirked.
"Cute," he chuckled. "Seriously."
"I'm a little nauseous, but most of the dizziness is gone."
"When do you go back to work?"
"On Monday."
"Awe, so I'm losing my house husband?"
"Would you rather lose my salary?"
"You have enough saved up, I'm sure we could manage."
"Not if you want Vivien to go to private school, do any sports, or go to a top of the line university. That stuff isn't cheap. Besides, I took over the payments for your school, so I'm paying those off as well."
"Wait, you what?" he whispered.
"Yeah, I'm paying off your college and P.A. schooling. I was going to surprise you for your birthday, but um... yeah..."

He gently grabbed my cheeks as eased me into a sweet kiss. I smiled against his chapped lips as I pulled his waist towards mind. When he backed away, we rested our foreheads together and grinned fondly at one another.

"Daddy!" Vivien yelled.
"Yes, pumpkin?" I called.
"Fun moment while it lasted," Dan sighed.
"Daddy..." She came running in with a picture in her hand. "Look!"
"Oh, how pretty," I cheered. "Daniel, I think this should go on the fridge."
"I agree."
"Up, daddy!"
"Okay, pumpkin, up we go." I picked her up with my right arm and she latched onto my shirt.
"Boo boo, daddy?"
"How's my boo boo?"
"It feels so much better, thank you for asking." I kissed the side of her head.

PJ is calling...

"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey man, how've you been?"
"Pretty good. Yourself?"
"Fine, fine, listen–"
"Hold on, pumpkin, daddy's on the phone."
"I can take her," Dan said.
"Are you kidding? This is the first time I have functionality of both arms in weeks. I'm taking advantage of this. What's up, Peej?"
"Owen is trying to fire me."
"Wait, what? Why?"
"I just got back from paternity leave and apparently he tried replacing me."
"That's illegal, he can't do that."
"Well, he's trying."
"Are you at the office now?"
"Yeah? Why?"
"I'm on my way."
"No, Phil, this can wait until Monday."
"Not if he's trying to fire you. I'll see you in twenty."

End Call.

"Babe, I have to go."
"I know," he sighed.


"Mr. Brinsburg, you have a visitor."
"Send them in," he replied.
"Owen," I huffed.
"Phil," he smirked. "How can I be of assistance?"
"You can't fire PJ."
"And why not?"
"He was on paternity leave! He was granted time off!"
"He's been replaced, there's nothing I can do."
"He's been replaced?"
"By who?"
"Me, Lester. I have to go somewhere when you come back," he smirked.
"I'm not gonna let that happen." I leaned over my desk and stared him down.
"Oh yeah? What're you gonna do if it does happen?"
"You don't wanna know."
"I don't?" He stood up and leaned over as well. "And why's that?" He pulled me into a kiss and I tried my best to keep my cool. "Huh, baby?"

He made his way around to my side and firmly grabbed my hips. He ground himself into my ass—all I could think was: hold it together, Lester.

"You don't scare me, Phil." He kissed at my neck. "You never have." He palmed me through my jeans. "You never will." He turned me around and started undoing my belt. "Anything to say, Lester?" I gave him a smirk and cocked my head to the side.
"HR will be hearing about this." I shoved him off me before going to fix my belt. His eyes widened as he grabbed onto my left arm. "Ah-Ah! Fuck you, let go!"
"You've got nothing on me, you rat."
"There's cameras all over this office, baby boy."

I tore my arm away and stormed out of the office. I went down to the first floor, charged into Human Resources, and prayed to god that Owen wasn't following me.

"Mr. Lester," Lacey smiled. "I'm glad to see that you're doing well. How can I help you?"
"I'd like to report an act of sexual assault."
"Against who?"
"Owen Brinsburg."
"Okay, give me one second. I have to grab my superior."
"No worries, take your time."
"Okay, take a seat."

Lacey ran into the next office to grab a few people, since apparently this was a several person process. They asked me a series of questions and I answered all of them truthfully—security was even there to fact check what went down.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Lester. We'll have this taken care of in no time."
"Will he be fired?"
"Oh, of course," Sharon said.
"Okay... make sure he does not get paid. Let's take it to court if we have to. I don't want him getting a single cent from this."
"Anything you say, Sir. Thank you for your cooperation."


"Hey, what's up?" PJ asked.
"You won't have to worry about that asshole anymore."
"Why's that?"
"Because he's fired. One, for wrongful termination against you, which was not finalized, so you're still employed. Two, for trying to fuck me in my office."
"He what‽" Dan shouted.
"Shh, don't worry about it, I handled it," I reassured. "So I'll see you on Monday, Liguori?"
"I'll see you on Monday," he chuckled. "Glad to have you back, Lester."
"Glad to be back. Tell Soph and the baby I say hi."
"Only if you do the same for Dan and Viv."
"Will do," I smiled.

End Call.

"So what happened?" Dan asked. He rolled over in bed and rested his head on his hand.
"Oh, Owen was just being a perv. That's all."
"Did you do anything with him?"
"You really think I'd let it get that far?" He shrugged as he bit his bottom lip. "Well, I didn't do anything. He kissed me a few times, dry humped me momentarily, then unbuckled my belt. Trust me, it took every fiber of my being to not snap his fucking neck in two."
"Do you not believe me?"
"No, I do, it's just... I don't like the thought of him doing those things to you."
"It's all over now, kitten." I gave him a soft kiss. "We won't have to see him for a long, long time."

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