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The war cry of a blue haired woman erupted across the battlefield. As the woman's slender figure dodged the oncoming attack of her enemy. The silver haired man sending a barrage of upward and downward slashes towards the woman. Who flinched slightly, using her Keyblade to deflect the oncoming onslaught. While she took the opputunity to step propel the man's attack back at him. Causing the man to jump back a great distance. The man gritting his teeth all the while tightening his grip on his own keyblade. The man obviously not even breaking a sweat as he suddenly appeared behind the woman in a black blur.

The blue haired woman surprised with the burst of speed the man possessed. As the woman struggled to defend her flank, the force of the man's strike forcing the woman to release her weapon. Sending her skidding a great distance across the barren ground. But that did not stop the woman, clad in her dark blue and grey armor. She stood. Calling her keyblade which materialized in a dim blue light in her grip.

Irritating the man who charged towards the brave woman once more. An evident smirk on his lips as he prepared to strike the weakened woman. Which he did grabbing hold of the woman's dainty neck. The man slowly forced her rise, his grip tight on her windpipe. As the man slowly and tortuously began to choke the very life out of the woman. The woman gasping for air, as she struggled to claw at the man's grip. Drawing blood as she choked out "T-Terra no!" Her plea falling on uncaring ears as the man only increased his grip in answer to her cry.

"He can't hear you anymore."He mocked, applying more pressure to the woman's neck. Her vision beginning to blur due to lack of oxygen,and her head filled with a dense fog. With her vision continuing to fail her, the woman blinked away tears as the fear of these being her final moments. The woman surrendered to her fate, as she finally began to lose consciousness completely. And yet before the woman was lost to the darkness for good. Help had arrived. As another woman approached the enemy running at top speed, with the tip of her Keyblade dragging across the barren earth.

This motion allowing the woman to collect her magic and concentrate it into one big force. Gritting her teeth the woman screamed out for the fallen female, who was abruptly released by the man. While he was forced to defend himself from the massive collection of brilliant white light which semed to be shrink. Becoming as small as a marble all the while floating mere inches from the tip of the newcomers keyblade. The woman clashing with the keyblade of the enemy. Who merely laughed at her attempt, believing she had missed him.

"Wrong."The woman breathed as she willed the marble of concentrated power to stick to the chest of the man. Resembling a bomb, giving the newcomer the opputunity to aide her female friend. Slinging the blue haired woman's arm over her shoulder, before using her own speed to distance themselves from their enemy. Who released an anger filled cry as the bomb which had been planted upon him began to flash a strange stagnant grey hue before erupting. The flash of the explosion stunning the silver haired man, blinding him as well as numbing her very senses. All except pain which was evident as the burst of power sending shocks of electricity rushing through his body in waves. Forcing the man to his knees as his golden orbs darted towards the woman in anger. As she struggled to get her friend to safety.

The woman's amber orbs drawn to the silver haired man. Who cursed her name under his breathe. Before forcing himself to his feet, the man attacked onxe more. Roaring angrily towards the two women. The gold eyed woman quickly placed her comrade on the ground behind her. Erecting a snow hued barrier, which the man angrily began to back and slash at. His efforts paying off as small cracks began to form upon the barrier.

Upon seeing this the woman gritted her teeth, the realization hitting her. She could not save both of them. Not in her state of mind. For the desire to end the man had never truly resided within the woman. She cared deeply for him and her other companion. He was still her family. She simply could not do it. Turning her attention to her barely conscious friend, the woman began to form her plan.

But was stalled as her barrier shattered into thousands of shards to the man formally called Terra. As he roughly kicked the unconscious woman in the gut, earning a painful groan from her. While eying the woman who stood before him, her amber orbs trembling underneath his own.  As the man drew near. His right hand caressing the woman's cheek,shocking the woman at the gentleness which had been absent from her for so long. 

