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"Pumpkin, it's time for bed," Dan said.
"No!" she pouted as she kicked at Dan's side.
"Hey!" She froze and glared at me. "Stop kicking dad." She nodded and clung to Dan's side. "Good girl." I placed a kiss on top of her head. "Night, pumpkin."
"Dada!" She made grabby hands for me and I just stared at Dan.
"You want me to put you to bed?" I asked as she nodded. "I'll take her, kitten."
"What did I tell you about calling me that?" Dan sighed.
"Jesus, what crawled up your ass?"
"Nothing, I'm just tired. Barely fucking slept last night."
"Awe, I'm sorry. I'll take her, just go to bed and try to get some rest."
"I will." I kissed his cheek and pat his back as I followed him upstairs.
"Kitty!" Vivien whined. Dan stopped in his tracks as he spun on his heels to face the girl.
"What did you just say?" Dan whispered.
"Kitty..." She made grabby hands for him.
"I guess you're kitty now," I smirked.
"Oh, I don't even care anymore," he said as he kissed her chubby cheeks. "Kitty's not mad at you, pumpkin. Sleep tight, alright?"
"Say yes, kitty," I said.
"Kitty!" she cheered.
"Close enough," he chuckled.
"Night, kitten," I winked.


"Phil... Phil!" Dan hissed.
"Wake up..."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"I think someone's in the house."
"Huh?" I groaned as I sat up.
"I heard the alarm beep. I-I don't know what that means, but–"
"It means the police have been called."
"So someone's in the house?" He began trembling as he reached for my hand.
"Yeah... go get Viv. Be quiet about it."
"Stay in her room, lock the door, and no matter what you hear, don't come out."
"What do you mean? Aren't you coming with me?"
"No, I'm going downstairs to–"
"No you're not," he panicked.
"Dan, I know this house like the back of my hand. I'm–"
"Staying in Vivien's room with me..."
"Just go before they come up here."
"Okay, okay."

We rolled out of bed and he made a dash for Vivien's room as I headed down the stairs. From the top, I scanned the bottom floor, but unfortunately couldn't see, considering how dark it was. I heard someone rustling around in the living room and that's when the panic finally settled in.


I inhaled and screwed my eyes shut as I stood in place, trying not to make another noise.

"Is someone there?" the person called.

I took a step back upstairs so I could run to Dan, but the stairs creaked again. Then, I collapsed.

*** Dan's POV ***

I snuck into Vivien's room as quietly as I could as locked the door behind me. I tiptoed over to her crib and stood over her, to keep her silent.

"Is someone there?"

I looked down to Vivien as she stirred at the stranger yelling. I rubbed her tummy, to get her back asleep, and thankfully it worked.


My eyes shot open as I started hyperventilating—Vivien woke up and began screaming. I placed my hand over her mouth, grabbed her from her crib, and held her close to my chest.

"Shh, honey," I cried.

I shakily got my phone out of my pocket and dialed 999. I sat down on the floor, with Vivien in front of me, and my hand over her mouth.

"999, how can I help you?"
"I-I-I think my husband's been sh-shot," I sobbed. "A-A few police should be on their way, b-but I n-need an ambulance..."
"Lester household?"
"Several troops are on their way. I'll send an ambulance immediately."

End Call.

I leaned my head back on the wall and cried as silently as I could. It was only a matter of time before I heard someone jingle at Vivien's doorknob. I held her closer as I cowered in the dark corner, and prayed that they wouldn't come into the room.

"Kitty!" Vivien cried through my hand.

The stranger tried turning the knock harder, even trying to kick in the door. As the wood started to give, I heard the police troops storm through the front door.

"I've got him! Find the intruder!"

Someone got Phil. God bless.

I sighed in relief as I heard everyone come upstairs. An officer tackled the man and pinned him to the ground—I could officially let go of Vivien and take a breath.

Her cries echoed throughout the room as I hugged her as tight as I could. Tears dripped down my face, being grateful that it's all over now. I picked the crying girl up and shakily opened up the bedroom door to be confronted with the police as well as the intruder.

"Sir, please stay in the room."
"B-But my husband..."
"Just let me check on him... I beg of you... please..."
"Please, I'm a doctor," I lied.
"Oh, just let him go," an officer said.
"Thank you..."

I dried my eyes and ran down the never ending hallway. I found Phil cascaded over several stairs with blood staining the wood. I clasped my hand over my mouth as I screamed out a cry, nearly dropping Vivien out of sheer terror.

My wobbly legs barely moved me down the stairs, I sat next to my unconscious husband. A cop told me not to touch him or tamper with anything in the surrounding area, so I obeyed. I sat near him as Vivien slowly fell back asleep—all I wanted to do was help him, but I was totally useless.

*** Phil's POV ***

My blackout seemed to have only last seconds, but having woken up in the hospital, I knew something was seriously wrong. I looked around and found Dan half asleep in the hospital chair. His eyes were red, his nose was puffy, and he was clutching a very used tissue.

"Dan?" I groaned. He perked up and a relieved smile crowded up his entire face.
"You're awake," he whispered. "How are you feeling?"
"Heavily sedated. I don't get a kiss?"
"No, you don't," he sniffed. "You're such an idiot, Philip Michael Lester..."
"Everything happens for a reason, Daniel."
"You could have died!"
"Don't be dramatic, it was only my shoulder."
"He could have hit a vital nerve or something! If the bullet went in the wrong way, you could have bled out!"
"Daniel, everything happens for a reason."
"You didn't have to get shot!" he sobbed.
"If I didn't go down there, he could've gotten to you and Vivien, and I couldn't let that happen! I would rather myself dead than the two of you!"

He bit at his lip before cupping my cheek and easing me into a kiss. As he pulled away, I lifted my good arm, and wiped a few of his tears away. I flashed him a smile as I ran my thumb over his chapped lips.

"See?" I chuckled. "I'm not a total idiot."
"That's debatable," he whispered. "I'm glad you're okay."
"I'm glad you guys are too."
"Never thought you'd care so much about Viv and I."
"Don't be ridiculous," I tsk'd. "You guys are my everything."

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