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"Yes, have them on my– No! What the hell did I just say? No, Chris fucking listen to me!"
"I am listening, Lester, and I'm telling you my suggestions. I really think we can turn this quarter around if you would just listen to me."
"Kendall, I am in no mood to do this with you right now," I sighed. I held the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I shuffled through my files.
"Oh, by the way, have you RSVP'd to PJ's wedding yet?"
"No," I mumbled. "Still trying to comprehend how the fuck he could settle down and how the chick–"
"Whatever, agreed to marry him. He's leaving us and I don't really want to admit that."
"He's not leaving us," Chris insisted.
"Is too," I said. "He'll be stuck at home with the Misses while we're out having fun."
"Stop being so quick to judge. I'm sure he'll come out every now and then."
"I'll believe it when I see it," I sighed. "Anyway I have to get back to work and so do you. You still owe me Harris's file."
"Yeah yeah, you'll get it when I come back from lunch."
"I better."
"You will."
"Good. See you at the bar?"
"See you at the bar."


"Hey," Chris nodded.
"Hey," I murmured. I ordered my drink and sat at the bar next to Chris. "See anyone good tonight?"
"Can we talk about something not so pig-like tonight?"
"Like what?"
"PJ's wedding."
"Dear lord," I groaned. "Fine... talk..."
"Well, not exactly the wedding, but the idea of commitment."
"Come again?" I asked.
"Are you ever gonna look to settle down and y'know, have a nice house out of the city, have a couple kids–"
"No," I quickly said. "No... that's not the life for me."
"Oh come on, you shag so many people! You're bound to fall in love with at least one."
"I will never love anyone. I will never feel the need to say some sappy shit like, 'You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours forever', okay?"
"Did you rip that off from–"
"Yes," I cut him off. "So what if I did?"
"You do know what happened after–"
"Yes! Oh my god, I'm using it for emphasis. What I'm trying to say is that I'm never going to fall in love."
"Never isn't a real thing," Chris smirked.
"Oh really?" I fought.
"Okay Kendall, I'm never going to sleep with a woman. You're going to tell me that that's bullshit?"
"You're drunk every other night hunting for something to sleep with, it's bound to happen."
"You're so frustrating," I sighed.
"I'm just frustrating because I'm right."
"Are not."
"Are too."
"Excuse me," someone whispered as they pushed by us. As they walked by, I checked out their ass and worked my way up to their face.
"No fucking way," I laughed. "Hey you!" The man turned around. "Yeah you, c'mere."
"Uh, hi?" He seemed confused. "Do we know each other?"
"Yes we do, kitten."
"Oh... I, um, I gotta go..."
"Look, he's sorry," Chris said as he grabbed the boy's arm.
"Let go of me," he frowned.
"On behalf of this dumbass, I'd like to apologize. He's not the classiest of men."
"I can tell," he said. "I have friends waiting for me. Can you let go?"
"Yeah, sorry." Chris released him. Dan fixed his lavender sweater and let out a huff as he spun around on his heels.
"Your ass looks real good in those–"
"Can you fucking not?" he yelled.
"Excuse me?"
"Yeah, excuse you. I appreciate the fact that you find me attractive, but that doesn't mean you can treat me like some walking piece of ass. It's really fucking degrading. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to enjoy a night out with my friends."

He angrily walked away as I continued to check him out from the bar. I flashed him a smile every now and then—he rolled his eyes and looked away.

"I'm gonna get him eventually," I said.
"What's your fascination with him?"
"I don't know... I just don't like being told no, I guess."

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