"It isn't too late,fade with me into the darkness." He muttered, his words nothing but lies and utter temptation. Words that would sway anyone. But not her. She knew his game. For these were not the words of her Terra. She knew this. No matter how much she tried, he was gone. No longer in existence only but a memory. A beautiful but sad one. One the woman had come to realize. Blinking back tears of her own the woman daringly closed the gap between them.

Now aware of the tendrils of darkness which surrounded the smirking man. Who appeared very confident in his words. Seeking to make this woman one of his true vessels. The woman quietly wrapped her arms around Terra. Her grip tight as she inhaled his cologne one last time. Her hands wrapped around her as well as time fell still. The woman held back her tears, knowing what needed to be done.

If she could not kill him, she would have to end him another way. And with that the woman abruptly plunged her keyblade into Terra's chest. His eyes wide in both shock in fear at what the woman had done. As he pushed her away from him, as he screamed in pain. While the man's very memories began to meld. Mesh into one blurry mess, before suddenly burning away into nothing. Leaving the man nothing but an empty husk.

The woman slumped to her knees, as using her unique ability had taken quite alot out of her. As she panted in pure exhaustion, her grip tight on her keyblade still. Not letting her guard down as she was not sure the fight was truly over. And she was right, as below her blue haired a portal of pure darkness formed. Beginning to pull the unconcious woman deep into its depths.

The gold eyed woman cried out for her friend, using her remaining strength to crawl over to the blue haired woman. The woman's hands gripping onto her conpanion's as she struggled to pull her from its thrall. "Aqua! Dont you dare leave me like this!" The woman cried out as Aqua remained unresponsive as the darkness continued to pool around her. Sucking her into it almost completely so that now only Aqua's head and arms were visible.

The amber eyed woman sobbed as the darkness continued to steal her dear friend. Her grip on Aqua weakening greatly as now the woman herself was face first in the realm of darkness. The world staying true to its name, as the realm so far appeared to be nothing but a bottomless pit of pure nothingness. And the woman had no intention of losing herself or Aqua within it. "Aqua! Please!" The woman choked out as the darkness rippled around the two, tugging Aqua deeper within the darkness. As the unconscious woman began to stir. Her gaze unfocused as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Realizing her surroundings, Aqua gasped. Turning her gaze upward to her struggling gold eyed friend. Who was in a teary mess while attempting to save her. "Let me go." "Are you insane? Aqua no!" "Please, the darkness has come to claim only one of us. We both don't have to fall."The women argued, Aqua's words causing the woman even more pain. As the woman knew deep down that she was right, but it still didn't sit well with her.

"Aqua-" "We haven't failed yet, you can still save Terra." Aqua stated as she now completely released her friend's hand who gasped as she struggled to hold on. "Save him for all of us." Aqua breathed as she swiftly dug her nails into her friend's hand. She yelped before accidentally releasing Aqua's hand. The woman now screaming out for Aqua as she plummeted into the depths of the darkness. Tears streaming down the woman's cheeks as Aqua flashed a saddened smile. Before fully disappearing into the pit.

The amber eyed woman pulled herself from the pool of darkness. Watching as it suddenly dissipated into nothing. And yet her tears never ceased, she cried out for her lost friend. Her heart wavering as she had lost all whom she held dear for the second time. She choked out an "I'm sorry." Into the air as the woman peered towards the fallen form of Terra. Aqua's words lingering in her head, as she slowly made her way to the slumbering man.

Kneeling down before him, taking the sleeping man in her arms once more. The woman's fingers tracing Terra's jawbone lovingly. "Forgive me....I failed us all." She muttered into the night air.

While elsewhere, those intense moments of three warriors played back and fourth in young Riku's dreams. The sobs of the woman awakening the man from a deep sleep. Gasping for air, the man ran his fingers through his disheveled white locks. Wiping away the sweat which had formed on his brow. For it felt as if he was there,and it was unreal. Steadying his breathing Riku collected himself. Wondering exactly what all that was about. And why was the dream so vivid?

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